Chapter 91

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Time skip to LA
Lexie's pov
We've been back in LA for two days now and yesterday the boys did a surprise party for my sixteenth so I am officially sixteen not that, that changes much considering I don't feel any different, my driving hasn't gotten any better since the last time I practiced and now that the boys know Jake is back they barely let me out of their sight which is both a blessing and a curse and not to mention I have my first competition in New York this Saturday and James and I still don't have the routine finished which is why he's on his way so we can practice for the next few days and finally get it done. I threw on a pair of leggings and a sports bra, put my hair in a high ponytail and walked downstairs to see Rafy talking to the boys.
End of pov
Rafy: so josh, griffin you guys have to record for American ninja warrior this Friday
Josh: I can't Friday, remember lex has her competition in New York and we have to be fly there tomorrow
Jaden: yeah... I was going to talk to you about that I won't be able to fly there until Friday because we start tour rehearsals but it's fine because Lexie's competition isn't till Saturday so I'll still be able to make it
Josh: so then we all fly Friday night
Lexie: I can't do that Cassidy is expecting us to take workshops, network with people in the dance industry and those are two extra days I can be practicing with James (sits at the counter with a bowl of cereal and takes a bite) oh I have an idea what if I fly by myself with the team? It's only two nights it's not that big of a deal
Bryce: you are funny if you think we are going to let you get on a plane by yourself
Lexie: I won't be, I'll be with the team and I can even stay in a room with Clare and the girls
Griffin: you and Clare in a hotel by yourselves without any supervision is a recipe for disaster
Lexie: you do know Cassidy is going to be there and other chaperones right?
Kio: when was the last time a chaperone ever did there job? (Crosses his arms and looks at her)
Jaden: Kio does have a point and honestly lex with Jake being around I don't feel comfortable with you flying or being at an airport by yourself anything can happen
Lexie: (sighs) well then what are we going to do?
Blake: wait Noah when do we have to be in New York for fashion week?
Noah: Sunday but we were going to fly Saturday to see lex remember
Blake: why don't we just fly down there earlier and ask the girls to come with us now that way we get a few extra days in New York, lex gets to practice and do workshops it's a win win situation
Lexie: really you guys don't mind?
Noah: of course not plus Dixie's been asking about you so why not
Lexie: thank you thank you! (Gets up from the table and hugs them)
Blake: your welcome
Rafy: okay so it's settled I'll call the airport and exchange the tickets
Noah: thanks Rafy
Rafy: no problem
Knock knock knock
Lexie: that's James, so we'll be upstairs in the studio if you guys need anything (opens the fridge and grabs two water bottles and walks towards the front door and opens it) hey James
James: hey lex welcome back to LA (hugs her)
Lexie: (laughs) I was only gone for a week
James: a week we could have been practicing
Lexie: true but anyways we have a lot to do so follow me to the studio (closes the door)
James: since when do you have a studio?
Lexie: the boys surprised me with it yesterday (smiles)
James: cool
Lexie's pov
We walked to what is now the third floor of the house aka the studio, I opened the door and turned the lights on revealing the really spacious studio, the dance floors were a light brown, the walls were mirrors, I had a specific area where I put my warm up equipment in the corner of the room and a mini fridge on the left side, and two giant speakers on both sides of the room, and I loved it.
End of pov
James: this is sick
Lexie: hmm (smiles) should we start with a warm up?
James: yeah
Lexie: okay let me just connect my speaker (smiles and connects it) ready for a throw back?
James: go for it
(Lexie puts on mr. vain by culture beat)
James: okay let's stretch for like ten minutes to make sure we don't pull anything, work out for like fifteen and the rest we run the choreo
Lexie: sounds like a plan (turns up the music)
Scene change
Bryce: alright I am off (grabs his keys)
Blake: where are you going?
Bryce: Taylor wanted me to film with him today
Noah: oh okay have fun
Bryce: do you guys want to come?
