Chapter 38*

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[WORD COUNT: 3017!!!!]

[WARNING: Sex. There is sex. They do the do, the deed, the horizontal tango. DON'T LIKE? DON'T READ. I WARNED YA'LL THAT I MIGHT WRITE IT!]

Man this was difficult to write

i have no experience so- if it isnt realistic enough imma just chalk it up to magic skeleton bullshit and call it a day xD


The next day, both Mars and Dust were at their workplace. The three of them had decided to go for a dinner date instead of a lunch date, something that gave Horror a couple of ideas...

It wasn't time for the date yet, so Horror was just staring at his closet, trying to think of what to wear for the date. Dust told him not to worry about where they would eat and to just wear something comfortable, but that didn't really say a lot about where they were going... or he was just being stupid and not picking up on the hints, that was always a possibility.

Narrowing his eyesockets, Horror grabbed all of his clothes and threw them on the bed. Then he started to throw on the ground all the clothes that he was sure that he wouldn't be wearing for the date. The ground was clean, so he didn't care to throw them on a chair or something, the ground was closer.

He had never gone on a date before and it was slowly sinking into his mind that he really didn't know what he was going to be doing. This was his first relationship and this would be his first date with them, even though they had been together for quite some time now. Actually, he was pretty sure that they had practically been dating ever since they met, but officially, they had been together for 2 months now. Ever since Horror told them about his memories. He was sure that they had technically been together before that, but that was when he truly started counting it.

He was starting to lose track of time a bit, always having had this problem, but it was a pretty easy fix with a bunch of notes and a calendar. One he didn't update himself, because he knew he would forget it and then get the days confused.

Despite being lost in thought, Horror managed to narrow his clothing choice down to very few clothing items. Looking at them critically, Horror decided that Dust said comfortable, so he would go for comfort. He grabbed a black pantyhose, a red mid-thigh skirt and a black crop-top. He would wear his hoodie over that, though he would keep it unzipped. Putting the outfit away along with a pair of white sneakers, he started to fold all the other clothes to put them back in the closet.

Satisfied that he wouldn't have to worry about his outfit, Horror went to his computer and let himself collapse on the chair there. He still had 3 hours until the date, so he decided to spend them watching Youtube videos and looking through the comments on the things he had posted. The computer and pen display had been bought by Dust 10 days after they killed the human, so he had it for almost a full 2 months.

The small animation he had planned was finished a month ago, Red had been excited to work on the sound FX. When they uploaded it on Youtube, at first it hadn't gotten a lot of views, but after a full month, there were quite a lot of people watching it. Horror himself had gotten a lot of followers with his on-going comic too, and even his fanfictions had gotten noticed. All of this had made him very happy.

He had barely gotten any hate comments, which he had been surprised at at first, but then realized that there probably weren't enough people actually watching for there to be someone who would actually speak up.

There was one person, one account, that followed him that was constantly praising him. It was... it was extremely flattering, having someone so devoted to your work. Sometimes, they would give genuine advice and Horror enjoyed the polite criticism and slowly got better with the advice. He took care to always respond to this person.

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