Chapter 24

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WORD COUNT: 1972 (this is always without the first part saying the warning + word count and the A/N at the end.)

Graphic Torture and Death...

Upon waking up, Horror quietly sneaked out of bed and went down to the cells under the cabin. He watched the human for a few moments, seeing her awake and trying to escape. The cells were made in such a way that there wouldn't seem to be a door, only those with gravity magic could open it.

He walked out from behind the corner and stepped in front of Marcy's cell. The human took a second to realize who was in front of her, but when she did, she let out a squeak and fell on her behind.

"so," Horror grinned at her, "how ya doin'?"

"What do you mean, how am I doing?! I'm in a cell, how do you think I'm doing?" she sneered.

Horror tutted at her, "now now, don't be like that, you're gonna get what you deserve."

"They are MINE!" she yelled at him, slamming herself against the bars of the cell, "They will come to their senses and realize that! They're my SOULmates!"

He rolled his eyelight at her, "bitch, a SOULmate is the monster equivalent of husband and wife, only genderneutral and more fitting in the culture."

"W-what?" Marcy stammered, seeming shocked, but shook herself out of it, "NO! You will see! They LOVE me!"

"oh they LOVE you alright. LV the heck out of you."

She let out a frustrated scream, muffled by her own hands, before suddenly looking up at him, still not looking him in the eyelight, "Let me out. NOW!"

"how about... no." his grin sharpened, "they will never love you. they hate you. you tortured them."

"They enjoyed it!" she tried to defend herself.

"yeah because everyone loves having their someone pull them apart and then together again. having to watch as their brother is violated right in front of them without being able to help in any way."

The human tried to grab his neck, but Horror grabbed her hands and pulled them down, forcing her to look directly into his eyelight which started to glow a pinkish red, a fire-like wisp coming off of it.

"c a n  y o u  f e e l   y o u r  s i n s  c r a w l i n g  o n  y o u r  b a c k ?" he asked her darkly.

"How- how do you-" shocked, she tried to break out of his grasp.

"what?" Horror smirked, "thought you were the only one that knew about Undertale?"

"You- you, but- NO! I'M THE PROTAGONIST!" she yelled at him, struggling.

"more like antagonist. and not even that good of one, look how easy it was to defeat you..." Horror taunted her.

"YOU CAN'T! I made sure of it! You'd need a Creator's essence! THERE ARE NO CREATORS IN THE STORY!" she hysterically yelled, grinning at him insanely.

"are you sure about that?"

"YES! The only one's arriving in this world are Sugar and you, and you're a Sans and Papyrus! You CAN'T be a Creator!"

"guess again, bitch." Horror grinned, already feeling tons better. He turns around to walk back up the stairs but noticed Dust watching his conversation with the human with amusement.

"dust?" Horror's eyelight shrunk in surprise.

"you promised to tell us everything, right?" Dust asked him.

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