Chapter 6

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Man, I really love it when ya'll comment, because while I have a small timeline of the 'key' events that need to happen, I'm kinda improvising the way to them so sometimes I have no idea what to write. Ya'll commenting with questions etc. not only motivates me, but it gives me things to write on. Things to fit into my more detailed timeline.

Because at first every chapter I have written 'til now, plus a couple of chapters I have yet to write, were what I had written to be THE FIRST CHAPTER. Sans and Papyrus, in the first timeline I had planned out, would have been yanked from their AU in the THIRD chapter. But now that I am actually writing the story, I'm kinda realising how much info I would've skipped if I did that, or how enormous the chapters would be. The backstory part is becoming bigger than I first thought it would be, haha.

It took a lot of convincing to get Papyrus to not throw away the 'Keep' piles, but he managed it at the end. The basement was a lot cleaner, and now he only needed to sort the boxes.

He had found a couple of tools/machine thingies in between the boxes, they were labeled too thankfully, but that didn't really tell him a lot. What the Stars is a 'M. Measure'? he managed to figure out it measures magic, but not how to use it or what it measures exactly. Does it measure a Monsters magic levels?

He figured he would need to look more through the boxes to see if the previous body owner had any notes written somewhere.

Sans felt nervous at the thought of the Famine, after all, he knew from his human memories how bad it would get, and the brief flashes of the previous Sans' memories supported them. He needed to do something!

Which is the next day he went to the Librarby of Snowdin Town, hoping to find out how food was cultivated down here in the Underground. He had been looking for a long time, but he wasn't able to find anything! Frustrated, Sans tried to draw on his human memories, but it was getting harder and harder to remember anything that didn't have anything to do with the Undertale Fandom.

He remembered that as a human child around 11 or 12 years old, his school had a thing of getting a small place and having them go there to cultivate vegetables. He didn't remember most of the things there, since they never actually explained anything, it was more 'do this!' and 'do that!' than telling them the grow period of the plants they were growing.

The only things he really remembered how to grow were lettuce, potatoes, and onions. And a weird sort of grass that they were told that spicy and sweet that grew within a week. he hadn't liked it and when he had gone home, his parents and he had thrown it away after tasting it. it had tasted weird. And he didn't even remember what it was called.

He couldn't take the frustration anymore and gave in. He was going to ask the lizard at the front desk for help.

"heya, err... does the librarby have any books on agriculture?" Sans asked the front desk Lizard politely.

Said Lizard sighed, "It's Library. And I think we should have some at the far right corner."

Sans thanked them and went to the shelves the lizard pointed out to him. Sure enough, there was a book on the agriculture of the Underground. only one? what kinda library is this where there are so few books?

He grabbed the book and sat on the floor by the bookshelf, it was clean so he didn't really care.

As he read it, he became more and more desponded. The book informed the reader that every living being, plants included duh, needed the ambient magic in the air to grow and develop.

And that was bad. For the Underground at least.

The Core was failing, was close to entirely shutting down. Being so deep underground, no magic was able to be produced to the level needed for food. In the book it even went into how a lot of Monsters died from starvation when they were all locked. It wrote about how the Core had been a savior to all of them, saving them from certain death.

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