Chapter 11

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The reason Horror didn't grow is because he was protected from the wave by his magic, so Sugar took in the magic going for his brother, which is why he is so tall.

Horror is like 5 feet tall (154 cm, aka my height)
Sugar is taller than Jupiter (Sugar is 7 feet, aka 213 cm)
Jupiter is 6'8, aka 207 cm
and Mars is 6'2 aka 189 cm
(looked it up with google how much it would be from cm xD)


"oh shit"

was the only thing Sans was able to say. He raised his hand up to put his hood back in its place, noticing that only the human had seen the crater, and tried to shift out of his brother's grip.

Sans heard the Classic in front of him sigh. "i'm sorry for dragging you from your universe, if you haven't already noticed, you aren't exactly at your old place anymore."

Sans deadpanned, "no really? and here i thought i had managed to clone myself and my brother."

They let out a quick laugh, and Sans managed to convince Papyrus to let him go. Papyrus let him out of his arms, but kept close to him as they stood up. Their copies and the human looked intimidated when they realized Papyrus height, but didn't comment beyond a careless "wow your tall."

The edgy one laughed at him when he realized what he was wearing. "ha! you look like a girl, dressed like that!"

Sans looked down at his apparel, and frowned at him. "how would you know if i wasn't a girl?"

That made him stop laughing and stare at him. "wait, you're a girl?"

"no, I'm not, but you shouldn't assume." Sans rolled his eyelight.

He let out a sigh, and then the Swap Papyrus started to talk about how many versions of themselves had been brought to this universe, and therefore all of them had chosen a nickname as to not get confused with the others.

"SANS, YOU CHOOSE OUR NAMES." Papyrus told him.

"ok, bro." Sans agreed, "i'll have to think on them."

Sans already knew which names he wanted, but he pretended to have to think about it. "can we go to the living room or something?"

Classic sheepishly nodded and waved for them to follow him as he started to walk towards the living room.

As they were walking, the girl suddenly started to complain. "Ugh! Why did the Machine have to bring more freaks! I had hoped that there would be only them, but it seems like there are more."

"what are you talking about, sweetheart?" the edgy one asked.

"Can't you see?! They are obviously from a Horrortale universe!" she shrieked at them. She stormed up to them and grabbed his hood, dragging it down and exposing the hole in his skull.

The Swapfell Papyrus immediately seemed to fiddle with his phone.

Sans didn't move for a second out of shock, but he shook himself out of it quickly enough and grabbed the arm she used to touch him. He jerked it down, which forced her face to face with him.

"do. not. touch me." he said softly, a sharp smile on his face as his eyelight's glow brightened up. He's been tense from the moment they had appeared from the Machine, and this... rude human was setting off everyone of his 'hate' instincts. It had been hate at first sight, and from his brothers behavior, it was the same for him. He had been hovering over him constantly as they walked, and when the human grabbed his hood, had been ready to snap her like a twig. The only reason he hadn't, was because he could see that Sans had it handled.

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