Chapter 19

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Knock knock knock
Charly: (groans) who is that?
Taylor: (mumbles) I don't know
Charly: go check
Taylor: why me (opens his eyes)
Charly: your the protector
Taylor: (glares) your lucky I love you (climbs out of bed and opens the front door to see the sway boys standing on the porch)
Taylor: (surprised) hey guys weren't you supposed to be back later?
Bryce: yeah but we got a call this morning that it was cancelled so we just left early were you guys still sleeping?
Taylor: hmm come inside though, EVERYONE SWAY IS HERE!!
Lexie's pov
I heard Taylor yell from downstairs and my head started pounding and I felt the urge to throw up so I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom and got sick. A few moments later I felt my hair being pulled away from my face and I was just praying it wasn't one of the boys but when I turned around it was kellianne holding my hair up.
End of pov
Lexie: thanks...
Kellianne: your welcome now take a shower and make yourself at least somewhat presentable
Lexie: is Taylor going to snitch about what happened last night...
Kellianne: (sighs) they are his best friends it wouldn't be right to lie to them
Lexie: ugh fine whatever (rolls her eyes)
Kellianne: listen I was a teenage girl once too don't think I didn't do the things your doing either but if your gonna do it you have to deal with the consequences too
Lexie: now I know why people call you the mom of the house
Kellianne: (laughs) come downstairs when your ready oh and I put an Advil on the night table
Lexie: thank you
Kellianne: your welcome (leaves and closes the bathroom door)
Lexie's pov
I stripped out of last night's dress since I had past out and didn't bother changing but once the dress was off I looked at the mirror and I saw hickeys all over me. My neck, my stomach, my breasts which I wasn't too worried about since obviously no one can see those but that means no crop tops and that's the only thing that I brought! I didn't think to bring concealer or foundation so I guess I am just gonna have to wear one of Taylor's hoodies.. on second thought I walked back to the room wrapped in a towel and brought my purse and opened it up and found my little foundation stick that I carry around with me. So I just turned the water on and let myself feel the hot water against my skin and relaxed.
End of pov
Markell: do you guys want anything to eat or drink?
Griffin: thanks but we were thinking of taking lex to IHOP
Chase: oh okay (looks at Taylor)
Taylor: (sighs) alright look there's something I need to tell you
Bryce: what is it?
Taylor: yesterday when you asked where Lexie was she wasn't actually asleep...
Jaden: where was she? (Crosses his arms)
Taylor: I let her go to a friends party and she told me that she wasn't going to drink or do drugs and promised me that she would be home by midnight which is the time I gave her
Kio: and you believed her?
Taylor: yeah I know I shouldn't have it was stupid you guys left me responsible for her...
Quinton: wait what friend? She hasn't told us she made friends here in LA yet
Nate: I don't know the friend's name but we dropped her off in a house that was twenty minutes from here so he definitely has money and it didn't seem too suspicious it was like any high school party
Josh: is there anything else that happened?
Charly: we let Lexie get purple streaks in her hair
Jaden: (sighs) so let me get this straight I leave her with you guys for not even a full two days and she dies her hair, goes to a party and gets high and drunk
Taylor: I am sorry bro
Noah: I don't think it's you he's mad at
Lexie's pov
I had just gotten dressed into one of Taylor's hoodies and some black leggings when I heard Jaden scream for me downstairs. Thankfully I took the Advil so the pain is slowly starting to subside but him screaming made it hurt a bit more. I slowly walked down the stairs knowing I was about to meet my death, eventually I got to the bottom of the stairs and into the living room where all the boys were staring at me with their arms crossed but Jaden... let's just say If Jaden was a cartoon character there would definitely be steam coming out of his ears.
End of pov
Lexie: hi
Blake: hi? Is that all you have to say?
Lexie: I missed you
(Lexie fake smiles but the boys aren't amused)
Jaden: Lexie I want you to apologize for your behavior last night and then I want you in the car do you understand me? (Says calmly)
Lexie: oh come on I was just having a little fun jay didn't you have fun when you were my age actually don't you still have fun now and party?
