Chapter 8

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Listening to crime cases on youtube while writing the chapter~
Here have a second chapter today, sorry that it's a bit shorter...

Since it had been evening when he fell unconscious, Papyrus hadn't noticed anything wrong, and Sans woke up in the morning.

Sans slowly sat up, clutching his head in pain. He felt terrible, energized but exhausted at the same time. He didn't want to worry his brother, so he quietly walked to the kitchen and to try and grab a glass of water. He missed the glass, seeing double and accidentally knocking the glass to the floor.

He tried to catch it with his magic, but an abrupt pain went through his arm and his magic faltered. Thankfully the glass was caught a bit before it hit the floor, so when his magic faltered and it fell to the floor, the glass didn't break since it was so close to the floor. Sans sighed and just splashed water on his skull. His fingerless gloves helped with that, since they acted as a palm.

Deciding that this was concerning, Sans gathered his strength to shortcut to the Inn, hoping that Dr. Peony would be able to see what was wrong.

Appearing in front of the Inn, he collapsed to ground from the pain sparking in his bones. A few minutes later, Sans managed to stand up to walk into the Inn. No one was around yet, since it was fairly early in the morning.

Dr. Peony glared at him why is she glaring. She roughly grabbed his right humerus and practically threw him on top of the examination table in the backroom. Sans was confused at her behavior.

"What do you want." She barked out at him.

"err, im feeling pain all over my body, im seeing double, i feel energized but exhausted at the same time, and everytime i use magic it hurts."

"Did you do something?"

"yesterday i dispersed the magic i had been using to surround myself with. i had forgotten i had done it, and kept layering more magic on top of each other." He explained.

She let out a tch, and pulled his SOUL out roughly. Sans let out a gasp, immediately trying to get away. iT hUrT.

"Oh, don't be a baby," she growled at him, she didn't even Check his SOUL before she informed him, "you are fine. You owe 3 meals, one for my kid, myself, and my sister."

Sans quickly returned his SOUL to its proper place, and he hopped down from the table. He grabbed ahold of the table for a few moments, feeling nauseous.

"why do i feel this horrible then?" he asked her, ready to leave.

"No idea, dispersing your magic just returned your magic to you. Maybe don't use your magic for a while. Now leave." She told him harshly.

Sans shortcut to his room, ignoring her. Why had she been so... mean? He hadn't done anything! And as he laid down on his bed, his head cleared up a bit, which made him remember her appearance. Dr. Peony had looked... weird. Her fur had been standing up, her eyes looked bloodshot, and drool seemed to be falling from her snout.

She had looked like he had imagined a Horrortale Monster to look like.

Spooked, Sans decided to people watch, or Monster watch. But first he needed to see if he could find out what caused the immense pain he could still feel, though it had subsided a bit. He went down to the basement, deciding to walk instead of using a shortcut.

Looking through his books, he found one on magic, and sat down to read it in hopes of maybe finding out what had happened. The book just said the same thing Dr. Peony had told him, though far better, without all the growling.

Going outside, and looking at everyone else, he noticed that everyone looked more feral. Bigger, meaner, and hungrier.

Sans went to Grillby's to ask about what happened, but overheard a conservation between two Monsters. They were talking about how a wave of energy had been released from the Core, and that Undyne call her Undick had released a statement that that the Core had officially broken down. The Core had failed while he had been in the Quiche Room.

He was shocked at how much he had missed while he had been planting Echo Flowers and Bridge Seeds. He quickly appeared back in the basement, giving himself a few seconds of rest since the pain spiked again, and grabbed the M. Measure. something he started to call Air M. Measure, since it fit a bit more.

He quickly pointed it in the air outside, and was shocked at the number showing. 1. Just not enough magic to survive without consuming food.

Sans went to the Quiche Room and sighed in relief to see that they were still alive. However, Sans realized that after this one batch, no more would be growing. Sans had read that Bridge Seeds and Echo Flowers could be combined into a cream that was good for healing, so he decided with a heavy SOUL that he would use them for healing items, and only eat them if it was a last resort.

Sans theorized that the Core fully breaking down must have been the reason Monsters changed, but he decided to observe for a week to see.

As the days passed, Sans noticed the change even in his own brother, he became taller, and his sockets seemed to have shrunk. Sans was the only one that that didn't seem to have changed.

For a moment, Sans realized that the reason he hadn't changed was because the magic wave had happened while he had still been covered in his magic.

Sans tried to find out why they had all changed, having located the how, and then noticed while observing Monsters that every Monster was now able to eat solid physical food. He himself, as a skeleton, was already able to do that, and Papyrus was able too.

Over the next weeks, Monsters were twitchier, meaner, but Papyrus' behavior didn't change any. He still wanted to help everybody, and even convinced Sans to give up some food to spread to everyone. Sans had given Dr. Peony and her family the meals they had asked for, and continuously went there daily to give them food, following his first deal with the doctor.

And that was when a human was seen in Snowdin Town.

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