Chapter 27

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Monday (late at night or really early in the morning depending on how you look at it)
Dream: trigger warning
Jake: you didn't think that you could get away from us that easily did you? (Goes up to Lexie and pressed her against a wall)
Lexie: u us?
(Boy from the airport shows up)
?: yeah us princess
Lexie: w w what d d you guys w want j just leave me alone
Jake: where's the fun in that (starts kissing her neck)
Boy: besides I think you still owe me don't you (takes off her pants)
Lexie: n n no p p please d d don't (cries)
Jake: shh it'll be over before you know it (presses his lips against hers and the boy starts kissing the other side of her neck and lightly sucks on it)
Lexie: stop let me go!! (Tries kicking Jake)
Jake: (smacks her leg) now now you know not to do that or am I going to have to show you who you belong to again?
Lexie: I don't belong to you or anyone else!!!
Jake: see now that's where your wrong because I own you, your body and your mind are both mine you can't escape me no matter how much you want too
Lexie: that's not true I am my own person and your not in my life anymore!!!
Jake: you can get rid of me all you but you'll never be able to now why don't we move this to the bed huh
Lexie: no!! No please let me go!!!
End of dream
Olivia's pov
I woke up hearing screams coming from josh and Jaden's room and got out of bed and walked over to their room and ran into Will in the hall.
End of pov
Olivia: did the screams wake you up too?
Will: yeah
(Olivia and will walk to Josh's room and see both boys now awake trying to wake up a screaming Lexie who's kicking in her sleep)
Will: is everything okay?
Josh: (looks at them) yeah guys everything's fine go back to bed
Olivia: she doesn't seem fine josh
(A few seconds later Lexie jumps up from her sleep and starts hyperventilating)
Jaden: (looks at josh) go talk to them I have lex
Josh: are you sure?
Jaden: yeah
(Jaden turns to Lexie and starts trying to calm her down while josh gets out of the bed and walks out of the room to the hall where his parents also were now awake)
Casey: josh is everything okay?
Josh: yeah I am sorry Lexie gets these really bad nightmares or flashbacks, it's not my place to say what it's about but it happens she'll be okay Jaden's calming her down now
Olivia: oh okay
Will: I hope she's okay now
Josh: she will be bud you guys go back to bed okay?
Derek: okay if your sure you've got it handled
Josh: don't worry Jaden and I know what to do
Casey: okay honey
(Will, Olivia and his parents go back to the room and josh goes back to Jaden's room to see Lexie breathing but crying in his arms and Jaden was just rocking her back and forth)
Lexie: I I am s s sorry j j josh I d didn't m mean to w wake t them up or s scare t them
Josh: (walks over to her and pulls her in for a hug) shh it's okay it's not your fault baby you can't help it
Jaden: do you want to talk about it?
Lexie: n n no
Josh: are you sure? Maybe it'll help
Lexie: I it was w w with j j Jake a and the b b boy f from t the airport a and t they w were g g gonna h hurt me together (cries and starts to hyperventilate again)
Josh: hey hey shh shh it's okay your okay and your safe they aren't gonna come anywhere near you (picks her up)
Jaden's pov
I watched josh pick up Lexie and try to calm her down before she has another panic attack and looked for his remote to control the LED lights and I turned it on to a very soft white and got off the bed and grabbed her stress ball and handed it to her but it wasn't helping her in the slightest, I looked around the bed for the pacifier because it probably fell when she started screaming and I found it on the floor so I picked it up and walked to the bathroom to rinse it in the sink and walked back over to them. Josh was stroking her head and then she saw me walk out of the bathroom and I lay back down on the bed and she left Josh's arms and crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around me so I picked her up in my arms and started rocking her back and forth until she stopped crying completely and I placed the pacifier back in her mouth and she must have been too exhausted from her panic attacks to fight me on it because she just let me put it in her mouth and kept it there.
End of pov
Jaden: what time is it?
Josh: five in the morning (looks at Lexie) try and go back to sleep baby
Lexie: I don't want too (muffled)
Josh: baby you've only been asleep for five hours you have to be tired
Lexie: no I don't want to have another nightmare...
Jaden: I know but you need to sleep and we'll be right here if you have another one okay?
