Chapter 26

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Everyone went their own way.

Edge decided to walk back to the mansion, wanting to take the time to think through everything that had happened thus far. Edge felt... disappointed with himself. What kind of Captain was he, that he wasn't able to shake off a spell cast by an, clearly, amateur?

He was the youngest Captain of the Royal Guard, gaining the title at the age of 70, a mere 5 years after leaving stripes behind. The only real contender for the role had been Undyne back then, but she had been unable to pass the mandatory Healing test the Royal Guard had. It only proved that he was better than her, the Terrible Papyrus was the best after all!

At first, he had to deal with battles from numerous Monsters, all wanting to prove that the 'barely out of stripes kid' was no one to listen to. Edge proved them all wrong, defending both himself and his lazy brother. He knew that his brother was the Judge and therefore was able to take care of himself, but the King had been hunting for the Monster with the Judge ability. In the King's decaying mind, if he killed the Judge, then he would be safe and no one would be able to oppose him.

This meant that if Sa- Red, if Red fought, everyone would know that he was the Judge and tattle to the King. Red couldn't just turn his KR off after all, and the only moments that Red had ever fought were when all witnesses were... silenced. This didn't happen a lot, so no one had ever found out. Thankfully. edge didn't know what he would do if he didn't have his brother.

He shook himself out of his thoughts and swiftly walked the rest of the way to the mansion. Edge quickly entered the mansion and went to the kitchen to start dinner for everyone, knowing that they would all be 'busy' with things and would forget.


Stretch sighed.

It was hard for him to remember anything that had happened during his time under mind-control, but he was getting flashes of what the human had done to him and the others.

He could see that his brother had grown up, maybe he had already been mature and Stretch just refused to see it. Stretch admitted to himself that that was far more probable. He wasn't sure where the insisted need to keep Blue pure came from, the Reset's had stopped after all!

The kid had been doing a Pacifist run and soon they would have been on the surface with everyone. Then they were sucked into this world and Stretch felt devastated at first, feeling like everything he had done up until that moment was for nothing. What surprised him the most however, was that Blue didn't seem too sad about leaving everyone behind. He even seemed to know that Red fellow.

Stretch had been slowly coming to terms that his brother was an adult, always had been, and that he needed to back off with his overprotective behavior. And then the human had come.

He was thrown out of his thoughts when Edge yelled for everyone to come down to eat dinner.

Appearing at the dining table, he sat down next to Edge and started to eat the lasagne that Edge had made. Edge had improved a lot in his cooking, leaving out the glass shards he used to put in it, and cooking it properly. As skeletons, it wasn't a problem for them to eat it, though the taste wouldn't be that good, but humans could apparently die from the glass.

Dinner was silent, everyone was lost in their own thoughts and when someone finished, they would put their plate in the sink and leave to go upstairs.

Stretch was one of the last to finish eating, having been too distracted by staring into the distance, and when he was done, he decided to hang around Edge for a bit. he didn't want to be alone

Stretch made various puns as he watched Edge start to clean the kitchen and Edge steadily grew redder and redder from trying not to strangle him. At the end, Edge grabbed a sponge and threw it in his face before he could dodge.

"If You Can Stand Around And Make Those Awful Jokes, Then You Can Clean The Dishes!" Edge snarled at him before returning to cleaning the stove.

Staring down at the sponge in his hands, Stretch shrugged. It would be faster if he helped, though he didn't really want to do anything... Stretch glanced at Edge for a moment only to see him glared at him. Yup, time to clean.

Stretch started to wash the plates first with water, getting everything stuck on them off and then soaped them all up. He proceeded to wash the soap off and set them next to the sink where they had a thing for the plates to hang and dry.

He remembered having a discussion cough argument cough about getting a dishwasher, but Edge, Razz, Papyrus and Blue told them 'no'. There wasn't anything wrong with washing them all by the hand.

Stretch sighed and continued with his cleaning task.


Sorry for the short chapter!

I have a hard time writing Stretch, I didn't really know what to write for him.

ALSO! This chapter and, I think, the next 2 will be taking place sort of at the same time. Like, this took place while Red Roses had their talk, and generally they will take place the same day... I hope that made sense xD

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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