Chapter 10

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Loooook, I managed another chapter today! It was a bit easier to write once I stopped watching Youtube videos while writing xD Guess this is an Apology Gift for not posting yesterday... I might draw what Sans looks like at some point...

WORD COUNT: 1515 (gonna start putting this too =)

Bones shot up from the floor, spearing through every single Dog at the table. No one was dusted yet, but none of them moved, afraid of dusting themselves.

"how dare you trick my brother into eating human."

"W-what?" Papyrus blanched, spitting out the piece of food in his mouth and looking down at the bowl in his hands. Noticing the eyeball, Papyrus looked ready to throw up, but he seemed to realize he couldn't afford to, with the food shortage and everything.

"whose idea was this?" Sans demanded, his eyelight glowing a bright red.

Wanting to save their own skin, hoping that if the fessed up they would be spared, they all pointed at Doggo. Only Doggo pointed at Dogaressa, who growled at him, snarling that he had been to plan and carry it out.

Sans' perpetual grin became sharper, and he took out a cleaver from his INV. Stalking towards Doggo, he raised the weapon and brought it down with a sharp thwack!

[ Your LV has increased ]

Fearful, a figure was walking through the forest, trying to hide. Hearing a branch break from behind them, they started to run as quickly as they could, leg bleeding from a bear trap they had stepped on earlier. They had managed to get themselves free just as they saw a bright red light.

Running away, they weren't able to get very far before they tripped from a tripwire set between two trees. Falling down to the ground, they let out a scream as the creature that had been chasing them caught up to them. Now the creature was in the light, the human could see that it was a short skeleton, its skull broken and with a brightly glowing red light in its right eye socket. The skeleton raised its weapon above its head and with an insane looking grin brought it down at the human.

The scream was cut short, and the skeleton grabbed the corpse by the hair, dragging them towards a house barely visible in distance.

"papyrus! i managed to catch a human!" the skeleton enthusiastically yelled, shaking the body grasped in its hands.


The short skeleton nodded, their grin bright, and it disappeared to the basement.

Once at the basement, the skeleton started to dismember the corpse, pulling body parts apart from each other and setting them into different places of the giant freezer.

Sans used to hate the thought of eating humans, not wanting to cannibalize a species he still occasionally thought himself as, but Papyrus had changed his mindset. He had been terrified for him, since any food non-human was becoming rarer and rarer, and Sans still refused to eat human. At the end, Papyrus managed to get through to him, he was a Monster and so long as they didn't eat any fellow Monster, they wouldn't be able to be considered cannibals. Some other Monsters had fallen to that, killing others and eating the magic-filled dust that would spill.

Of course, when that conversation didn't work, Papyrus went with plan B, which was 'hold him down and shove food in his mouth'.

Sans changed after that, he refused to let Papyrus go hungry, so he regularly went out to look for humans. His LV had increased to 12 by then, and he had become disturbingly cheerful. Papyrus described it as 'morbidly adorable'. This used to be his personality as a human, and he had reverted back to that. There remained some traces of his old self, but changing from human to skeleton and then gaining LV... it changed his personality. eating 'his kill' gave him more exp

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