Chapter 30

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A week had gone by since they freed the skeletons and killed the human.

They had all started to heal from the damage she had done, though it would take a lot more time for them to truly get over it, if they ever managed to.

Things were starting to go back to normal, which made Horror think that it was about time to go shopping for things. His brother and he still didn't have any personal items bar the things they had in their INV when they were transported and since the human was gone, there weren't any other obstacles to stop them.

"hey bro?" Horror asked, popping up behind Sugar.

"AArghHH!" Sugar shrieked, his voice jumping octaves.

"ah." Horror looked sheepish, "sorry for scaring you."

"NO, It's..." Sugar took a deep breath to calm down, "IT's okAY, BRotheR. WHat DId You waNT TO asK me?"

"now that things have calmed down, wanna go shop for clothes and things?"

"Oh." Sugar said, looking a bit uncomfortable, before rushing out his next words, "JupitER And I alrEAdy wENt this wEEK..."

Horror blinks a few times and takes a step back mentally. He looks Sugar up and down and suddenly realizes that yes, Sugar is, in fact, wearing entirely new clothes that he had never seen him wear before. And thinking back to the past week, Horror remembers Jupiter and his brother going somewhere a few days ago, but he had thought they were just going to the grocery store and didn't question it...

"YOu CouLD Go with Dust ANd maRS? MAybe ASk Blue toO?" Sugar suggested, seeing how shocked his brother was.

"y-yeah... i... i should do that..." Horror nodded robotically and Skipped to where he knew Mars was in the basement.

They had turned the basement into a place to skin and butcher the animals caught in their traps and since they had caught two rabbits today, Mars was down there getting them ready for Sugar and Jupiter to cook.

Mars was startled at the sudden appearance of Horror, but he took it pretty well, immediately going to hug him. Mars was covered in blood from butchering, but Horror didn't care and clung to him, even though blood started to stain his own clothes.

"wrong...?" Mars asked with a frown, seeing that his Anchor seemed to be upset.

Horror shook his head, he felt like a bad brother that he hadn't realized that his brother had already gone shopping. He should've realized it! It wasn't important. Horror asks Mars about going shopping with him.

"oh... okay." Mars agreed, choosing to let go of it.

"now we need to find dust and maybe ask blue to come too..." Horror thought out loud to himself.

"what about me?" Dust asked, appearing out of nowhere in front of them.

"kya!" Horror shrieked in surprise. karma for doing the same to his brother, he guessed. Catching his breath, he tries to glare at Dust but couldn't because he had started laughing, a reaction he always had when something scared him. "were you waiting to drop in?"

Dust smirked and didn't answer, repeating his question again.

"wanna go shopping? i still need clothes etc." Horror replied.

"did you really just say etc out loud?" Dust laughed.

Horror deadpanned at him. "are you coming or not?"

"i'm coming, i'm coming," Dust grinned, holding his hands up.

"good. now i need to find blue and ask him too." Horror huffed and disappeared from the basement to the front of the mansion.

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