Markell: lex if I were you I would hush because your just gonna build yourself a bigger grave
Lexie: why? It's not fair that I don't get to do what I want to do! I used to do it all the time back home and now that I am living with body guards I can't do half the the things I used too!! I am becoming this soft little delicate princess and that's not who I am!!!
Noah: really? So your telling me you want to be this delinquent teenager with no boundaries and do things that could potentially put you in danger!
Lexie: I wasn't in any danger (Crosses her arms)
Quinton: really? Because I don't remember you mentioning any new friends to us
Lexie: stay out of it Quinton your only a year or two older then me
Quinton: exactly
Griffin: both of you shut up, now Lexie what you did yesterday was very disrespectful and disappointing, you took advantage of the fact that we weren't here, you took advantage of everyone because you knew they didn't really know anything in the first place now apologize and get in the car like Jaden said
Lexie: fine I am sorry
(Says with an attitude and josh spanks her)
Josh: like you mean it
Lexie: (glares at josh but then looks at everyone else) I am sorry I took advantage of you guys last night, griffin's right I shouldn't have done that you guys were just trying to make me feel comfortable and I disregarded it completely
Taylor: (sighs) I appreciate it and I am sure everyone else does but we were the adults and in your defense we should have known better then to listen to a fifteen year old
Lexie: (laughs) yeah you should have
Markell: come here and give me a hug
(Lexie hugs each of them goodbye and starts walking out of the house towards the van and the boys start driving to the house in silence and thirty minutes later they were home)
Jaden: upstairs in my room now
Lexie: but I don't want too
Josh: go now or I'll carry you myself
Lexie: fine (walks upstairs and slams Jaden's door)
Anthony: and she still thinks she's not a kid (shakes his head)
Lexie: I heard that!! (Opens the door and slams it again)
Griffin: so help me Lexie if you break down that..
(Griffin gets cut off by Lexie slamming it again)
Noah: Lexie Marie stop it your acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum!!
Lexie: I don't care!! You never let me do anything I want and when I finally do I get in trouble for it!!! (Slams the door again)
Jaden: that's it I am going up there (climbs upstairs, opens the door and sees Lexie sitting on her bed with her arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face)
Jaden: is this what's going to happen every time we have to go somewhere Lexie? Can I not trust you to NOT get in trouble for two days!? Seriously Lexie do you know how embarrassing it was to hear Taylor tell me everything you did? You know for a fact I would not have approved the purple hair, you knew I would never let you to a complete stranger's house which by the way was a very dangerous stupid thing to do where did you even meet this person?
Lexie: at the salon I had finished early so I was sitting on the couches and a boy was there and we just started talking and then he invited me to the party
Jaden: I can't believe you did this Lexie I thought you were raised better
Lexie: (scoffs) yeah right who's the person that raised me Jaden? Mom and dad never gave a shit, the rotating nannies until I was twelve didn't care unless they got a check and you that left me (looks up at him)
Jaden: okay but before I left I was the one who took care of you and I am taking care of you now and I am going to make sure this NEVER happens again am I clear?
Lexie: (looks down) yeah
Jaden: good now get over my lap
Lexie: can't we just skip the whole
Jaden: Lexie don't make me tell you again or I won't hesitate to double it
Lexie: okay fine (lays over his lap)
Jaden: I am giving you seventeen okay?
Lexie: okay..
Jaden: I don't ever want you to be at someone else's house and take advantage of them like that ever again, you know what we would approve of and you know what we wouldn't so I expect you to behave or next time I am giving you the belt understand?
Lexie: yeah I understand (wipes a few tears away)
Jaden: (pulls her in for a hug) now how about we go downstairs and you can tell us what you were thinking pulling that stunt of yours
Lexie: am I gonna get lectured again?
Jaden: no but I don't want you to think it's over because I still want your side of the story... listen Lexie I know I punish you but I am still going to hear you out too
Lexie: okay
(Lexie and Jaden walk downstairs where the other boys are sitting on the couches)
Griffin: we are about to post mate IHop instead, you like chocolate chip pancakes right lex?
