Chapter 35

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Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
Griffin: whoever's phone is that answer before I throw it out the window (groans in his sleep)
Ring ring ring ring ring
Kio: seriously turn it off (whines)
Lexie's pov
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and griffin and Kio complaining so I got out of the bed and grabbed my phone to see Naomi was calling me I quickly answered it to stop the ringing and then walked into the bathroom and turned the sink on so that the boys wouldn't hear me talking on the phone.
End of pov
Lexie: geez Naomi keep blowing up my phone till I get caught why don't you
Naomi: sorry but beck just rented this yacht for the day we are gonna go by your room in five to get you oh and silver already called for an Uber
Lexie: okay the boys are still sleeping so I'll quietly grab my clothes and change but don't call me when your outside text me and my phone is gonna be on vibrate so it doesn't wake them up
Naomi: okay I'll be there in five
End of phone convo
Lexie's pov
I put my phone down and debated whether this was a good idea or not... well obviously it's a terrible idea but who knows when i am gonna get to see my friends again. Are they going to be extremely pissed and probably worried.. yes am I gonna get my ass beat for sneaking out once again.. definitely but it's a yacht in Miami with my friends and Leo... who I still haven't had a chance to hook up with yet, huh never had sex on a yacht before.. this is a really bad idea, but you only live once so fuck it. I quietly opened the bathroom door to see all four boys still sleeping and tiptoed over to my suitcase which was open and pulled out my black bikini with a pair of short shorts and sandals and walked back to the bathroom before quickly changing, I put my phone in my pocket and a minute later i felt it vibrate so I knew Naomi was outside. I took one last look at the boys who were still passed out and quietly opened the door and closed it then hugged Naomi and we all walked down to the lobby.
End of pov
Silver: let's stop at Starbucks first
Group: okay
(They all walk to Starbucks and when they get there Lexie sees Blake and Noah  ordering drinks)
Lexie: shit shit (whispers)
Ariana: what?
Lexie: Blake and Noah are right there (points at them)
Sarah: oh crap okay (looks around to see the lobby somewhat filled with people) how many people will probably know them?
Jenny: all of them, that's a stupid question
Jack: I am guessing you have a plan
Sarah: of course I have a plan (looks at Leo) okay on my signal you are gonna grab Lexie's hand and bolt to the rental car
Grace: what do you want from here lex?
Lexie: s'mores frappe with one butter croissant
Grace: okay
Sarah: okay ready on my count 1.. 2.. 3..OMG IS THAT NOAH BECK AND BLAKE GRAY FROM TIKTOK!!!
(Immediately fans start coming into Starbucks and Lexie grabs Leo's hand while keeping her head down and they run all the way to the car and when they reach the car they burst into laughter)
Leo: that was awesome!!
Lexie: I know right I felt such an adrenaline rush!! But do you have the keys? We should probably get in the car so I don't get spotted
Leo: oh right good idea (unlocks the car and opens the door for her)
Lexie: when did you become such a Prince Charming
Leo: don't get used to it princess
(They get in the car and a few minutes later the rest of their friend group gets in the car and they start driving to the beach)
Noah's pov
I was currently with blake ordering food when we heard someone scream our names and within a minute fans started running into Starbucks surrounding us screaming and asking for pictures and we didn't want to be rude and say no so I told them to get in a line and we would take pictures there was about thirty girls in total so Blake and I knew this was going to take a while.
End of pov
Scene change
Jack: okay who's ready for the yacht!
Everyone: me!!!
Silver: I can't believe Sarah's plan actually worked
Sarah: hey I can come up with good plans when I want to
Cameron: true now let's go
Lexie's pov
We started driving to the docks where the yacht would be and we were just blasting music and singing with the windows down when I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked over at Leo and gave him a wink and a smile trying to avoid the blush on my cheeks. He started moving his hand up higher and I thought to myself if he wants to play I'll play. I brought my hand to josh thigh and moved it up to his dick and gave it a light squeeze and he hissed and brought his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his breath sent shivers down my spine.