Blake: nah I am going yo Amelie's later
Noah: and Dixie and I have a date
Rafy: uh no you guys have your press interview and photoshoot for the sway gym today
Noah: that's today!?
Rafy: yes I specifically put it on your calendar so you guys wouldn't forget
Noah: (checks his phone) oops
Blake: (sighs) I'll call Amelie and ask if she wants to do dinner (grabs his phone and walks away)
Griffin: who's going to stay with lex and James while we go?
Anthony: I don't mind, I was just going to stream since I haven't done that in a while
Kio: same let's stream together the fans would love that
Anthony: okay bet
Jaden: do you guys want to meet up for lunch after? I feel like we've been so busy and haven't had time to just chill together
Josh: I agree, who's down for saddle later?
Anthony: yeah just text us when you guys are done
Griffin: okay, later babe (pecks Kio on the lips)
Kio: bye have fun
Jaden: (yells from downstairs) LEXIE WE ARE LEAVING!
Lexie: (yells from upstairs) OKAY
Lexie: okay!!
Rafy: alright let's go because we don't want to be late
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We finished our mini warm up and are starting the choreography from the beginning.
End of pov
James: do you remember it?
Lexie: yeah we start off on opposite sides of the room, I start swaying from side to side, you come towards me then I fall to the ground, you pick me up and turn me from there you pick me up and flip me so I am laying on your lap but still maintaining my balance on the floor, from there you grab onto my hand and flip me again, hold onto my waist and turn me again
James: okay good so we can run through all of that plus the other parts we added and then finally come up with the choreo towards the end of the song
Lexie: yup
James: okay
(Lexie plays unsteady and they do the first minute and a half of the song)
James: it looks good but we have to make sure that when we synchronize our movements when are separate it has to match with the music and I think we might be a little off
Lexie: play just that part so I can hear it
(James plays the music)
Lexie: it's quick that's why our movements are soft but its quick, listen after it says if you love me don't let go and the drum solo hits that's when we synchronize our movements
James: right but I can't figure out the counts because it's quick
Lexie: okay it one more time
Lexie: okay so one we bring our hands up, two we straighten them out, three, four and five we are isolating our body movements at the same time, six, seven, eight, I pull my body back to go forward into a kick while you run to the opposite side of the room then the next eight count starts
James: right when it looks like we are fighting
Lexie: exactly
James: okay let's run through it (plays the music)
Lexie's pov
We focused on just that one part and after doing it around five or six times it was clean enough to the point where we could run the routine from the beginning of the song and end it where we left off the last time we practiced.
End of pov
Lexie: water break?
James: sure (grabs his water bottle)
(Lexie starts drinking her water bottle and her phone starts to ring so she swallows her water and answers it)
Phone convo
Lexie: hey Landon what's up
Landon: why do you sound like you're out of breath?
Lexie: practicing for a dance competition this weekend, why what's up?
Landon: I just wanted to hang out, I am bored (laughs)
Lexie: do you want to come over and watch it, we could use an audience..
Landon: an audience of one person (jokes)
Lexie: well you said you were bored
Landon: true I'll be over in like fifteen
Lexie: okay just come up to the third floor, you saw it on my birthday remember
Landon: you mean yesterday? Geez lex if my memory sucks that bad then tell me (jokes)
Lexie: I am just teasing (smiles)
Landon: hmm okay see you in a bit
Lexie: bye
End of phone convo
James: who was that?
Lexie: my friend Landon he's going to come watch us practice that's okay right?