Lexie: yeah and mozzarella sticks (smiles)
Griffin: haha okay
Josh: come here buddy sit with me
(Lexie walks over to josh and Jaden follows her)
Blake: so tell us what happened yesterday?
Lexie: the way I saw it was I could be vulnerable and show how much I missed you guys or I could pretend not to care and take the day to do whatever I wanted... plus I just wanted to feel normal again
Jaden: what do you mean? Like public eye wise?
Lexie: no more like a normal teenager which I am not but back in Tennessee I was able to go out when I wanted, with whoever I wanted and didn't need to answer to anyone and now all of a sudden I have body guards watching my every move and have rules that I am not used to...
Bryce: it's called being in a family, I know you and Jaden aren't used to that and hell I wasn't either but then I met Taylor first and eventually the boys and we created our own family which your part of now
Lexie: yeah I guess...
Kio: I have one more thing to ask
Lexie: yeah
Kio: did you use the drugs and alcohol to distract you from what happened the day of the test?
Lexie: kind of yeah but mainly it was to just forget everything for a minute
Griffin: no more getting high promise me
Lexie: yeah (crosses fingers behind the back)
Quinton: so now that this family meeting is over can I go FaceTime Cynthia
Blake: go ahead Romeo
Quinton: no that's Noah
Noah: shut up (blushes)
Bryce: aww Noah's in love with Dixie
Noah: (throws a pillow at him) I'll call Addison
Bryce: go ahead I just get more time with my baby (shrugs his shoulders)
Kio: you guys should just invite them over we'll just do a chill pool day here or something
Blake: okay
Lexie's pov
The guys went to call their girlfriends except griffin, josh and Jaden since ther are the single ones. The boys decided to play video games which didn't catch my interest so I started walking back to my room to grab my laptop and headphones when I heard a knock on the door and I figured it was the food so I went to open the door and I saw a guy with a yellow envelope in his hand.
End of pov
Lexie: can I help you? (Says with attitude)
?: hi Is Jaden hossler here?
Lexie: depends on who's asking
?: I am Daniel I am from child protective services and we received paperwork work from the agency in Tennessee from Annie and Liam hossler
Lexie: hold on a second let me get Jaden, JADEN THERE'S SOMEONE FROM CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES HERE!!!
(Jaden hears Lexie and takes the headphones off and walks over to the front door confused)
Jaden: hi is there anything I can help you with?
Daniel: yes it appears that your parents faxed over some paperwork to our agency and a letter
Jaden: okay... what kind of paperwork?
Daniel: custody papers may I come in?
Jaden: yeah sorry about that, Lexie why don't you go in the living room with the boys while Daniel and I talk okay?
Lexie: sure whatever (walks into the living room)
Griffin: who was at the door?
Lexie: I don't know some guy from CPS.. wait you don't think they are gonna try and take me from Jaden do you?
Griffin: no they have no legitimate reason too don't worry about it, do you know what it's about though?
Lexie: apparently my parents sent him paperwork
Josh: I'll be back you stay with griffin okay?
Lexie: I was planning on doing that anyway
(Josh gets off the couch and walks to the kitchen where Jaden is sitting at the table with Daniel)
Josh: is everything okay?
Jaden: well let's see my parents have officially signed over custody to me and wrote a letter stating they want nothing to do with Lexie and I and they are leaving to Hawaii to live out the rest of their lives kid free (reading the papers)
Daniel: that is if you want custody permanently I am here because the office got faxed to make sure the papers get signed but if you don't want the responsibility
Jaden: of course I want custody over Lexie she's my sister and the only blood I have left not only that but I have been taking care of her for weeks now and I am not about to have her get taken from me I am sorry if that comes off as harsh but it's kind of a lot to take in right now
Daniel: no i understand completely so just sign these papers stating you have full authority of any hospital bills that come in, education etc until she's at least eighteen
Jaden: yeah josh can you hand me a pen?
