Chapter 52

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Time skip (1 month)
Lexie's pov
So it's been a month since the whole Vegas incident and a lot has happened so let me catch you up so first things first I have been trying to be at least a little bit better for the boys I still hate going to therapy and as much as I hate to admit I don't hate going into little space that much anymore. I don't know if I enjoy it completely but I don't hate it, it's weird, but I have cut down on the attitude a little bit... I think I don't know all I know is have been trying and I guess that's all I can do right? My cast was finally able to get taken off two weeks ago which means I can finally walk and not have that annoying cast bother me anymore. Jaden pushed back his album again because he wasn't that happy with the songs and said they could be better so he's back in the studio making music a lot more because he also doesn't want the fans to wait too long in the meantime he finished his song with Nessa and she's been too busy making her own music to bother josh same with Mads except she's been modeling. Bryce is being a simp for addy as always and has been thinking about her moving in but I don't know how I feel about that to be honest... I love addy don't get me wrong but I have been the only girl in the house and I think I want it to stay that way. Griffin and Kio are an official couple which kind of shocked the house at first but at the same time not really since they are Grio and went public a few days ago and the fans were supportive especially the grio fans. Josh and Jaden are still going strong along with the other couples... what else oh probably the biggest news out of everything that happened is Jaden enrolled me in a dance school called high water. I am still doing home school with Rafy which are Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday's so Monday, Wednesday and Saturday's yes I said Saturday's I am at the dance school. I wasn't too comfortable with it in the beginning to be honest because I am away from the boys for almost a whole day... but at the same time I enjoy it well the classes the kids not so much. I have made three friends so far Amy, Dani, and Clare turns out she wanted to start dance too and she was good enough and got accepted so our friendship has definitely gotten stronger. Mike and I sneak around to hook up every once in a while so I guess you could say we are friends with benefits.. we usually do it on days I am at high water that way I can use the excuse that we went overtime and I haven't gotten caught yet so hopefully it stays that way. I still have my nightmares and sleep in the boys room but the nightmares died down a little bit but I still have this feeling like something's going to happen with Jake... Callie says that's just my ptsd and my anxiety combined but I don't know. Anyways now that your all caught up I have to get ready to go to high water. I looked through my closet and decided on a floral cropped cami with black high rise booty shorts and put my hair in a high ponytail and grabbed my bag that had shoes I would change into later and started walking downstairs.
End of pov
Lexie: (walking into the kitchen) I am right here and your screaming is going to make me deaf one of these days
Jaden: oh sorry morning princess (kisses the top of her head)
Bryce: (looks at her outfit) don't you have leggings you can wear?
Lexie: nope in the laundry
Bryce: ugh fine your getting away with it this time got it
Lexie: hmm
Griffin: (hands her her anxiety pill) take it and then eat something
Lexie: oh me and the girls are going to walk to Starbucks since it's right by the school
Josh: okay as long as you eat something (hugs her)
Lexie: I will
Blake: have a good day kiddo (looks at Bryce and josh) are we going to start filming?
Bryce: yeah let me just grab my keys and we'll head out
Lexie: where are you going?
Noah: interviewing college kids at UCLA
Lexie: (laughs) Bryce hasn't done one of those in a while
Bryce: because they fan girl over us
Lexie: sureee they do
Jaden: alright we gotta go or I am going to be late bye guys
Boys: bye
Kio: have fun at dance kiddo
Lexie: thanks love you guys
(Lexie blows them a kiss and follows Jaden to the car)
Jaden: did you practice the choreo?
Lexie: yeah I almost got it I am just having trouble keeping my balance in control
Jaden: you'll get it just keep practicing
Lexie: actually I was wondering... can we turn two of the guest bedrooms into a dance studio (looks at him)
Jaden: I could talk to Micheal but I don't see why not which guest rooms do you want?
Lexie: the ones on the third floor hardly anyone goes up there anyway
Jaden: yeah that's true plus we have our gym it's only fair you get your studio
Lexie: thanks bubba! (Hugs him)
Jaden: (pulls into the parking lot of the school) your welcome now have fun today and call me for anything okay?
Lexie: okay
Jaden: are you getting a ride with Clare?
Lexie: yeah probably
Jaden: alright straight home though okay?
