Chapter 17

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Once it was morning, it was Dust's turn to gather the materials he had said he would get. The aged paper and the and the flower.

Dust placed a pot with some soil and a garden shovel in his INV and shortcutting to the clearing.

He could faintly see the moon still in the sky when he arrived at the clearing. The clearing was very beautiful, with several types of flowers growing everywhere. Only a small part in the middle of the clearing was void of flowers, and there were a couple of tree stumps and some fallen tree trunks, perfect to use as a seat.

Before Horror and Sugar had arrived, Dust and the others of the cabin had found this place and set a campfire in the middle, carefully making it so that it would be extremely hard to catch anything they didn't mean to on fire.

Dust had only been able to feel a strange numbness and pain because of his high LV back then, and it was only when Horror arrived that his presence slowly lifted a sort of weight off of his shoulders. He had been good friends with Mars, and that had helped a ton, but his LV had still been boiling in his mana veins, and his brother had never seemed to stop whispering to him about how easy it would have been to kill every single one of them and then go on to kill everything he encountered in his path.

All of that seemed to go quiet in the presence of Horror, and it was like the more time he spent with him, the times he wasn't spending around him were quieter, less...problematic.

At first, Dust had just gone with the flow, interested in how his friend behaved in Horror's presence, and when he saw the positive effect on him, he was ready to help Mars in any way he could to keep close him close to Horror. And then he noticed the same effect on himself, he was even more prepared to protect him. Dust had realized that they were babying the small Sans, but picking him up was so fun... he made an attempt to not do so in public though. Some things were better left at home since Dust was sure that it would be extremely humiliating to be picked up like a child in public.

Papyrus had calmed down a lot every since Horror had arrived, which helped Dust a lot, and since he noticed that Horror would sometimes glance at Papyrus, he was now sure that it wasn't all just in his messed-up mind. That Papyrus was really there, perhaps warped because of Dust's LV, but still there.

Dust sat down on one of the tree stumps and stared at the sky for a few moments. He let out a sigh and started to look around for the flower he had in mind to bring back. It was the Night-Blooming Cereus, or Queen of the Night, something he had looked up when he had first seen it. he had snatched the phone of one of the mansion skeletons (he thought it might've been Red's) and kept it hidden from the others. he still hadn't told the others in the cabin that he had it, but he had practically made it his own by now and the skeleton he stole it from had gotten a new one. Having a phone had helped distract him when his LV went out of control and his brother's whispering grew louder, though he needed the distraction less and less every day, with his brother remaining well behaved and occasionally even seeming to return to his normal self.

Dust turned his thoughts back to the flowers he was trying to find, the Queen of the Night. The flowers weren't meant for the weather here, being native to a tropical climate and usually a houseplant if not in that climate, but when he had found them, they had been close to dying from the cold and seeing the beautiful flowers so close to wilting had made him... sad.

He had started to come as many times as he could to the clearing, feeding the flowers his excess magic. It seemed to rejuvenate the flowers, making them shine in the moonlight and grow bigger, making them even more beautiful. It also helped him release some of his magic since he seemed to produce more than he used, making him feel agitated constantly. After some time, he had started to give his magic to other flowers too, making all of them stronger.

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