Josh: yeah here (hands over the pen)
Jaden: (looks over the paper) what if there is no second guardian do I leave it blank?
Daniel: you can or if you would like to put down another person you trust in case anything were to happen in the future, just for precautionary measures so you know she won't end up in the foster system
Josh: put down my name
Jaden: wait josh are you sure?
Josh: yeah I love her just as much as you do and it's just for legal purposes right?
Daniel: yeah and I highly doubt anything is going to happen but like I said precautionary measures
Jaden: josh are you sure, you don't have to if you don't want too which I would completely understand
Josh: Jaden either you put my name or I put it myself
Jaden: (laughs) fine (takes the pen and signs his name)
Daniel: okay thank you everything seems to be in order (looks over the paperwork)
Jaden: wait a minute is this gonna be like a regular thing having CPS come over now?
Daniel: no you've given me no reason to believe you can't take care of her, your more then financially stable and you boys seem responsible enough to me so this would just need to be in the California System
Jaden: okay thank you for coming by
Daniel: no problem have a nice day
(Jaden walks Daniel out just as the guy from post mates was showing up so he takes the food and walks back into the kitchen)
Josh: (looks at Jaden) are you okay with everything that just happened? I know it's a lot to process
Jaden: honestly I am not surprised my parents haven't even called once to check in on me or Lexie so me getting custody was bound to happen at some point but I don't even know what to tell Lexie or how she's going to react
Josh: are you going to show her the letter?
Jaden: no, you can read it if you want and then you'll see why I don't want her reading it
Josh: okay (picks up the letter)
Josh's pov
I started to read the letter and it started off simple just like a hi Jaden we are writing this to let you know that Liam and I have come to the decision that we are handing you full custody over Lexie, we want nothing to do with either of you anymore but mostly Lexie to be honest Jaden she was a mistake between your father and I, unplanned but obviously I wasn't about to get an abortion because that would just be morally wrong but anyway she's your problem now and tell her not to contact us even though she hasn't but that's besides the point your father and I are moving to Hawaii and this will be the last time hearing from us love mom and dad. My blood boiled how could they be so insensitive and that last part of the letter, the irony only pissed me off more, I looked over at Jaden who was currently putting pancakes on a plate and sighed and walked over to him because the truth is I know this letter probably hurt him even if he doesn't want to admit. He's good at hiding his feelings and thinks he has to be strong all the time, Lexie definitely gets that from him. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he put the fork down and hugged me back.
End of pov
Josh: I am so sorry Jae your parents don't deserve you guys though, they don't deserve to know how amazing you really are and how talented you are and i know that it hurts but you guys don't need them you have us
Jaden: I love you josh
Josh: I love you too
Jaden: it's not even my parents though that I am upset about
Josh: then what is it?
Jaden: it's Lexie she already thinks she's a problem as it is and it hurts me that she thinks that and if she sees that letter it's just gonna validate that thought because her own parents didn't want her
Josh: fuck them she doesn't need them she has us and we want her and we love her that's all she needs to know
Jaden: your right
Josh: are you ready to walk back to the living room?
Jaden: yeah just grab the food
Lexie's pov
Griffin was attempting to teach me how to play GTA key word attempting because I kept getting killed or accidentally killing him, the boys came back downstairs after calling and inviting the girl and then just laughed at me miserably losing in this game and that went on until the boys came back into the living room with the food and Daniel was gone.
End of pov
Anthony: griffin was catching us up on what was going on what did the social worker want?
(Jaden walks over to Lexie and looks at her)
Jaden: you know I love you right?
Lexie: yeah I love you too, why do you look so serious? Did something happen?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: well tell me
Jaden: mom and dad just gave me full custody and josh signed some papers too and they are moving to Hawaii and they don't want be involved in anything anymore
Lexie: oh.. well when have they been involved in anything that's nothing new
Josh: so your not upset?
