Chapter 3

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They entered the bathroom and immediately put the stop in the bathtub and to let the water fill the tub. Wincing a bit, they took their clothes off. They didn't look at their skeletal body and carefully folded their clothes and placing them on the 'toilet' cover. They grabbed a towel from the small closet that was in the bathroom, almost grabbing a second before realizing that as a skeleton they didn't have hair, making the second towel unneeded.

They placed the towel on the sink, letting it hang there. They gulped and pushed the handle down, stopping the water flow. The water had risen to quarter full and as they sat in the tub, the water rose a little more, not a lot since as a skeleton they didn't have as much mass as a human.

They looked around a noticed two scrub brushes, they didn't know if the items had a specific name, and they had names on them. Curious, they went closer to the brushes to see what was written on them. On one brush, a very intricate rose was draw along with Papyrus' name written in his font. On the other brush, a few tiny blasters were drawn, appearing like messy doodles, and Sans' name in his font.

Scooting back to their spot, they tried to do the same gesture as the bunny healer. It didn't work, and they felt kinda stupid for trying, but they didn't let that stop them. Concentrating, they tried to do the same 'Check' they did on Dr. Peony, but on themself.

After a few seconds, they realized that they had closed their eyes, and that even if it worked, they wouldn't be able to see it because of that. They opened their eyes, their eyelight immediately snapping to the CHECK box that had appeared before them.



HP 5

AT 2

DF 2

LV 1 – EXP 0

* It's you. No one else. Just you.

SOUL: Determination


Just you. Only you? Then they merged with the previous Sans, since they could remember the Incident with Undyne with quite the detail. They had lied about not remembering that, but it was weird that that was the only thing they remembered from Sans' life.

They grinned. This meant that they could claim to be Sans officially. His pronouns, name, life. They- no, he needed to take over Sans' life. He vowed to take care of Papyrus 'til he didn't need him anymore, just like the previous Sans had done when Papyrus was but a tiny babybones. It was the least he could do.

Finally he could refer to himself with a name, it was getting rather tiring to avoid using a name. You would think that he would have a bigger problem with gender and all that, since he had been a human before. But even back then, he hadn't truly cared about what his gender was, and just used the pronouns he had received at birth since he had already been used to them. Some people would use 'she', others 'he', and most 'they' when referring to him, since most assumed, or tried not to assume. It was rather hilarious, and it was something he carried over from then.

This body was now HIS. His.

He wondered what else thi- his body had magic-wise, remembering that the Sans he would be turning into didn't have a lot of magic. Was that because of the wound or because of the starvation he had endured before succumbing to eating human? He didn't know, but guessed he would find out at some point.

Sans wondered if all the fanfictions about skeletons having ecto-parts had any merit. He grabbed the brush with his, his, name on it and put some soap on it to start scrubbing.

As Sans started to scrub, he tried to summon an ecto-body. It didn't seem to work, and just as he was about to give up, something snapped over his bones, and he felt a weird sort of safety.

He looked down at himself and noticed a light red, almost pinkish, slightly transparent ecto covering his bones. He had summoned a female ecto-body, something he hadn't been focusing for, trying to see both if he would have any at all, and if he had, which ecto his body would prefer. Going with the ecto his body would prefer made him think that it was both easier to summon, and would need less magic. And it seemed as though he was correct.

He had thighs, an ass and vagina, a belly and boobs of ecto. They weren't big, a B at most, but that was fine, it wasn't like he would be keeping all of his ecto summoned constantly.

(His butt was thic tho, so he was tempted.)

He played with unsummoning his ecto in separate parts, and then trying to summon only the thighs, or only the belly. His arms didn't seem to have any ecto to summon, neither did his back. As a joke he tried to summon hair, and was shocked when a some appeared in the form of pure magic, looking like colored fire. He promptly unsummoned it, not wanting to deal with weird magical hair. He wasn't Rapunzel darnit.

Sans was having fun. He noticed a small hand mirror on the sink, how did he not notice it, and held it up to his eyelight, trying to do tricks with it. He managed the 'empty sockets' immediately, and then trying to turn his eyelight into a star or a heart. It didn't work, but he had the feeling it was something he was capable of.

Having scrubbed himself clean, he rose from the tub, careful not to slip, and wrapped himself in the towel. He put his clothes by the laundry box, and then went to leave the bathroom when he sighed and gave in to his urge to get a second towel. In a weird but skillful way, he wrapped the smaller towel on top of his head, like the would do when he was human for his hair.

Finally leaving the bathroom, he entered his room and dried himself off, grabbing a change of clothes from the drawer.

As he was putting them on, he sighed. Life was going to be hard for quite some time, but he was sure he could make it! Unlike the original Horrortale Sans, he knew what was going to happen, so he could start with rationing already. He could start preparing food, hunting animals, already. He could try to avoid eating humans, though a small voice told him that it was unavoidable. At some point, Papyrus and he would be forced to eat humans to survive. But that didn't mean he couldn't try to delay it!

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