End of pov
Leo: don't tease me right now princess
Lexie: but it's fun (whines)
Leo: wait till we get on the boat there's a private room on the lower deck and I'll have you all to myself
Lexie: say less (pecks him on the lips)
Dixon: get a room you two
Leo: oh trust me we will
Jenny: gross did not need to know that info
Lexie: how far are the docks?
Cameron: like twenty five minutes from the hotel why? Are they blowing up your phone yet?
Lexie: surprisingly no
Ariana: I have an idea, Lexie pass me your phone
Lexie: okay... (hands her the phone)
Ariana: (turns it off) you are unplugging the rest of the day and aren't going to worry about your body guards and finally have some fun got it?
Lexie: works for me
Grace: good now Zack turn the music up!
Everyone: we are in Miami bitches!!!
Scene change
Griffin's pov
I opened my eyes and had to blink a few times to get used to the light and when I did I grabbed my phone and saw that it was eleven thirty. Kio was still sleeping and so were Jaden and josh but Lexie wasn't in the middle of them, that's weird she's not in the bathroom because the shower isn't running unless she's using it but I don't see the light on. She's not outside by the balcony, could she be with some of the other boys? I decided to wake up the boys and see if they knew where she was.
End of pov
Griffin: hey guys where's Lexie?
(Jaden opens his eyes after hearing griffin and sits up)
Jaden: what do you mean?
Griffin: I mean where's Lexie? Wait you don't know
Jaden: how would I know I was sleeping (shakes josh)
Josh: hmm
Jaden: do you know where lex is?
Josh: what are you talking about isn't she sleeping? (Eyes closed)
Jaden: no
(Josh opens his eyes after hearing that and looks at Jaden)
Josh: how do you not know where she is?
Jaden: I was sleeping how do you not know where she is?
Josh: same answer as you (looks at kio) do you know where she is?
Kio: no I just woke up too
Jaden: so nobody knows where she is?
Griffin: I'll text the sway chat maybe she's with one of the girls (takes out his phone)
Group chat
Griffin: yo is Lexie with any of you?
Bryce: no addy and I just got back from the gym
Noah: no Blake and I just finished a whole ass meet and greet Starbucks
Quinton: I.. what?
Blake: story for another time so I am guessing you aren't with her either?
Quinton: no I just woke up
Ant: she's not with Vani and I
Jaden: so where the hell is she?
Bryce: maybe she's just walking around the hotel or by the pool and forgot to tell you we'll check if you want
Jaden: please and let me know
Bryce: okay
End of group chat
Kio: maybe you should try calling her
Josh: can't we took her phone yesterday remember?
Griffin: where did you put it?
Josh: in the drawer by the tv
(Griffin gets off the bed and opens the drawer)
Griffin: it's not here
Jaden: so she took it alright I am calling her (clicks in her contacts and calls) it went straight to voicemail
Ring ring ring (Jaden answers)
Phone convo
Jaden: what's up?
Bryce: she's not at the pool
Jaden: alright I'll text the guys and tell them to come up here so we can start looking for her
Bryce: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We made it to the docks and beck knew how to get the yacht started and next thing I know we were sailing off into the ocean. Leo and Jack started making drinks while the girls and I took off our shorts so we could be in our bikinis and Grace turned the music up and I started swaying my hips to the rhythm. This was so much better than that club because at least here I was with my friends out in the ocean with the sun beating down on my skin and I felt normal. My friends aren't constantly worrying about me they just let me be and I appreciated that.
End of pov
Jenny: damn girl move those hips
Ariana: seriously I wish I could dance like you
Lexie: you can honestly anyone can dance just let yourself go
Naomi: I let my self go and I look crazy but when you do it your a natural
Silver: you should start dancing again lex
(Leo walks up behind her and puts his hands on her hips and moves with her and Lexie looks up and smiles)
Lexie: well hello there sexy
Leo: pretty sure I should be the one calling you sexy (kisses her neck)
Grace: alright alright I get it Leo you want to fuck her just go down below and do it geez
Leo: bet
Lexie: (smirks) we'll see you guys later
Zack: use protection!!
Leo: fuck off (flips him off)
Lexie's pov
Leo grabbed my hand and we started going down to the room that was below the main deck and we walked into the room and before I could even get a word out he pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.