Lexie: should I be? It's not like they ever gave a shit the only difference now is that I am staying with you guys permanently and they don't want anything to do with me which I don't blame them and I wouldn't blame you guys if you just wanted to give me up either (looks down and plays with her fingers)
Jaden: Lexie Marie hossler look at me (lifts her chin up) don't ever think like that about yourself, it's the other way around they don't deserve you in their life okay if they don't want to see how beautiful their daughter is inside and out that's on them
Lexie: what are you talking about? I am not beautiful Jaden I am broken and you know it and I have a whole bunch of problems... no wonder mom and dad don't want anything to do with me
Griffin: that's not true you just need some help and even if you do need help that's not going to change anything about how we feel about you, you are not a problem and you are not broken and I don't want you putting yourself down anymore understand? It hurts us to see you so sad and believe you aren't worthy or good enough because you are so much more then you see
Lexie: do you guys really believe that
Bryce: of course kiddo now group hug
Lexie's pov
We all hugged and started eating when I realized something Jaden had said about josh but I wasn't really paying attention to that part so I figured I would ask again.
End of pov
Lexie: hey Jaden
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: what was it that you said about josh?
Jaden: oh he signed as your second guardian
Blake: aww well isn't that cute (teases)
Noah: so griffin josh has officially stolen your title
Griffin: no because he can barely take care of himself
Josh: not true!
Griffin: we were in Disney and you were fighting Bryce with toy swords and before that got lost in an alley and before that
Josh: okay okay I get it
(Josh rolls his eyes and Lexie moves from her place sitting next to griffin and moves over to josh)
Lexie: why did you want to? I mean I know Jaden would because he's my brother but why would you want to sign the papers?
Josh: (sighs) because I love you just as much as Jaden does and I want you to know that no matter what I am always going to be there for you and I am not leaving neither are the other boys but you deserve to know that you have two people that will stand by you no matter what
Lexie: I love you Joshy (hugs him)
Anthony's pov
I looked over at josh and Lexie hugging and then Jaden walked over to them so the three of them were cuddling on the couch and I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them and sent it to a separate group chat that josh and Jaden were in.
End of pov
Group chat
Anthony: they look like their own little family (sends pic)
Kio: aww that's so cute!
Noah: low key actually starting to ship josh and Jaden ngl
Blake: me too
Quinton: can you imagine the fans would go crazy
Griffin: I could see it happening honestly
Bryce: me too they just need to realize it first
End of group chat
Knock knock
Quinton: those are the girls I'll go open the door
Jaden: lex if you want go put a swimsuit on and meet us outside
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I got off the couch and walked up to my room and opened my duffel bag and just pulled out the white one piece that I didn't use at Taylor's and put that on and then I realized the hickeys on my thighs... see the boys know I got drunk and high but they don't know I had sex with Dylan and obviously I don't need them finding out so I put on these little waterproof shorts on top and walked downstairs to see the girls already sitting by the pool while Noah was turning on the speakers so we can play music. I walked over to Addison who was sitting next to Cynthia, Amelie, and Dixie.
End of pov
Addison: hey girly
Lexie: hey guys (smiles)
Cynthia: how was it at Taylor's?
Lexie: that's a long story (laughs)
Dixie: gotcha but did you at least have fun?
Lexie: yeah
Addison: next time the boys go out of the town I'll tell Bryce you can stay with me
Dixie: yeah we could do like a girl's weekend
Lexie: yeah that would be fun, where's charli?
Dixie: (sighs) with chase
Cynthia: she's gonna get her heart broken again trust me I have been there
Dixie: I know and I keep telling her but you know she loves him
Amelie: would you ever go back to griffin?
Dixie: no I mean I have forgiven him and I think we can be friends but I also think that we weren't meant for each other and that's okay
Lexie: are you in love with Noah?
Dixie: yeah (blushes)
Amelie: aww Dixie Damilio is actually blushing (mocks)
Dixie: yeah yeah I don't know Noah's really sweet and stuff
Cynthia: what about you lex anyone caught your eye here yet?
Lexie: nope not really but that's okay I guess
(Bryce walks outside towards the boys)
Bryce: I invited hunter and Brandon is that cool with you?
