Chapter 37

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[WORD COUNT: 1135]

It was time for the meeting of the Friendship Club.

After the Christmas party at Geno's, Blue had made sure that all members of the Friendship Club would meet up at least once every 10 years, however, he knew that he would miss the meeting this time, and probably every time after this one.

Blue sighed and looked out the glass door that led to the balcony, Red snuggled against him. Red wasn't the same Underfell Sans from the party, that one had been there was with Sci and got the nickname Edge.

"C'mon, Red. Let's Go To The Balcony. We Can Sit There."

"hmm..." Red mumbled, nodding against his side, but he didn't move to get up.

Chuckling, Blue carefully lifted Red up and walked to the balcony of his room and sat on the wooden swing he had built there at the start. Blue placed Red once more in a laying position leaning against his side and looked at the forest, the cabin barely visible through the trees.


He woke to the sound of a portal opening.

Frantically looking around, Blue saw that the sun was slowly going down, the sky bathed in beautiful purple-red hues, the clouds practically looking like they're glowing against the dark of the sky.

At last, his eyelights landed on the edge of the tree line, where he could see a portal starting to form. Immediately, Blue was on his feet, which woke Red up as well, and he shortcuts over to the portal quick.

Seeing a familiar black boned skeleton on the other side, Blue practically yelled for him not to go through the portal. Surprised, he listened, moving his foot away from the portal.

"blUE, wHy wereN't yOU At THe MeeTInG?" Error frowned, "anD whY ShOULdN'T I go THrOuGh THe pOrtal?"

Blue let out a sigh of relief when he saw his friend not stepping through. "Friend! This Seems To Be A Trap Universe! It Seems That The Machine Had Acted Up In This Universe And Thus Took Us From Our Universe."

"tHaT's... wEIRD. WHo ElSE is ThERE?"

"OH! THERE IS MY BROTHER, RED AND HIS BROTHER, A PAIR OF FELLSWAP BROTHERS, 2 HORRORTALE PAIRS AND DUST!" Blue informed him, forgetting to lower his voice and ultimately decided that it didn't matter because the was outside anyway. "DUST SEEMS TO HAVE ALL THE MEMORIES OF BEING A PART OF THE GANG."

"dusT?" Error narrowed his eyesockets and seemed to look behind the portal before looking back at Blue, "But hE iS HErE?"


"I'll chEcK," Error immediately said at the mention of 'creator' and 'Ink'. He swiped his hand down at his side and a bunch of matrix-style code rain seemed to appear. Blue took care not to look too closely, last time he had done that, he had felt sick for an hour afterwards.

Error hummed as he looked through them, and after a few moments turned back to Blue, swiping the code away.

"The UNIVERSE is INdEeD tHe WOrk of a creATOr AND nOt iNK. IT's DEfiniTely a Trap UNIVErsE, Anyone That eNters THe uNIveRSE thaT Is FRom outSiDe, seems tO bE c/p AND inteGrAteD INtO the cOdE Of tHe uNiVErSE." Error explained his findings, "It iS madE SO tHaT NO onE INtegRaTED wIth tHE CODe CaN LeAve."


"yeS, thoUgH FRom whAt I'vE SeeN, tHEy Do NOT seem To HaVE Your mEmoRieS, OthErwISE yOUr coPY wOULd'vE CoMe tO tHE MeeTInG." Error told him.

Blue agreed and they ended up just catching up with each other. Blue started to walk back to the mansion and Error turned the portal into a Window, following Blue with it.

Arriving at the mansion, Blue opened the door and entered the living room, Error's window following behind him. Stopping in his tracks, Blue blinked when he saw all the others in the living room turning to look at him. Even the cabin skeletons were present.

Upon seeing him, Red lunged for him, hugging him tightly and refusing to let go. "i was worried! you disappeared so quickly and i didn't manage to see where you shortcut to! don't do that again!"

Blue rubbed Red's back soothingly, trying to calm him down, when he suddenly realized that everyone was staring behind him. His eyelights shrunk. They were staring at window where Error was awkwardly staring back at them. Horror seemed to know who he was, something that Blue found weird but decided to ignore. Dust probably told him what Error looked like.

They kept awkwardly staring at each other, unsure of what to say, when suddenly a voice was heard from behind Error.

"I feel a great amount of negativity." Nightmare appeared behind Error, leaning close but not exactly touching him. "What are you watching?"


"Oh, I see. You are talking with Blue. I'll go then." Nightmare said, turning to walk away but saying one more thing, "Keep up with that therapy, I can feel that all of your negativity seems to be decreasing."

Disappearing out of sight, Error shot a look at Blue and promptly closed the window with a 'talk to you later'.

Pointily looking at Blue to explain, Blue nervously laughed and told them that that was a friend from before and that he had gotten concerned when he hadn't gone to a meet-up they had every decade. He didn't mention anything about Error's job or how they met, but he did tell them Error's findings about the Universe they were in. he didn't mention Nightmare at all.

"that... explains a lot of things." Sans and Dust said at the same time, causing Sans to shoot a complicated look at Dust.

Dust ignored it and just looked at Blue. Mars had trapped him and Horror in a tight hug, so they weren't able to escape it. Horror had struggled, being used to both Mars and Dust doing this, but Dust had at the start. He gave up after a bit, not wanting to hurt Mars by getting out of his grip, and had let himself relax.

Horror looked on as everyone slowly disappeared back to their rooms, ready to go to sleep and turned to look at Mars and Dust.

"you know, i don't think we've really gone on a date yet, since i doubt the shopping trip counts."

"oh." Dust's eyesockets widen, "you're right."

Mars looked away, he hadn't finished the swing yet, or set up everything at the Heart Tree...

"we could go tomorrow for lunch to the city?" Dust suggested.

"sure!" Horror grinned.

Mars nodded and shortcut all of them to their room. It was late, they should get some sleep.

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