End of pov
Leo: I missed you so much you have no idea
Lexie: are you sure it was me you were missing or the fact that I was an easy hook up (takes off his bathing suit shorts) Or did you miss that I can take control over you (whispers in his ear)
Leo: no no mama right now I am in control (picks her up and lays her down on the tiny bed that's there and unties her bikini top and hovers over her)
Lexie: nice try but if we are gonna do this we are doing it my way
(kisses him and gently tugs on his hair and takes advantage and starts kissing his neck and lightly sucks on it but Leo is quick to take dominance and stops kissing her and starts kissing her neck and sucks on it causing lex to moan)
Lexie: god I haven't done this in forever i forgot how much I missed it
Leo: hmm no one back home does it as good as you do and I bet you those holly wood boys can't give you what I can
Lexie: your right about that
Time skip
Lexie's pov
By the time we finished I was out of breath and we were cuddling I don't exactly know how long we had sex for but we went for three rounds and now my legs are literally shaking and my body is covered in hickey... fuck I am so dead unless i borrow a shirt from one of the girls. Leo and I cuddled for a few minutes before going up to the deck and saw our group drinking margaritas so I grabbed one and took a seat next to silver who was cuddling with Dixon and Leo put his arm around me. Now before you go all judge mental let me explain something Leo and I have known each other since I was thirteen, he was fifteen and he actually defended me one day while I was getting bullied and introduced me to the rest of the group and helped me learn to defend myself. When they found what Jake and Katherine had done the girls beat the shit out of Katherine and the boys kicked Jake's ass but that resulted in them getting expelled but not me until the day I actually got expelled because I had gotten enough strikes with the school, and yeah I know we were labeled the "bad kids" back at home but that's because everyone paid attention to what we did and no one bothers to get our side of the story but if it weren't for them who knows what I would have done. I looked over at Leo and pecked him on the lips.
End of pov
Leo: what was that for?
Lexie: just to thank you
Leo: for?
Lexie: taking me in when we first met
Leo: aww lex don't be getting soft on me now
Lexie: me soft? Never (takes a sip of her margarita)
Scene change
(The boys are in the room pacing the floor with Jaden and josh getting more worried)
Noah: we've looked in every single part of the hotel even the clubs and bars and we can't find her anywhere
Bryce: and she's still not answering her phone (sighs) it's actually turned off so it's not even ringing
Addison: I don't get it, did anything happen last night before you guys went to sleep?
Jaden: no we just knocked out watching high school musical
Amelie: did she have another nightmare?
Josh: no
Quinton: do you think it could do with Cynthia?
Jaden: I don't know but can you please call her and ask I know she's the last person you want to talk to but she might know something
Quinton: yeah I'll give her a call what do we do in the meantime?
Kio: should we drive around maybe she went to the beach or downtown somewhere
Anthony: avani and I can look in Lincoln road
Jaden: josh and I will take the beach
Bryce: Addison and I can check bayside
Griffin: Kio and I will stay here in case she comes back and we'll keep calling her
Jaden: okay let's go
Scene change
Lexie: hey Ari
Ariana: yeah
Lexie: thanks for turning off my phone I really just needed an escape
Ariana: your welcome I bet they get pretty suffocating
Lexie: you have no idea
Sarah: it's hot as hell I am jumping in the water anyone else coming?
Everyone: me!
(They get to the ladder of the boat and start climbing down the ladder till they get in the water and start swimming around)
Scene change
(The boys are walking in the sand trying to look for her)
Jaden: where the hell could she be!? I don't get it why the fuck does she think she could just run off to god knows where after the shit that happened Sunday
Josh: I don't know but we are gonna find her okay? Maybe she just felt like she needed space or something
Jaden: that doesn't make it okay she could have at least sent us a text or left a note so we wouldn't be going all around Miami looking for her! I am gonna kill her when I see her I am not joking
Josh: yeah you are and I know that your stressed out, I am too but someone has to remain level headed which clearly isn't you right now
Jaden: I just don't understand (sits on a rock and sighs) I know she doesn't like that we are so strict on her and I know she doesn't like the age play but why can't she see we are just trying to protect her
Josh: (puts his arm around him) because she's a teenager and it's in her nature to go against what we say and do what she wants which is why it's our job to teach her, she may not like our methods and the way we do it but when she's older she'll see it from our perspective
Jaden: I guess...