Josh: yeah we never get to hang out with them
Bryce: I know that's why I invited them
Lexie's pov
The girls and I talked for a bit longer when I saw hunter and Brandon enter from the gate in the backyard and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over to Brandon he was wearing these tie dye swim shorts and his hair had the messy hairstyle kind of look and the tattoo on his was showing very visibly and don't get me started on his abs... shit I should probably stop thinking about him like that especially because I heard rumors about a girl named Rachel and him, but he's still hot. Stop it Lexie!
End of pov
Hunter: hey guys
Griffin: look who finally showed up
Hunter: look who finally invited me
Jaden: shut up you know we've tried to get you to come for ages
Hunter: yeah I know we've been busy
Brandon: hey Lexie
Lexie: hey Brandon how are you?
Brandon: I am good how about you?
Lexie: same
Brandon: aren't you hot just sitting in the jacuzzi?
Lexie: no I am actually very relaxed come sit
Brandon: okay
Lexie's pov
The rest of the day we just messed around in the pool, I filmed a few tik toks with Brandon which called the fans who ship Rachel and Brandon to come at me but whatever I know he would never go for me since Rachel is so much prettier anyways. Then I pushed him in the pool just for fun which resulted in me getting pulled in, for lunch the boys grilled burgers and hot dogs and I was forced into eating at least one hot dog even though I didn't want it Jaden literally threatened to feed me himself so I just took the hot dog and ate it. Eventually the sun went down and hunter and Brandon went home but they promised to start coming over more and the girls decided to stay the night to be with their boyfriends. Each couple was super cute but honestly I loved Bryce and Addison, I loved observing how each of them just had a smile in their face and when of them would laugh they both would, they are so in sync it's crazy. I want that one day maybe not now because I am broken but maybe just maybe I won't be one day. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt arms wrap around me and start swinging me around.
End of pov
Lexie: Quinton put me down!
Quinton: I don't know Cynthia should I put her down?
Lexie: yes!
Cynthia: (teases) I don't know I think she's having fun
Lexie: of course your on quinton's side now (pouts)
Kio: movie night everyone in the living room!!
Lexie: now you have to put me down!
Quinton: nah I think I am stealing you
Cynthia: yes let's keep her!
(Quinton carries Lexie to the living room with Cynthia following and they take one of the couches and sit down)
Lexie: Bryce, Addison Quinton and Cynthia kidnapped me
Quinton: liar (keeps his arms around her)
Lexie: no I am not let me go (whines)
Quinton: I am not even spinning you around anymore
Lexie: I know but Bryce and Addison are more superior
Blake: I am actually offended come here you
(Blake walks over to her and takes her out of Quinton's arms and starts tickling her)
Lexie: stop Blake! (Laughs)
Blake: say Amelie and I are the cutest couple
Lexie: no Jaden taught me not to lie
Blake: that's it (keeps tickling her)
Lexie: fine fine you and Amelie are cuter
Amelie: aw thanks
Lexie: not (gets up and starts running while Blake chases her and she runs into josh)
Josh: what's going on here I thought we were watching a movie
Lexie: protect me, Blake is trying to tickle me to death
Josh: why?
Lexie: I said Bryce and Addison were the cutest couple
Josh: your on your own Buddy
Blake: Lexie get back here!!
Lexie: ahhh!!! (Runs around but eventually Blake chases her)
Griffin: alright that's enough come on let's look for a movie
Blake: fine
Lexie's pov
Blake carried me back to the living room where I decided to cuddle up with Bryce and Addison for the movie and since griffin and Kio were single they cuddled on one couch and Jaden and josh were in the other. Since it's Christmas time we decided on watching Fred Clause and by the end of it everyone wanted to call it a night. I went up with Jaden and josh to their room and crawled under the covers, closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov
Jaden: hey josh
Josh: yeah bud
Jaden: thank you for helping me with Lexie I don't know what I would have done without you and the other boys but you really stepped it up and I appreciate it
Josh: of course you don't have to thank me now let's get some sleep (turns the lights off)

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