James: yeah as long as he doesn't distract you I don't really care
Lexie: okay so let's take it from after I do the mini jump from your leg and you carry me across the room because that's where we stopped at and we need to make sure to get the last half of the song done
James: I agree, we have the first half of the song solid and running it over and over again isn't helping us finish
Lexie: agreed (walks over to him and gets into position) this is actually the perfect opportunity to do
James: a dip
Lexie: yes (smiles)
James: okay but you have to trust that I won't drop you and you have to relax in my arms otherwise it won't work and the judges will tell you are tense
Lexie: I know just dip me I am okay
James: okay
Lexie's pov
James dipped me for four counts and then lifted me back up and turned me for the last four counts. After he turned his back to me I reached my arms out like I am trying to grab onto the air while James is behind me and grabs onto my arms and brings them to my chest and then he moves my body almost like a puppet for two counts but then grabs my hand again and spins me and I put the music on pause.
End of pov
James: why did you pause the music?
Lexie: because I just had an idea what if after you spin me I take a few leaps back while your still holding my hand and you follow me but it's almost like your chasing me because we have to follow the speed of the music
James: okay let's practice it without music
Lexie: okay
(They practice it)
Fifteen minutes later (downstairs)
Knock knock knock
Anthony: Kio go check who it is
Kio: why me? I am in the middle of trying to kill this one dude
Anthony: okay well I am trying not to get killed so could you put it on pause and open the door?
Kio: fine (gets off the couch and walks to the front door and opens it) oh hey Landon, what are you doing here?
Landon: lex said I could come and watch her practice
Kio: oh okay well go on upstairs
Landon: thanks
(He starts walking upstairs)
Lexie's pov
James was in the middle of helping me do a little leap into the air and I did a little flip onto the ground and was laying there when the door opened and I couldn't help the smile on my face when Landon walked through the door. He was wearing a white t shirt that showed off the few tattoos that he had, gray sweats, he was wearing a silver chain around his neck and then another necklace on top of that, he was wearing two rings on his fingers and a few bracelets on his wrist. And his hair was in curls and if James wasn't in the room right now I probably would have ran over to him and kissed him... okay so maybe he will be a distraction, not that I am complaining though.
End of pov
Landon: hey lex (smiles)
Lexie: hey (gets off the floor and hugs him) how are you?
Landon: better now that I get to see you (kisses her on the cheek and whispers in her ear) you look great in that sports bra by the way (smirks)
Lexie: (tries not to blush) shut up, anyway Landon this is my dance partner James
James: hey man big fan of your dad
Landon: thanks bro
Lexis: well we should probably get back to practicing so you can sit there if you want (points at a chair)
Landon: okay
Lexie's pov
Is it weird that I feel nervous he's going to see me dance? Oh my gosh what if he thinks I am terrible at it? What if I embarrass myself in front of him? No no stop it Lexie you've been fine all morning now that Landon is here isn't going to change anything.
End of pov
James: let's go from your turn on the floor to transition into the leap and where we left off
Lexie: okay or do you want to run through it all so far with the music
James: we could do that too just to make sure it all flows
Lexie: okay (plays the music)
Scene change (with the boys)
Josh's pov
We just finished up the photo shoot and a few press interviews for the sway gym and I have to admit it looks sick as fuck. We signed the papers and took a few pictures, recorded a couple tik toks to get the word out there and then we left and started driving to boa and of course fletcher decided to show up.
End of pov
Fletcher: josh, Jaden, griffin, Blake, Bryce, Noah great to see you guys together what's new?
Josh: a lot of cool stuff that we can't really say right now but be on the look out
Fletcher: okay okay, hey Jaden how does it feel to be going on tour with MGK soon?
Jaden: it's a blessing man, I am so excited and can't wait to see everyone In person
Fletcher: that sound so cool, also the fans want to know what does this mean for sway? All of you have been super busy and haven't been see together so is sway breaking up?
Bryce: I swear there's a rumor about us breaking up every month
Griffin: yo Blake just because you've been a simp lately does it mean your leaving sway?
Blake: guess so man (jokes)
Fletcher: what about the rumors that you and Noah are leaving the boys and going to move in with each other?
Noah: this is the first I am hearing of that, Blake are we getting a house that I didn't know about (jokes)
Blake: nah man I don't know where these fans are getting all these rumors from, they come up with crazy things
Fletcher: so for the record sway is not breaking up right?