Lexie: yep
Jaden: I love you lex
Lexie: love you too
Lexie's pov
Jaden drove away as I was walking into the school and I took a deep breath before walking inside and I saw the girls start to stretch. Now I know mentioned Amy before but let me just describe her really quick Amy has straight black hair with blue eyes which is like nearly impossible but she got so lucky because her mom had black hair and her dad has blue eyes so she's literally a combination of them it's almost exotic in a way. She has the total ballet dancer body and can hold a releve longer than anyone I know. Then there's Dani short for Daniella she's the Latina in the group and kills it in salsa class along with bachata. She's got a skinny stomach but wide hips and knows how to move them to her advantage, she also has the guys drooling over her and she definitely knows how to play the game with them then there's Clare and Me we fall into the category of the hip hop dancers but since we are students in the school we are required to take all the dance classes from contemporary to ballet to salsa and reggaeton and I have to admit even though I don't speak the language I love the sexiness behind Latin dancing and it's fun and challenging. We kept stretching as the instructor walked in her name is Cassandra but we just call her Cassie, she's the dance teacher for partner work and let me tell you she's strict as hell and will kick you out of her class if she thinks your not trying your hardest.
End of pov
Cassie: alright listen up everyone we are going to start with turns across the floor before going into partners so everyone put your heels on and go to the left side of the room, now I am looking for spotting and control of your turns you may start once the music comes on (turns it on)
Lexie's pov
We started doing turns across the floor but by my sixth one I could feel myself getting dizzy already and that's when I remembered I didn't eat... well it's not that I forgot to eat it's more like I may or may not have purposely skipped breakfast. Listen I know that's probably not the smartest thing to do especially because I am killing calories by doing this but you have to understand the girls here have amazing bodies and I don't.. and before I can build muscle like them I have to lose weight so I have been telling the boys I eat with the girls and since I am out for a majority of the day anyway they have no choice but to believe me. I was in the process of my ninth turn when I heard Cassie's voice.
End of pov
Cassie: Lexie where are you spotting right now?
Lexie: the wall...
Cassie: if that's the case then why do you look clueless
Lexie: I am sorry miss can I continue?
Cassie: no but you can start over go back to the left of the room and let me see you spotting
Lexie: okay Cassie
(Lexie walks back to left of the room and starts again and thirty minutes later everyone was done doing spin drills)
Cassie: alright everyone partner up Lexie you will be with Jordan, Clare with Sean, and Amy with Dave
(They each partner up)
Cassie: alright I hope you guys aren't tired of spinning because that's exactly what we are going to be working on just with partners now so here's what's going to happen boys you are going to prep the girls and then spin them as many times as they can handle it, the minute you feel like they are losing balance or not stable stop spinning and take a five minute break and continue got it?
Students: yeah
Cassie: great you may start
Lexie's pov
Great more spinning I composed myself and followed Jordan to a part of the studio that was a little less crowded and gave us more space. He prepped the turn and I did my best to at least do five before taking a break and doing five more then Cassie had us get down on the floor and do floor spins to practice our control there as well. By the time the class ended I was more than dizzy and needed to sit down for a little and drink water because the next class was going to be hip hop.
End of pov
(Amy, Dani and Clare walk over to Lexie)
Clare: hey, you good? I saw you getting dizzy after your third spin
Lexie: yeah I am good I am just not used to doing so many spin drills
Amy: well at least for hip hop we won't be spinning as much
Lexie: true
Dani: you ready to go?
Lexie: (takes a few more sips) yeah let's go
(The girls start walking to the next dance room)
?: hey new girl if I were you I would probably wear a less revealing top you have a little bit of stomach honey it's not a good look for a dancer
Dani: don't be such a bitch Odalie
Odalie: I am not trying to be Dani I am just giving... constructive criticism wouldn't want the new girl to embarrass herself now would we (smiles)
Amy: ignore her Lexie she has a group of minions that love to pick on others for their sick enjoyment
Lexie: it's okay I am used to it by now doesn't bother me
Odalie: see Dani you heard her anyways I have to get to contemporary see you around new girl (walks away)
Clare: (looks at Lexie) you okay?
Lexie: yeah fine nothing I haven't heard before come on let's just go before we are late (walks into hip hop class)
Clare's pov
I watched Lexie walk into the room and couldn't help but think about how dizzy she got and I know the comment Odalie said bothered her she just didn't want to show it, but I also knew better then to push her.
End of pov
?: what's up everyone my name is Robert Alexander the third but you can call me moose and this is my lovely wife and partner Camille
Camille: hey guys who's ready to dance!?
Students: yeah!
Moose: alright let's just do a quick warm up and then get into it sound good?
