Chapter 32

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The next day, Horror was going through the clothes they had bought yesterday and he realized that there were more than he had expected. He organized the clothes to get them ready to go into the washing machine always wash the clothes after you buy them! lots of people tried them on, just like you did!

He had asked his brother about how to organize them for it, but he was pretty sure he was doing something wrong... at least he knew to separate the blacks from the other colors?

Because he didn't really understand what his brother had told him, he just kinda... threw the clothes in reasonable sized piles for Sugar to go through later. This meant that he was 'done' quick. he had looked through google to know how to wash the babydoll, he didn't want his brother to see that!

With the help of his brother, the first laundry pile, correctly sorted, was loaded into the washing machine.

Sighing, Horror plopped himself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. He. Was. Bored. AF.

Everyone had gone to their work, apparently they had been on mandatory vacation the month he had been here, so now that it was over, everyone had to go back.

Sugar had gone with Jupiter to his work, looking to see if he could work there too. Jupiter worked as a chef at a restaurant in the city and he had said that they had been looking for another one to have more hands, which is why Jupiter convinced Sugar to go to and leave a resume.

Horror hid his face with his arm, letting out another sigh. Shooting up from his laying position, Horror grinned as he thought of something. If everyone has work, why shouldn't he?

Immediately he reached for his phone and started to look at job openings. Several hours later, Horror had moved to the living room and was staring at his phone with a dead look on his face.

This was the sight Mars came upon when he got home from work.

"horror...?" Mars asked, "is okay...?"

Horror looked up at him and Mars winced at his expression. He shrugged off his hoodie and sat next to his Anchor. Horror immediately hid his skull in Mars' side. Mars awkwardly tried to comfort him, but... patting his back didn't seem to work... Mars shifted Horror and pulled him up on his lap facing him and then hugged him properly.

"what's... wrong?"

"i'm useless..." Horror mumbled into Mars's shirt.

"no." Mars shook his skull and tightened his grip on him.


"no." Mars frowned. "why... think that?"

"i can't do anything!" Horror exploded, leaning back to face Mars with a few translucent fuchsia tears escaping his eyesockets.

"no... can... many." Mars tried to say, feeling frustration bubble up when several words he tried to say got lost when speaking. He knew exactly what he wanted to say, but when the words left his mouth, many words, if not most, would get lost. It frustrated him, but he had learned how to speak with as few words as possible, trying to get his meaning across with the few words that came out correctly.

"everyone is going to be away for work, so i looked at job ads," Horror started to rant, "and i can't do anything! i don't have the memories and experiences of being a scientist, i became a sans before i finished high school and never had a job before! i don't have any of those things they ask for in the ads, because they all ask for school things and i don't have those!"

Mars tried to calm Horror down, trying to say that he doesn't need to work, they are all rich because G is worth a lot, but Horror didn't calm down with that knowledge. He seemed to feel even worse, saying that he was a leech and should be capable of doing something, he doesn't even know what everyone does for work except for Jupiter.

Taking a deep breath, Mars slowly managed to calm him down with a lot more hugs.

"hobby?" Mars asked, meaning if he liked something so he could do that. He wasn't about to tell Horror to do the same job as he, Mars could see that he wouldn't enjoy it and it might send him back to the same mindset of 'survive' Horror would've had in his AU.

"i didn't have any hobbies in my au, there wasn't any time for them," Horror told Mars in confusion.

"meant... before."

"i liked writing stories and drawing?" Horror said, wording it like a question.

"can buy... things for... that." Mars pet Horror's skull.

"that doesn't help with getting a job," he pouted.

"write... book..." Mars told him, unsure what jobs one could get with drawing. He wasn't really into the creative things, so he didn't know a lot about jobs people could do with them.

Horror got to thinking, "if i got good at art, i could do commissions... and maybe i could write articles or reviews for books?"

"hmm..." Mars was glad to see his Anchor slowly returning to happy.

"i could translate books online from any language to another!" Horror suddenly grinned. As a Monster, he was capable of understanding all languages, as a skeleton subtype, he was able to understand fonts as well, which was something only 'undead' type Monsters could, meaning skeletons and ghosts.

Horror's grin turned to a smile as he leaned up to kiss Mars softly. Surprised, Mars' placed his hands on Horror's hipbones and kissed back slowly before opening his mouth slightly and poking Horror's teeth with his tongue. Horror opened his mouth and Mars dominated the kiss, pressing him against his body.

After a few seconds, they parted. A string of red saliva broke between them and Horror started to blush. Quickly he Skipped to their room and hid his skull into a pillow.

Mars blinked a couple of times before a soft smile graced his face.

He would need to buy his little alternate a good desktop computer and what he thought was named a drawing tablet. That way, he would be busy and would have something to distract him while everyone was at work.


Mars totally brings Froggit with him to work, even though with what his job is, he probably shouldn't

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