Josh: no people can spread all the rumors they want, yes we get busy and do our own projects but at the end of the day we all come home to the same house, sway us a family so you can tell the fans they have nothing to worry about
Fletcher: thanks one more question where is Lexie at? Isn't she always with you guys?
Jaden: she's getting ready for a competition this week but we gotta go get a table so we'll talk to you later fletcher
Fletcher: alright thanks for your time
(The boys walk inside the restaurant and a host sits them at the table)
Griffin: oh shit I was supposed to text Kio and Anthony I'll do that now they are like ten minutes from the house anyway
Josh: true
Scene change
(Lexie, James and Landon are In the studio when the door opens and Kio walks in)
Kio: hey we are going to go to saddle for lunch, can I trust you to stay here by yourselves for an hour
Lexie: we are not five go meet up with the boys we are just practicing
Kio: okay we'll bring you back something to eat
Lexie: okay
(Kio and Anthony leave the house and James and Lexie practice for another hour)
James: alright I think that good for today we have a majority of it done and I have to go home because my mom is dropping my brother and sister off before going back to work
Lexie: okay, practice tomorrow though?
James: we have our flight but definitely at the hotel we will practice
Lexie: okay bye see you tomorrow (smiles and takes a sip of her water)
James: later bro (daps up Landon)
Landon: nice meeting you (smiles)
(They walk James to the door and then It's just the two of them)
Lexie: do you want to look for a movie while I take a quick shower I am all sweaty and gross
Landon: yeah sound good do you want me to make popcorn too?
Lexie: yes (smiles)
Landon: okay don't take to long I want to cuddle
Lexie: okay ten minutes tops
Lexie's pov
I walked upstairs to my bathroom and took off my sports bra and leggings, adjusted the temperature so it was nice and cool and stepped in. Five minute later I turned the temperature up a bit because it was kind of cold and when I finished showering I decided to put on a pink crop top velvet cami with a pair of matching shorts that stopped at my thighs, I left my hair down and walked downstairs.
End of pov
Landon's pov
I saw Lexie walking into the living room and almost choked on the water I was drinking she was wearing a super short crop top that showed off her chest not that I didn't see her chest when she was wearing a sports bra but still, and her shorts gave off the perfect view of her sexy tan legs, this girl was going to be the death of me.
End of pov
Lexie: what movie did you find (sits on the couch and snuggles close to him)
Landon: I couldn't find one so I figured I would let you pick
Lexie: okay how about After, have you seen it (looks at him)
Landon: if it's a romance movie I'll make an exception for you
Lexie: yay (kisses him on the cheek and starts the movie)
Scene change (at saddle)
Kio: so have you guys figured out what's going to happen when you go on tour (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: josh and I talked about it for a little but we also want lex to be part of the decision
Bryce: well what are the options so far?
Josh: lex and I stay here in LA and visit Jaden on the weekends which we know isn't practical so it might not be every weekend
Jaden: or josh and Lexie come with me on tour and josh flys back here whenever he has to work in person for whatever reason
Griffin: do you think lex going on tour is a good idea I mean she has dance, and hot topic wanted her to start modeling for the brand
Jaden: yeah I know which is why we want to talk to her about it but honestly being out of LA might be safer for her...
Bryce: has she said anything about Jake trying to reach out to her?
Jaden: no remember she broke her old phone in Hawaii so for her birthday when we got her a new one we switched the number too
Anthony: good the harder it is to find her the better
Josh: yup
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Fifteen minutes into the movie I felt Landon place his hand on my thigh and feeling his cold rings against my skin was an instant turn on. And I moved around on the couch trying to get rid of the feeling in between my legs right now.
End of pov
Landon: sorry am I making you uncomfortable? (Takes his hand off)
Lexie: uh just the opposite (grabs his hand and slips it in her underwear and looks at him)
Landon: oh...
