Chapter 33

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Dust closed up his shop. Mars had called him earlier and asked him to go buy a computer and drawing tablet for Horror, so he was going to walk around town and look for a shop that would sell those.

Looking around, Dust noticed a store with TV's in the display. He entered the store and started to look around.

Seeing the computer's, he started to look through them, trying to find the best one. However, never having been shopping for computer's before, Dust wasn't really sure what all those numbers and words meant, like does it mean it's better? Worse?

Seeing his frustration slowly growing, an employee approached him, smiling pleasantly at him with a customer smile.

"Hello, sir. Is there anything I could assist you with?"

Dust looked at the human and stared at him unnervingly for a second. The human got chills up his spine, but kept the pleasant smile on his face, though it looked a little bit forced now.

"i need a computer for a gift." Dust spoke.

"Oh? Is there anything specific you are looking for?" The employee asked. "Is it going to be primarily used for general things? Gaming? Work? Design?"

"err..." Dust frowned, "what's the best computer?"

"The best? Hmm, it's mostly subjective, which is why I asked, but we offer the service of building a computer. It would naturally be far more expensive, both for buying the parts and for the effort."

'we don't exactly lack money...' Dust thought to himself and shrugged, "yeah sure, let's do that."

"Very well!" The employee looked excited, "Follow me please and we will meet up with the person that is in charge of building them. Not many people want a custom one. Klover will be excited."

Following behind him, Dust looked around a bit more before they ended up at a small room in the back of the store. The employee motioned for him to enter first and with a shrug he did, after all, if he was going to be attacked, he already knew that he was definitely stronger. He had nothing to fear.

Entering the room, he noticed that there was a person sitting behind a desk and fiddling with what Dust thought looked like electronic parts.

"Klover! This customer would like a custom build computer!" the employee grinned at the person and flicked the light switch on.

"Custom?! NICE!" Klover yelled out in excitement, moving closer to them and sticking a hand out, "I'm Klover! What's your name? Pronouns? You're a skeleton so I don't want to assume, she/her for me! Are you taken? Am I rambling?"

"uh..." Dust snickered, "my name is Dust. he/him. taken and yes."

"Oh." Klover's eyes widened, "You actually answered! NICE! What kind of computer do you want?"

"i don't know," Dust shrugged, "my... datemate? yeah, my datemate is gonna start doing art or something digitally, so we need a good computer for that. i decided he deserves the best i can get him."

"OOH!" Klover spun, sparkles practically flying off of her, "So romantic! THIS WILL BE THE BEST DESKTOP I WILL HAVE EVER MADE THEN!"

Dust watched her in amusement and shrugged, "i don't know anything about computer parts though, so i wouldn't know what is the best."

"Leave that to me!" she grinned before frowning, "Custom builds are always expensive, the parts alone are usually very costly, so are you sure you could pay for it?"

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