Josh: should we keep walking?
Jaden: yeah let's go (pecks him on the lips)
Scene change
Bryce: any luck in the stores?
Addison: no what about where the people were dancing?
Bryce: nope not there either
Addison: Bayside is big we can go check the park area
Bryce: yeah okay
(They start walking)
Addison: your worried I can tell
Bryce: yeah of course I am worried addy she's basically the sister I never had and she's the girl version of me maybe even a little worse
Addison: (jokes) I don't think that's possible
Bryce: trust me she's pretty up there
Addison: oh I believe you I just don't think anyone could be worse than you (teases)
Bryce: just wait till we have our own kid
Addison: she'll be more like me
Bryce: or she'll be me
Addison: that's not a bad thing though Bryce he or she will be a mix of us and our personalities until she builds her own
Bryce: yeah and they'll have you to keep them in check
Addison: very true (kisses him) now let's keep looking
Bryce: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We spent the next hour in the water and then got out because it was nearing five o clock and getting dark out so we climbed back up the boat and beck started driving the boat back to the docks but not before having one more margarita and then got to the docks and we got off and went back in the car.
End of pov
Jack: I am starving where should we go eat (starts driving)
Sarah: I am down for Olive Garden anyone else?
Them: sure
(They get to Olive Garden, get a table and set down when someone near their table starts recording them and sends it to TikTok room)
Scene change
Kio: yo guys look at this
Griffin: what?
Tik tok post
This just in Lexie hossler seen at a local restaurant with a group of people that aren't the sway boys so who could these people be? This is the first time she's been seen out in public by herself, where do you think the boys are? Do you think Lexie snuck off once again or do they know her mystery group of people? Time for you guys to be detectives with us and send in any info you might know ☕️☕️
End of post
Jaden: you have got to be kidding me
Griffin: do you know them Jaden?
Jaden: those are her friends from Tennessee what the hell are they doing down here and why the fuck is Lexie with them!?
Anthony: at least we know where she is...
Avani: yeah and you can talk to her when she gets back
Jaden: wait a second josh where's the dress lex wore that night of the club?
Josh: in the bathroom why?
Jaden: how much you want to bet that dress belongs to one of the girls
Josh: it would make perfect sense!
Bryce: yeah but who's the guy that has his hand on her thigh!? (Looks at the video closer)
Blake: she has a lot of explaining to do when she gets back here
Noah: yup, wait but do we act like we know where she's been or do we give her a chance to tell the truth?
Griffin: I say we give her a chance to tell the truth and if she doesn't we double her punishment
Jaden: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I split the chicken Marsala with Leo and drank half of my coke before we all finished eating and started heading back to the hotel and as we were driving my nerves started to kick in because I knew I was in huge trouble. I hadn't turned my phone on yet because I didn't want to see the thousands of notifications that would pop up when I turned it on. Twenty five later we got to the hotel and I separated with the group and took out my key card and opened the door to see all the boys pacing the room back and forth except was Jaden sitting on the bed with his head in his hands and josh comforting him... uh oh maybe I should leave before they notice me I tried to tip toe back to the room and tried to open the door quietly again.
End of pov
Griffin: Lexie Marie you will NOT step one foot out that door get your ass here now
Lexie: (mumbles) damnit
(Jaden gets off the bed and walks over to her and pulls her in for a hug)
Jaden: thank god your okay (kisses her head) do you have any idea how worried we were!! What were you thinking?? Did you not learn anything from Sunday!!
Lexie: I I am s s sorry I I j just n n needed a day to m m myself I d didn't t think I would worry you...
Blake: your joking right? We literally spent the whole day driving around Miami looking for you!!
Dixie: you had everyone pretty scared lex...
Quinton: where did you even go?
