Chapter 39

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[WORD COUNT: 1460]

Looking out the window of his room, Stretch sees Dust, Horror and Mars appear on the porch of the mansion and then disappear, probably heading towards the cabin.

Stretch let out a chuckle, recognizing the look on Horror's face. He was totally gonna bang them.

Breathing out some smoke, Stretch left his place by the window and snuffed the cigarette out in a nearby ashtray. Seeing them together brought forth a feeling in him that he wasn't able to put a phalange on. Was it jealousy? That they got together so easily? Or was it anger, for the same reason?

He knew that he like the dynamic he had going between him and Edge, him 'pranking' Edge and Edge being angered/exasperated by him. But... but he wanted more. He wanted to have what they had, or at least something like that. It seemed to him like everyone was getting in a relationship and he was the only one not even trying to.

Dust and Mars had gotten Horror and then each other. Razz had been with Sans for a long time since they had gotten together a year after they were taken to this universe. Jupiter and Sugar seemed to practically be married by now, even though Stretch was sure that no one else had actually realized this yet. Paps and Mutt weren't together yet, but Mutt was constantly flirting with him, even with Paps being totally oblivious.

Stretch stopped pacing and sat down on his bed. He had even noticed that his brother and Red seemed to already be in a relationship. They seemed to want to keep it secret, but they weren't doing that great of a job, since at first Red hadn't been able to be away from Blue without a panic attack. Like Sans had been with Razz. It made it obvious to him, but that just brought him to the point of why his brother didn't seem to want to share these things with him. Had he done something that made Blue think that he wouldn't support him in whatever way he wanted?

It was true that his view on his brother had been slightly shattered, no, cracked. But at his core, his brother was exactly how he always viewed him. Like his amazing, magnificent, brother, with a SOUL of gold that wanted to help anyone he could. Stretch knew that it had been that last part that he had forgotten because of the Reset's, that his brother would help anyone he could. Stretch was aware that the kid had done Pacifist Runs, which meant that somewhere in them, they could be a better person. Something that his brother, despite being unaware of the Reset's at least back then, Stretch was sure that by now he would have to know, since he had talked to the other versions of himself and Stretch, always seemed to be able to sense. Like a flicker of his old Judge ability.

Stretch put his skull in the palms of his hands and sighed. He needed to filter those thoughts away like he was taught by Fuku. He knew he had told his bro that he wouldn't go, but seeing all other versions of them getting better, he decided to go for a single appointment.

What had he been trying to think about?


Yes, he had been thinking about Edge. And about how he was too much of a coward to actually walk up to him and ask him out.


He... could try that... couldn't he?

If Edge rejected him, then that was that. Quick and he would be able to immediately start trying to heal from his heart being broken. Stretch was sure that he would be rejected, but hey, never know 'til you try it.

Stretch laid down to sleep, it was too late now, but tomorrow he would go to buy some flowers and then ask Edge out at some point. Flowers would be cheesy, a classic, but he wasn't able to think of something better with his tired mind.

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