Students: yeah
Lexie's pov
After warming up for ten minutes moose started getting into a pattern that involved different body isolations and moving around. It was a fun pattern to do but halfway I could feel myself cramping up and getting tired. I stepped out to take a water break when I saw Clare looking at me with worry in her eyes but I brushed it off and pretended not to see. An hour later hip hop was done and it was time for contemporary and before you go ahead and assume thing contemporary is not easy it involves a lot of flexibility and body movements and because I haven't danced in years my flexibility is not how it used to be when I was ten in fact I lost a majority of flexibility and now it's going to be harder to get it back since I am older ugh that's just great. Finally contemporary finished and my legs were shaking partly from how sore they felt and partly because of the lack of food in my system.
End of pov
Lunch time
Amy: hey lex we are going to go across to chill fil a do you want anything?
Lexie: no thanks I am good
Clare: are you sure lex? You were shaking in contemporary
Lexie: yeah but that's because I haven't stretched like that in a long time my body wasn't used to it
Clare: what if I bring you back a chicken sandwich or something?
Lexie: don't worry Clare I promise I am good, I am just going to stay here and practice the hip hop steps
Dani: you are such a perfectionist
Lexie: Haha yeah I guess I am
Clare: alright if your sure we'll be back
Lexie: okay
(Amy, Clare and Dani leave the studio and Lexie stays back and plays the song, she practices for fifteen minutes before missing a step and groaning in frustration just as someone is walking by)
?: need some help?
Lexie: (gasps and turns around) Jordan you scared me!
Jordan: (lightly laughs) sorry but seriously do you want me to help?
Lexie: sure why not
Jordan: okay sometimes it's easier to break it down your doing heel toe, heel toe and tap when it's supposed to be heel, heel, toe, toe tap (does it)
Lexie: okay... (tries it but still messes up) ugh stupid foot coordination
Jordan: it's okay really try again and do it slowly your going to fast and not transferring your weight correctly
Lexie: okay (does it slower)
Jordan: there you go now do it a little quicker
(Lexie does it a little quicker until she gets comfortable with it)
Jordan: good want to try it with the music this time?
Lexie: yeah
(Jordan turns on the music and Lexie does it correctly)
Lexie: yay! Thanks Jordan
Jordan: no problem anytime seriously
Lexie's pov
After Jordan helped me get the step he jumped in with me and we did the whole pattern together and then we free styled until the girls got back and then we created a combination all together and I forgot about my dizziness and just had fun with them. Once the lunch period was over it was time for two more classes which was salsa and reggaeton again one of my two favorite but challenging styles it was fun though. Eventually the bell rain and school was done for the day and Clare dropped me back off at home because Selena called Clare and told her to meet them at the hospital because I think she's having the baby. I of course wished Clare good luck and demanded to send me pics once the baby was born and walked into the house to see buddy running around and griffin chasing her, I picked her up from the floor and held her while griffin started walking over to us.
End of pov
Lexie: was the big bad griffin chasing you (looks at buddy and kisses her fur)
Griffin: yeah I was because she got into my closet and started chewing on my shoes so I was going to scold her and she started running
Lexie: looks like I am not the only that doesn't like being scolded by you and you shouldn't have left your closet door open (shrugs her shoulders)
Griffin: either way she should know not to chew on things that aren't her toys
Lexie: she's a dog griffin she's going to chew on whatever she wants
Griffin: not true we just have to train her which should have been done a while ago
Lexie: ugh okay we'll start training her but not right now I am sweaty and I just want to shower
Griffin: okay go ahead
Lexie: thank you (puts buddy down and walks upstairs)
(Kio walks towards the front door)
Kio: lex here yet?
Griffin: yeah she just went upstairs to shower
Kio: oh okay
Lexie's pov
I took off my sweaty dance clothes and got in the steaming hot shower and just let the water run down my sore muscles from today and relaxed before washing myself and getting out. I dried myself with a towel and put on a long sleeve so the boys didn't see how red my shoulders were from the shower and put a pair of sweatpants and walked downstairs to see josh was back and making a tik tok so I decided to ambush it. I ran towards him since he was looking at the camera and wrapped my arms around his waist since he's so tall.
End of pov
Josh: what the? (Turns around and sees Lexie) hey baby when did you get back?
Lexie: like an hour ago how about you?
Josh: fifteen minutes ago, want to do the TikTok with me?
Lexie: sure which one are you doing?
Josh: I was going to do a dance one but you know the trend where you jump into someone's arms
Lexie: yeah...
Josh: let's do that one
Lexie: you better not drop me joshy or I swear I'll have Jaden break up with you
Josh: yeah like I am going to drop you miss I am 4'll
Lexie: don't make fun of me (pouts)
Josh: okay okay I won't make fun of you (kisses the top of her head) but for real you want to do it
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
Josh started the TikTok and not going to lie was low key nervous but whatever as soon as the song started I jumped into his arms and caught me and started rocking me side to side and then the tik tok ended it and he captioned it "my daughter 🥺" I was about to steal his phone to start reading the comments before he could take the phone out of my hand but then the front door opened and Jaden walked in and i forgot about the comments and ran towards him and jumped, and wrapped my arms around his neck.