Lexie: there's a park by the hotel so I went there and then I walked around the beach and like I said just took a day to myself and had my phone turned off
Josh: really so a day to yourself includes a group of people we don't know and Olive Garden?
Noah: not to mention the hickey on your neck
Jaden: the what!?!?
Lexie: pretty sure he said hickey but besides the point how do you know I was at Olive Garden?
Anthony: tik tok room
Lexie: of course (rolls her eyes)
Griffin: you still haven't answered the question where did you really go and who were you with?
Lexie: (sighs) my friends from Tennessee...
Jaden: I knew it! And let me guess they just happened to be in Miami too
Lexie: something like that...
Jaden: unbelievable so your friends come back in the picture and all of a sudden you think it's okay to just blatantly disregard everything we say, turn off your phone and have us worry the ENTIRE day!!
Josh: were they the ones that you snuck out with on Sunday?
Lexie: yeah...
Jaden: I don't want you talking to them anymore lex, your going to give the girl back her dress and you are coming straight back here and your not talking to or seeing them again they are bad influences on you
Lexie: you can't do that Jaden!!! They are my friends!!!
Amelie: honey I hate to say it but if they didn't even know you were dehydrated at a club and standing outside where anything could have happened they aren't really your friends...
Dixie: Amelie's right lex they aren't good for you
Lexie: you guys just don't understand!! (Grabs naomi's dress and storms out of the room but Bryce follows her)
Bryce: get back here we aren't done talking!!
Lexie: well I am just leave me alone!
Bryce: Lexie get back in the room now
Lexie: no fuck off
(Bryce walks over to her and picks her up and brings her back to the room and closes the door and locks it)
Noah: do not walk away when we are talking Lexie
Lexie: what else do you expect when Jaden practically forbids me from talking to me which he can't do by the way
Jaden: oh really watch me (takes her phone)
Lexie: what are you doing?
Jaden: don't worry about it
Lexie: Jaden please whatever your going to do just stop and listen to me for once!!
Jaden: what? (Looks at her)
Lexie: I know you don't like them because you think they are a bad influence
Josh: because they are lex
Lexie: no they aren't i know you guys don't see it but guess what they were there for me when you weren't! They were the ones that took me in when you left and they are the only ones that don't look at me or treat me like I am broken!! They don't see all the issues I have and treat me like I am different or how how about the fact that they are the only people close to my age that aren't complete bitches because they don't care who you guys are!! Jaden if you love me at all you won't take them away from me please I don't want to lose them too (begs)
Jaden: (sighs and puts down her phone) okay Lexie here's the deal you want to stay friends with them and hang out while we are here I need to meet them and you need to tell me where you guys are going and I don't want you touching any alcohol or drugs do you understand me?
Lexie: yes...
Jaden: okay I am gonna let this slide just this ONCE but if you ever scare me like how you did today I am not letting you off easy
Lexie: okay thank you Jae (hugs him)
Jaden: I am just glad your okay
Kio: and lex I know you feel like we treat you a certain way but you have to understand that this is all new for us, we aren't used to taking care of someone younger than us other then Quinton and you haven't exactly given us a reason to trust you yet...
Griffin: trust isn't something that's given Lexie it's earned and when you do things like sneak out, drink and get high it makes us trust you even less so we feel like we need to be strict with you and we need to give you boundaries it's not because of your issues we told you before that we love you regardless of that and we don't care yes we have to do the therapy and you know why the last thing we need is for you to end up in the hospital again
Lexie: so your saying that if I start to earn your trust you guys will be less strict and let me do what I want?
Josh: depends on what it is because we aren't gonna let you go and do something stupid or dangerous that could get you hurt
Lexie: well what about my social media can I have that back at least?
Anthony: maybe if you start eating without fighting us every time and we think you can handle it then yes
Lexie: (sighs) okay I get it... I don't like it but I get it trust is earned and I have to prove to you that I can handle social media
Jaden: that's what we've been telling you this entire time maybe now it'll stick with you
Lexie: it will... I am sorry for worrying all of you... I am not used to people caring so much and it's suffocating sometimes and I don't open up which we know that too but I guess I have to start somewhere so...