Lexie: yeah...
Landon: do you want some help?
Lexie: I thought you wanted to wait...
Landon: I didn't say anything about me (picks her up and lays her back flat on the couch) I said do you want some help? (Starts to rub her)
Lexie: (takes a deep breath) p p please
Landon: okay
Lexie's pov
Landon pressed his lips against mine and started kissing him and I obviously kissed back. I felt him slide a finger in me and I hissed at the contact of the ring against my pussy and Landon took advantage and slipped his tongue in while he slipped his other hand under my bra and started massaging my breast and I let out another moan and I felt him smirk into the kiss. I ran my hands across his chest and got to the strings of his sweats and pulled on them but Landon was quick to grab my hands and pin them above my head and looked at me.
End of pov
Landon: I told you that I was helping you not the other way around
Lexie: but
Landon: no and unless you want me to stop all together (pushes another finger in) then I suggest you don't try that again okay?
Lexie: o o okay
Lexie's pov
Landon started kissing me and rubbing me again until I felt the familiar knot in my stomach and the need to release and I couldn't hold it anymore I came and he pulled my shorts and underwear down and stopped kissing me and started kissing down my stomach till he got to my now dripping pussy and looked up at me asking for permission. I nodded my head and he started eating me out while I grabbed onto his curls and couldn't stop the moan from coming out of my mouth. A few minutes later he licked me clean. And just in time because we heard the lock of the door so I quickly pulled my pants and underwear up and got under the covers while Landon flipped the movie to an old season of ICarly and wrapped an arm around my shoulder just as we started hearing foot steps.
End of pov
Lexie: oh hey guys how was saddle?
Boys: good
Jaden: sup Landon
Landon: hey bro (hugs him)
Bryce: what were you two up to (smirks)
Lexie: just watching Icarly
Blake: is that all?
Lexie: yeah, what else would we be doing?
Bryce: I can think of a few you could be giving him a
Lexie: don't you dare finish that sentence hall (smacks him in the back of the head)
Bryce: ow
Griffin: anyways we brought you guys food are you hungry?
Landon: not really (looks at Lexie and smirks)
Lexie: (blushes) you know what I actually am so I am just going to go into the kitchen with Landon come on (grabs his wrist and starts walking into the kitchen and Landon starts laughing) you should have seen your face
Lexie: oh shut up it's your fault (whines)
Landon: aww poor baby
Lexie: (glares) your mean
Landon: and your cute, come here (wraps his arms around her waist and hugs her) come on let's eat
Lexie: I thought you weren't hungry
Landon: I am not but you should be after all that dancing
Lexie: true (opens the to go box from saddle and takes out the bowl of pasta and sits down)
Ring ring ring
Landon: hello (answers his phone)
Bama: hey bro do you think you can pick me up from Aaron's his car stopped working
Landon: yeah do you want me to pick you up now?
Bama: yeah dad just said he wants us all home for a family dinner
Landon: okay I'll head out now
Bama: where are you?
Landon: with Lexie
Bama: ooo Lexie
Landon: shut up (shakes his head)
Bama: okay okay bye
Landon: later
End of phone convo
Landon: hey lex I am sorry but I gotta go, bama's friends car broke down and dad wants us home early
Lexie: okay no worries thanks for coming over (hugs him)
Landon: I had fun
Lexie: me too in more ways then one (jokes)
Landon: (shakes his head and pecks her on the lips) have fun in New York
Lexie: I'll miss you to be honest
Landon: face time me (walks out of the kitchen) bye guys
Boys: byee
Lexie's pov
I was able to eat my pasta peacefully for ten minutes before the boys walked into the kitchen and started interrogating me about Landon but I just brushed them off and eventually they left it alone. The rest of the day was just filled with ping pong, movies and quality time together which is something I had missed even Blake and Noah rescheduled their dates with Dixie and Amelie since they were going to see them tomorrow anyways. After we finished watching insidious I looked at the time and saw it was now nine o clock and I still needed to pack for New York.