End of pov
Lexie: I missed you bubba (lays her head in the crook of his neck)
Jaden: I missed you too baby how was dance?
Lexie: it was good I was having trouble in hip hop but then my friend Jordan helped me
(Blake walks into the living room)
Blake: is Jordan a boy of girl
Lexie: of course now is when you walk in (rolls her eyes)
Ant: you didn't answer his question missy
Lexie: Jordan's a boy and he's my partner in a few classes that's it
Bryce: hmm it better stay that way your our baby you don't need boys
Lexie: you were fine with Brandon...
Griffin: not really we tolerate Brandon because he hasn't made a move on you yet
Lexie: so your saying if he made a move
Josh: he'd be dead
Lexie: you guys are so overprotective (groans)
Kio: it's because we don't want to see you heartbroken
Lexie: (mumbles) too late for that...
Noah: anyways how about we go have dinner at Saddle tonight we haven't been there in a while
Josh: sure why not
Jaden: okay let me just go change oh and I can't forget this (puts Lexie down and walks over to josh and pecks him on the lips)
Blake: or you know we can take Lexie and you two can have the house to yourselves
Lexie: no (shakes her head) let's go out as a family we've been so busy this month we haven't spent time together as much...
griffin: and here I thought you hated us
Lexie: I couldn't hate you guys... you drive me insane but I couldn't hate you
Bryce: (gasps) is Lexie going soft on us?!
Lexie: oh shut it Sid the sloth also I don't mind saddle but can I stay in this?
Jaden: whatever your comfortable in
Lexie: okay
(Jaden goes upstairs to change and Lexie scrolls through her phone that she finally got back last week)
A few minutes later
Jaden: alright we ready to go?
Quinton: yeah your the one that takes forever (teases)
Jaden: okay freshman I'll remember that the next time you want to come to the studio with me
(Quinton playfully glares at him and griffin gets everyone into the triller van)
Lexie's pov
I sat in between Jaden and josh and tried to keep myself distracted because even though it's been a month I sometimes find myself still thinking about my dream and so to avoid getting triggered I just play on my phone. I have a limit of being an hour on social media now even though the boys still manage the accounts and my comments on TikTok are disabled I still have comments open my insta and since it's been a while since I posted on there I looked through my camera roll and found one from the art gallery in Miami that I didn't totally hate and posted that one. Instantly comments started flooding some of them saying "I missed you Lexie!" "So happy your back!" "You should make your own YouTube channel your so pretty!" "Love you Lexie I hope your feeling better!" I am grateful that I had some loyal supporters but as always my eyes gravitated towards the hate. "Ew go back to hiding slut" "she's definitely gained more weight and I didn't think that was possible" "do you think if we hate her long enough she'll finally get the message and just die" "no one wants you back Lexie not even the boys" "it's your fault Jads and Jessa broke up" I lost count of how many I read until I heard my name being called.
End of pov
Lexie: hmm what?
Quinton: I said we are here
Lexie: oh okay
(The boys get out of the van and Lexie follows them but they get stopped by fletcher)
Fletcher: hey guys what's up
Sway: hey fletch
Fletcher: how are you guys?
Bryce: we are good how are you?
Fletcher: I am good, congrats on the PAU launch by the way
Bryce: thank you
Fletcher: where can fans go to sign up?
Bryce: it's that simple
Fletcher: cool (looks at Jaden) how's the music coming along?
Jaden: good bro you know just trying to make it the best it can be
Fletcher: can we have a release date yet?
Jaden: nah sorry man we want to keep it a secret for now and that way when fans know they know and can get hyped
Fletcher: understandable josh how's the relationship going? (Looks at josh who had his Arm around Jaden's waist)
Josh: good we are going on five months now
Fletcher: that's good (looks at Lexie) how are you Lexie? The fans want to know if your finally going to jump into YouTube like the rest of the boys
Lexie: I don't know yet if I do YouTube it'll probably be related to dance
Fletcher: cool cool
Griffin: it was good speaking to you fletch but we are going to go inside have a goodnight
Fletcher: you too
Lexie's pov
We sat down at saddle and I looked through the menu and finally decided on the kids version of the chicken Cesar salad.
End of pov
Quinton: are you sure you just want a salad?
