Chapter 27

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Sans shortcut himself and Razz to their room.

Razz quickly hugged him against his chest as they sat on their bed, holding him tightly as Sans trembled in his arms. They were lucky that most of the horrible things the human had done were in her own room and their room remained untainted by that... horrible excuse for a human being.

When Marcy had first appeared, everyone had been of the opinion that she was creepy. She would stalk them, try to get close to them and at some point would act like she already knew them all. Like they knew her. Her behavior started to slowly worsen and at some point she would even talk like they were in a relationship with her. She was clearly delusional, so they let her be one strike

One day, Sans was dropping Razz off at his work and they kissed each other bye because they love each other and she saw it. After that, she tried everything she could do to break them up, but because they knew what she was trying to do, they didn't pay any attention to her two strikes.

She grew steadily more desperate in her attempts to break them up, saying that Razz was 'forcing' Sans to be in a relationship with him and that he was 'clearly' abusive and not good for him. When that didn't work, she switched gears, talking about how 'disgusting' and 'narcissistic' it was to be in a relationship with an alternate version of yourself. At that point, everyone was panicking about how she figured it out.

They hadn't gone with the 'cousin' excuse that they first thought of and just said that skeletons came in 2 types but that they barely had any contact with the other skeletons. And because skeletons seemed to have almost gone extinct during the war with the humans, no Monsters said anything about how suspicious it was and just went with the flow.

While a lot of people, both Monsters and humans, had commented on how similar they look, after Blue had jokingly said that that was 'racist' of them a lot of them hadn't taken it as a joke and stopped saying that they looked similar.

Marcy, one day, showed up saying that she wanted everyone to take a look at a ring she found because the person she bought it from said it was magic. They had decided to humor her and took a look at it for her. three strikes and out.

Sans snuggled closer to Razz, slowly calming down again. She had made life a living hell for them two. She would violate Sans in front of Razz almost daily, and then would torture Razz in front of Sans. Sans, luckily, didn't remember anything clearly. He could remember sensations and feelings feeling disgusting and dirty and horrified and painpainpainpain.

Razz, however... he remembered everything. She would snap him out her thrall to watch or to get tortured, which meant that he never truly fell under the cloud the ring would put them in. His mind remained untouched.

The only thing controlled was his body and how awful that felt. The feeling of no control over anything, being a watcher in his own body, unable to help or move at all.

Razz felt guilty at being unable to help, but he knew that he wouldn't have been able to. He was the Captain of the Royal Guard in his universe, he had been since he was 93 years old, and he had been in the Royal Guard since 75. He was 155 when his brother and he arrived in this world, he had spent 80 years in the Royal Guard, he knew how to asses a situation, he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do anything to help. This didn't help the helpless feeling he had of being unable to do anything.

He was glad that no one else, from what he knew, was able to clearly remember everything.

Sometimes, Marcy would take both him and Edge to her room and torture them together. Razz tried to take on as much of the torture as he could, Edge was a Papyrus he looked so much like his own brother, he did everything he could to lessen the physical pain the younger Captain would have to feel.

Razz rubbed his cheek on Sans' skull, letting out a sigh. They were free now and the human was dead. Razz didn't really know how to torture a human, so he wasn't able to really effectively torture her as well as Horror or Blue, but he managed to get a lot of anger out by doing anything he could think of to hurt her.

He wasn't as creative as Horror and Blue, but he knew that his own time torturing her was painful for her and that was all he wanted.

Hearing Edge call out that dinner was ready, Razz untangled himself from Sans and stood up. Together they walked down the stairs, and for a split moment, Razz's left eye lit up with determination. Not the one infused with magic, but plain old determination.

He would not allow anyone to hurt his mate again.


Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry that it's short, I'm struggling a bit with lengthening them xD


It means a lot to me, thank you all so much!

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