Chapter 5

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I think I'm a lot more chatty, if only barely so, on AO3 than here. But I like the 'comment only on a single paragraph' Wattpad has.


Magic for Monsters was centered around the traits.

Hope magic, the most common type of magic, was white colored magic that could become anything. Only Monsters could use Hope Magic.

Kindness magic, the second most common magic type, was green colored magic that primarily healed. Some Monsters, like Undick, had managed to create shields with them too. Most Monster food was infused with Kindness magic, making most – if not all – Monster food healing items.

Sans skipped the explanation on Perseverance Magic.

Patience magic was similar to Bravery magic, being opposites in their use. For Patience magic, you had to not move, and that way you wouldn't get hit. With Bravery magic however, you had to move and not stop moving. Patience magic appeared more often in Snowdin, while Bravery magic was more used by Hotland Monsters,

Integrity magic was essentially gravity manipulation, whether your surroundings or someone's SOUL. note: telekinesis :)

In the book it was written that not a lot of people were able to use it, though it was unknown as to why. No users of this magic had been found yet when the book had been written. well, Sans could use it, so the book must be fairly old. or Sans just never told anyone. he doubted that though, since telekinesis seemed like something he wouldn't have passed up in order to be lazy.

Not much was known about Justice magic, some Monsters were said to be able to use it to shoot magic in the form of bullets, like the mettaton fight in the game?, but the most notable person able to use it was said to be the Royal Judge, an unknown Monster that was chosen due to their natural grasp of Justice magic.

The only thing written about the role of a Judge was that 'misbehaved' Monsters were brought to the Judgement Hall and were Judged. It was unknown what happened to the bad Monsters, but it was said that no one ever saw them again, making most think that they were dusted. they were wrong, he thought, those Monsters were thrown in a cell. though maybe they indeed had been getting dusted, but Sans knew that he had 0 LV and 0 EXP, so either he didn't do it himself, or it was done before he had become the Judge.

Determination was said to allow Monsters to do things they normally wouldn't be able to do. or things they normally wouldn't even want to do. Nothing else was written on the subject.

Sans tugged on his empty eyesocket, and held his right hand out to one of the books. He took a deep breath and tried to will his magic to 'cradle' the book. The book glowed faintly blue, flickers of red within the blue but separate enough not to become purple, and as he lifts his arm, the book followed. He grinned but panted within a few seconds.

It didn't matter, he had managed to use telekinesis! He just needed to practice more and build up stamina. he would need it if he was going to learn hunting.

Looking around the messy basement, Sans let out a laugh. This was the perfect place to practice! He could practice his magic by cleaning this dump.

Sans fitted the phalanges of both his hands together and stretched. This was going to be a work out, but he needed to clean everything up to be able to organize it all.

It was a few hours later that he let himself slump on top of the table of the basement. He hadn't managed to actually clean anything yet, but he had sorted the trash into three piles. 'Throw Away', 'Reusable' and 'Has Magic'.

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