Chapter 18

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Blue woke up early in order to go back to his room.

He had been so happy when Horror said that he would help free the others and when he saw that the other skeletons from the cabin agreed to help too, he had felt so... relieved.

When his brother and he first appeared from the machine, everything had been... wonderful. Blue had felt guilty at first for what he saw as abandoning his friends from his universe, but he had still been happy since his loved one was one of the skeletons that had appeared too.

His brother didn't remember a lot of things because of the Resets, but Blue did. Being kidnapped by Error, befriending him, Error returning him to his universe when he started to glitch...

His brother had been so happy when he returned, he had become overprotective and didn't allow him to see Error again, not even wanting him to spend time with his new friends from the other universes. He, of course, didn't let his brother stop him from meeting with his friends, and slowly he had even grown... closer to one of them.

Then, his world Reset.

Stretch didn't remember him being kidnapped. Didn't remember the other universes and the machine was once more broken, making it impossible for Blue to see his friends and loved one again. Blue had been very depressed that day, not leaving his room for several hours and worrying his brother, who had no idea what could've caused his brother to become this sad.

Ever since that Reset, it seemed like Stretch had lost the ability to remember the Resets.

Blue had picked up the slack and had taken over as the Judge. His brother never knew, thinking that the Reset's had stopped, and Blue decided to let him continue thinking that. He was glad to be able to take the burden of remembering the Reset's from his little brother, after all, the only reason he had gotten that ability was because Blue had lost it after the accident at the Core.

Stretch and Blue had both been helping the Royal Scientist before Undyne, and when the accident happened, Blue had used his magic to try and save their boss and their father from falling into the Core. He had managed to save their father, but Blue had still been young and he wasn't able to catch their boss. Stretch hadn't managed to get a grasp on using Integrity magic, and he still wasn't that proficient with it, so he had only been able to watch it happen. Blue had exhausted his magic when he saved their father, and combined with his low HP, he collapsed. His SOUL had a small crack on it, and Stretch had healed it the best he could since there wasn't any time to get a Healer.

Their father left the science field behind, his mind seeming to have fractured slightly after essentially looking into the Void, and started to handle a boat transporting Monsters around the Underground. It used to be a hobby of River, their boss, that he used to do in his free time. He had described it as relaxing and freeing, so Gaster took that up and never left his post. Blue would occasionally visit him, but Stretch never did, feeling guilty for being unable to help.

When Blue had woken up, his personality which had already been quite excitable and positive seemed to be turned up to the max, he felt like a piece of him was missing. That piece, he later found out, had been the small SOUL piece that had splintered off of him and latched onto his brother. When the Reset that made Stretch lose the ability to remember them happened, Blue noticed that his SOUL was whole once more. The weird feeling that something was missing had left.

Upon seeing that the 'game' had changed, the Player controlling the humans immediately set out to find everything that had changed, playing through all Neutral Routes they could before going through one True Pacifist one and then only doing Genocide ones. Surprisingly, or not, Blue had been amazing as a Judge, the role was practically engraved into all Sans' SOULs. For some reason, Sans' were always able to handle Genocide Routes better, even the Sans' of swapped universes.

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