Lexie: yeah I am a dancer now I have to be more conscious with what I eat
Noah: your still super skinny lex carbs aren't going to kill you
Lexie: yeah they will
(The waitress walks over to them and they put in their orders)
Lexie's pov
Twenty minutes later our food came out and I saw the chicken Caesar salad which is supposed to be healthy and I know that but as I am looking at it right now it's making me feel nauseous, but I didn't want to make the boys worried so I picked up my fork and started eating. With each bite the comments were swimming in my mind along with what Odalie said at school.. I was halfway through my plate when I felt full and lightly pushed the plate away from me.
End of pov
Jaden: lex you barely ate half
Lexie: I am full..
Josh: what did you have for lunch?
Lexie: a chicken sandwich from chick fil a
Blake: you hate chick fil a
Lexie: yeah but the girls wanted that for lunch and I was too hungry to care after dancing
Griffin: (looks at her for a minute) okay fine we'll believe you this time, we can take the rest of the salad for tomorrow at home
Lexie: okay
(The boys finish eating and start heading back to the house)
Lexie's pov
In the car I tried my best to stop thinking about the food that was sitting in my stomach and if it's going to cause me to gain weight. Kio and Ant tried kept making random conversation with me so it was a little distraction. Then we got home and I distracted myself by watching tv with the guys but it wasn't working. I excused myself from the couch and went to my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror and kept telling myself don't do it, don't do it, don't do it but the comments and what Odalie said... I looked at the toilet and then looked back in the mirror and noticed my hands were shaking because of how triggered I was. I kept telling myself not to and the boys would be so disappointed but the other voice in my head kept telling me one time isn't going to kill me, just do it you want to look like the other dancers, you want to have a flat stomach so just do it, the boys aren't going to find out and with that last thought any will power I had was gone. I opened the toilet lid, turned the water from the sink on just in case and bent over and stuck my finger in my throat and purged for the first time in over a year. I kept going until I was dry heaving and had tears in my eyes. I quickly flushed the toilet, washed my hands and my face since i didn't want it to look like I was crying. Once I looked somewhat presentable I went back downstairs and cuddled up to Jaden who looked down at me.
End of pov
Jaden: are you tired baby?
(Lexie just nods her head)
Josh: you want me to make her a bottle real quick and I'll meet you guys upstairs?
Jaden: yeah that sounds good (gets off the couch with Lexie in his arms) night guys
Boys: night Jay, night Lexie
Lexie: night night
Jaden's pov
I could tell lex was starting to slip into little space once she cuddled up to me not that she doesn't cuddle with us in general because she does but I have been noticing little things that lex does when she starts to get into little space especially because she's been regressing younger lately. The first thing she does is shorten her sentences or just uses her body language to talk for her. She'll either tighten her grip on me or my shirt and kind of fists it with her fingers and she's very very clingy. I carried her up to our room and was going to lay her down in the middle of the bed but she held onto me so I just got on the bed with her in my arms. She started tracing the tattoos I had on my arms while she waited for josh to come up with the bottle and five minutes later he was in the room and laying on the bed with us. I took the bottle from him and tilted Lexie's head at an angle so she could drink and wouldn't choke. Halfway through the bottle her eyes were already closing and once I was sure she was asleep I picked her up and started putting her in her bed since we are trying to get her used to that but she was clutching onto my shirt and when I tried to move her fingers she let out a whine in her sleep and I sighed.
End of pov
Josh: just bring her back to the bed she's going to wake up if you put her down and then she'll really start to fuss
Jaden: yeah your probably right (walks back over to bed bed and gets back under the covers with her laying on his chest and he plays with her hair)
Josh: how do you think the dance school is going for her?
Jaden: she says it's good and this morning she asked if we could turn the guest bedrooms on the third floor into a dance studio
Josh: what did you say?
Jaden: said we would talk to Micheal but I was thinking we surprise her before her sixteenth birthday
Josh: that's three months away she's not going to wait that long besides we can do something better for her sixteenth
Jaden: what do you have in mind?
Josh: I don't know vacation somewhere we haven't been to we still have time to think about it besides I don't want to think about her turning sixteen...
Jaden: please sixteen year old Lexie is still going to act the same as fifteen years old Lexie and regardless she's always going to be sway's baby
Josh: she was our baby first though
Jaden: (laughs) yeah and she always will be (pecks him on the lips) by the way I saw the tik tok you posted with her, If she's your daughter that makes her mine too you know
Josh: (teases) nah she's mine
Jaden: yeah right (playfully scoffs but then smiles at him) I love you and I love how much you love Lexie
Josh: I love both of you no matter what (leans over and pecks Jaden on the lips and then gives lex a kiss on the forehead) it's getting late let's get some sleep
Jaden: okay goodnight my love
Josh: goodnight babe

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