End of pov
Lexie: I going to go pack so if I don't see you guys the rest of the night, goodnight (hugs the boys)
Josh: are you sleeping in your room tonight?
Lexie: ha funny no, I was talking to the others since I'll see you when you come to the room
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
I grabbed my duffel bag and started off with our high water gear which was just a shirt, sweats and shoes that represented the team, then I packed pajamas, leggings and was putting my bikini in the suitcase when I heard a thud and I looked up and my eyes widened with fear, how the fuck did he get inside!? Bryce swore Rafy put in the alarm system. My body froze in fear as I watched him walk over to me and then when I found my strength I opened my bedroom door and was about to run downstairs but I felt a pair of arms grab my waist and wrap a hand around my mouth and closed the door. I closed my eyes and told myself this wasn't real, this couldn't be real, he couldn't have found his way inside the house.
End of pov
?: look at me Lexie
Lexie: no I don't want to (says with her eyes closed tears streaming down her face)
?: Lexie i won't ask again open your pretty eyes and look at me unless you want me to hurt you and you know I will
Lexie: (opens her eyes) w w what d do y you w want j j Jake?
Jake: isn't it obvious i want you
Lexie: I will never be yours
Jake: oh please you've always been mine even when you slept with all those other guys, you still have my mark or did you forget about that babygirl (starts kissing her neck)
Lexie: please leave (cries)
Jake: I always did love hearing your cries, I have missed them (kisses her tear stained cheek)
Lexie: I'll scream for help
Jake: you do that and I'll stab every single one of them and take you with me right now (shows his knife)
Lexie: w w what are you doing here?
Jake: I just wanted to see you, I have missed you, and after seeing those two guys with you today I figured you needed a reminder of who you really belong too
Lexie: get out (grits her teeth)
Jake: fine I'll leave for now but enjoy the time you have in New York with them because when you come back your mine and if you even think about trying to tell any of them, I'll just have to start my plan a little sooner understood (lifts her chin up)
(Lexie nods her head tears streaming down her face)
Jake: words babygirl
Lexie: y y yes
Jake: good girl (climbs out of the window and closes it)
Lexie's pov
I slid against the bathroom door and tried to catch my breath but I couldn't, the amount of fear that coursed through my body right now wasn't allowing me to get air into my lungs, it was like Jake was suffocating me even though he wasn't here in the room anymore. I tried to catch my breath but it got harder and harder every time until I heard a knock but I couldn't bring myself to open it, but I still felt someone pushing it and once I moved out of the way Jaden walked inside and the only thing I could do was wrap my arms and legs around him and sob into his chest.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie baby what's wrong?
Lexie: I can't I can't h h e
Jaden: shh shh it's okay listen to my heartbeat (brings her head close to his chest) focus on my heart beat lex and listen to my voice your okay just try and breathe baby
Five minutes later
Jaden: are you feeling better now (wipes her tears)
Lexie: n n no I I am s s scared
Jaden: of what?
Lexie: I c can't t t tell you
Jaden: I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened lex
Lexie: p p please don't make me
Jaden's pov
I wanted to know what pushed her into having a panic attack but after seeing how worked up she got I didn't want to push her so instead I stood up with her still wrapped around my waist and went downstairs to make her a bottle and when it was done I took her upstairs to josh and I's room.
End of pov
Josh: what happened baby (looks at Lexie's red eyes)
Jaden: she had a panic attack (sits her on the bed but she grabs onto him holding her bottle)
Josh: did she tell you what triggered it?
Jaden: no I didn't want to push her, she was terrified from whatever it was
Josh: okay well hopefully she'll tell us in the morning let's go to bed
Lexie's pov
Josh turned the lights off and I snuggled into the middle of the bed wanting to be close to them and feel protected because if Jake really did have intentions on taking me again then I want to be with then every second I can.
End of pov

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