Blake: group hug
Lexie: that works too
(Everyone hugs each other)
Quinton: hey did anyone bring the monopoly game?
Addison: I have it, it's our room I can go get it we could have a game night
Jaden: and you can invite your friends lex
Lexie: really?
Jaden: yeah go ahead
(Lexie smiles and grabs her phone and calls Naomi)
Phone convo
Naomi: hey girly your on speaker by the way how did it go with the body guards
Lexie: surprisingly okay...
silver: well since your calling they didn't kill you so that's good
Lexie: yeah anyways the boys wanted to know if you wanted to come to the room for a game night.. I know that's not really your scene but
Jenny: that's sweet lex really it is but we are actually going to space tonight
Ariana: you should come it's gonna be a lot of fun!!
Leo: yeah lex just sneak out again and come we'll meet you In the lobby
Lexie: I don't know guys... the boys were really upset after what happened today and I doubt they are going to let me out of their sight plus I managed to get away with it without getting in trouble
Zack: so what? Trouble has never stopped you before come on where's the Lexie that was on the yacht with us today and didn't care
Lexie: she had a major reality check come on I know game night isn't something you guys do but we could at least be together which was the whole point of this trip anyway
Sarah: we love you lex but spending the night in a hotel room with a bunch of stuck up famous TikTokers isn't really our thing
Lexie: I know but I promise you'll like them... when you get to know them
Grace: no thanks lex but hit us up tomorrow we are gonna go to wynwood which has this day and night club
Lexie: (sighs) yeah we'll see I'll talk to you guys later I guess
Leo: bye sexy!
Lexie: (mumbles) bye
(Lexie hangs up the phone and walks back to the room where Addison was setting up the board game but lex just walked over to Jaden who wraps his arms around her)
Jaden: what did they say?
Lexie: they are busy tonight..
Noah: let me guess using a fake ID to sneak in somewhere am I right
Lexie: just stop Noah okay I don't feel like playing anymore anyway
Jaden: why? What happened on the phone?
Lexie: I don't want to talk about it I just want to bury myself under the covers and sleep
Bryce: you know what I am actually pretty tired to why don't we leave them alone guys
Them: okay
Josh: thanks guys
Them: no problem, see you later princess
Lexie: (mumbles) bye
(Kio looks over at Lexie who is now curled under the covers and hugging a pillow)
Kio: lex I know it's hard to lose friends but sometimes the people who we thought were friends aren't...
Lexie: please Kio just don't... (whispers)
(Jaden and josh give each other a look and then look at Lexie)
Jaden: how about we put you in dance when we are back in LA then you can hang out with people your age and you won't feel so alone anymore
Lexie: whatever I don't care anymore
Josh: come on lex don't be like this please we love you and we hate seeing you so upset and the truth is if they cared about you they would skip one night of partying to hang out with you even if it was with us
Lexie: I guess... or maybe they just like me when I am fun but that gets me in trouble so it's impossible to please everyone...
Jaden: alright I am done giving you a choice when we get home we are going to find the next dance studio and putting you back in and you are going to find friends I promise you
Lexie: you can't promise me that Jae.. I am still your little sister and that's how everyone is going to see me they are the only ones that don't
Griffin: and they are also the reason your almost in tears right now
(Lexie stays quiet after that and josh wraps his arms around her and she falls asleep while Jaden lays down next to josh)
Kio: poor kid but that's a lesson in life fake friends always leave at some point
Jaden: yeah (runs his fingers through her hair) you know I really was ready to give those kids the benefit of the doubt but deep down I knew they wouldn't come and I wanted her to see that for herself
Josh: sometimes the hardest lessons to lear are the ones that hurt the most
Kio: damn okay josh is getting deep
Josh: shut up
Griffin: let's just go to sleep and hopefully when we wake up tomorrow Lexie is actually in the bed (jokes)
Josh: you kidding she's staying in my arms that way if she so much as moves I'll feel it
Jaden: which means I get to cuddle you tonight (puts his head in the crook of his neck and kisses it)
Josh: I love you
Jaden: I love you too
Kio: yeah yeah we get it you love each other let's go to sleep now ( turns the light off)

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