Chapter 40

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[WORD COUNT: 1439]

Saturday felt both far away and close by.

It had been Wednesday when Stretch had asked Edge out and now it was the day after, Thursday, and Stretch had no idea where to go for the lunch date. He had wanted to not have to ask for help on this, but he knew he had to. He didn't want to make it up as he went, so he decided that at least if he asked for help to his bro, then his pride would remain unbruised... somewhat.

Blue had the night watch, so there was only a small amount of time between when Stretch would finish work and when Blue would start his own. To be precise, 3 hours.

It might seem like enough, but Blue needed to do a lot of things in that timeframe and Stretch would be tired from work. Luckily, he managed to catch Blue before he left, since now that Blue knew how to shortcut, he left a lot later from home to get to places. In Blue's words, 'he didn't use it for laziness, but to manage to do more things, so it didn't count.' He was kind of right, except that Blue didn't always use them to do more things. Stretch didn't call him out on that though, since he could see that his brother was finally getting some rest this way.

"Stretch? Is Something Wrong?" Blue asked with a frown, seeing his brother unusually nervous.

"Err... bro? Do you know of a good place for lunch?"

"Huh? Yes, I Know Somewhere. Why?" Blue raised a brow at him, placing his hands on his hipbones.

"Could you just tell me?"

"There's A Place Opposite To Nice Cream Guy's Parlor That People Go To For Lunch And It Is Pretty Good," Blue said, before quickly snatching Stretch's sleeve when he saw him about to disappear. "Now Tell Me Why You Want To Know."

"Ah, err... I wanted to go there?" Stretch sweats.

"You're Going On A Date," Blue stated.

"N-no, I'm just gonna get lunch from there?" Stretch tried to tug his sleeve away, but Blue's grip was too strong.

"Ah Yes, Of Course. Alone."

"Yes! Alone."

"Alone With Edge?"

"Ye- no! Alone. On my own. Nobody to... get me home...?" Stretch winced, realizing he fucked up. Why did he say that?

"Okay." Blue nodded calmly.

"Yes, now I need to... go and do things? And you have work."

"Alright," Blue smiled, letting go of his brother's sleeve and turning around to shortcut. "I Suggest The Spicy Shrimp Pasta Salad, Since Edge Likes Spicy Food." Blue continued and left immediately after. Leaving Stretch with an open mouth.

Blinking rapidly, Stretch shortcut away to take a look at the place his brother recommended. The place looked normal, a bit cramped, but cute. And he could take Edge to get some Nice Cream after. Once it was decided, Stretch left to get back home and take a nap. He was still tired from work.


Blue smirked as he left.

His brother finally had gathered his courage and asked Edge out, huh? He must've done it in the right way because Blue was sure that Edge would have said no otherwise, being a bit too deep in his denial.

Whistling, Blue headed into the building he was guarding. Seeing his boss, Blue headed over to say hello.

"Ah, Blue!" His boss smiled, showing a bit too many teeth, "Just who I was looking for!"

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