Chapter 16

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In the morning Mars said good morning to everyone, ate breakfast and then quickly let the cabin to enter further into the forest. He knew there was a place with a small stream, which was where frogs would appear, he would've gone to a pond, but he remembered seeing some frogs there before. Mars wasn't sure how he could get a frog to spit so he could collect it, but Blue had given him a small vial to put it in. Blue had taken it from the basement of the mansion where a lab was located.

Mars was quietly moving through the forest, with the thought that he might be able to find a rabbit or something to take back along with the ingredient.

After a few minutes, Mars had managed to arrive at the stream and sat down on a rock close to it. he tried to see if he could find any frogs, and within a few seconds, his eyelight locked onto a small place where something moved. Quietly, he moved closer and found a couple of frogs hopping around.

He crouched down and reached with a hand towards the frogs. Most scattered, but there was one that hopped closer to his hand. Mars turned his hand so that his palm would face up, and the frog hopped onto his hand.

"hey there... little frog..." Mars smiled, lifting his hand up so that he was on eye-level with the frog.

The frog blinked at him.

"could you... give... some spit?" Mars asked it, feeling a little silly but wanting to ask first. "i... won't harm... you. promise..."

The frog blinked at him once more, and suddenly its tongue darted from its mouth, licking his empty eyesocket and leaving behind some spit. Mars chuckled and brought out the small vial with the hand not holding the frog. He placed the vial at his eyesocket and tried to catch the spit. He managed to gather a small bit, but the frog hopped over to the hand with the vial and licked its inside.

"thank you... little frog... you're... smart for a... frog... ya know." Mars smiled and closed the vial. He placed it in the bag he had next to him and moved his hand closer to the ground.

"you could... leave... if you want... to."

The frog refused to move from its spot on Mars' hand, but when Mars went to nudge it off, it hopped out of his hand and with one big leap sat on his hood, next to his face.

"are you... sure?"

Nuzzling his cheek for a second, the small frog made itself comfortable.

"okay. But be... careful... okay? don't... fall off." he warned the frog.

He stood up from where he had been crouching, slowly in case the frog fell off, but it seemed to have found a nice place where it wouldn't be able to fall off.

Mars started on walking back to the cabin, occasionally making sure the frog didn't somehow fall off, and thought to himself that he would have to ask Horror or Blue what frogs needed. They would be able to look it up on the Undernet of the Surface... Internet. That's what humans call it.

When Mars had come home, he gave Sugar a rabbit he had caught on his way back for dinner and they had all been surprised at the small frog Mars had with him. Blue had been the first one that Mars had seen when he came back so he had asked him about frogs, and they had found out that frogs needed a habitat and a few other stuff. Jupiter, glad that his brother had found something he liked, had immediately gone to the town to buy the supplies needed from a pet shop.

The frog was very smart and liked to sit on Mars' hood and Blue's shoulder. It had been decided that Mars would have to name the frog, but he wasn't able to come up with a name. He kept calling it 'small frog' until he was able to come up with something.

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