(Lexie shakes her head no)
Josh: (sighs) okay I'll turn the tv on I guess
Lexie's pov
I didn't want to watch tv because it was hurting my eyes but I didn't want to go to sleep either because I was scared to have another nightmare and have a panic attack so instead I just leaned against Jaden's chest and found myself tracing his tattoos and sucking on the damn pacifier which was just being used to distract myself and stay awake but eventually my hands got tired of tracing his tattoos and my eyes were really drowsy and I closed them again.
End of pov
(Jaden looks down at Lexie to see she's sleeping again)
Jaden: what time is it now?
Josh: (turns off family guy) six
Jaden: damn I want to talk about it but in the morning I am too tired right now
Josh: yeah me too
(Josh turns off the LED lights and they both go back to sleep)
Hours later (11 am)
Josh's pov
I opened my eyes still feeling tired but not tired enough to go back to sleep so instead I looked to my right and saw Lexie still sleeping and curled up against Jaden who was also still sleeping and I didn't want to wake them up so I quietly got out of bed and walked out of the room and to the kitchen to see my mom cooking breakfast. Will playing a video game and Olivia scrolling through her phone on the couch. I walked over to my mom and gave her a hug and she turned around and gave me a hug back and so did my dad who was standing by the coffee maker.
End of pov
Casey: are Jaden and Lexie still sleeping?
Josh: yeah and I am gonna let them it's rare that they get to sleep in
Casey: what about those nightmares are they rare or do they happen often?
Josh: it's pretty often.. she's in therapy but she just started so it's gonna take some time for it to actually work
Derek: and she's the one you signed custody papers for right?
Josh: yeah
Derek: it's not that we are upset about it or anything but son your eighteen why take on raising a fifteen year old who is clearly troubled
Josh: listen dad I understand your concern but don't let her hear you say that shit okay? She's already convinced that she's a burden for the rest of us and I don't need anyone trying to influence that thought anymore and I chose to share custody with Jaden because unlike Olivia, Will and I who grew up with parents caring hers didn't give a shit and she deserves to know that she can count on two people no matter what
Olivia: damn josh I've never heard you talk so seriously or mature I respect it honestly
Josh: thanks Olivia
Casey: we are sorry if it came off like that honey it's obvious you care about her a lot
Josh: I do
Casey: okay well like you said your eighteen so we'll respect your decisions
Josh: thank you
Will: josh do you want to play a round of Mario kart with me?
Josh: obviously bud (walks over to the couches) pass me the remote but I'll have you know I am gonna win so don't cry
Will: sure okayyy (hands him the control)
One more hour later
Jaden's pov
I woke up and the first thing I noticed was josh wasn't in the room with us meaning he probably woke up first and then I looked down at Lexie who was still sleeping and had the pacifier in her mouth but I doubt she would want anyone to know about it and I wouldn't want anyone barging in and seeing her with it because it would result in a ton of questions so I took it out of her mouth and placed it back in the case and inside the zipper of one of the bags and quietly got off the bed. I walked to the living room and the first thing I saw was josh and Will going head to head on Mario kart, josh was winning by like a lap and Will was catching up to him and he had such a determined look on his face to catch up to josh who purposely slowed down his car to let Will win the race. He caught me looking at him and just gave me a subtle smirk and I blew him a kiss since no one was watching and finished the round with Will and came over to me.
End of pov
Josh: what do you say we both have hot chocolate and go to the backyard and see the snow
Jaden: that sounds great (smiles)
Josh: awesome (walks over to the kitchen and pours them two cups of hot chocolate) oh and my mom made eggs and bacon if you want some of that too
Jaden: in a bit (looks at Casey) thank you Mrs. Richards
Casey: your welcome and what did I say about calling me Mrs. Richards it makes me feel old
Jaden: right sorry
Casey: it's okay you boys go enjoy the snow
Josh: thanks mom
(Josh and Jaden walk outside and sit on the chairs and take a sip of the hot chocolate)
Josh: so are we going to talk about last night? Because I think that's probably been her worst one yet
Jaden: me too I knew the airport thing scared her more than she was letting on but she refuses to tell us anything
Josh: yeah but she did pretty well with the pacifier the second time around
Jaden: probably because she was too drained of energy to really care
Josh: true but hey I was going to ask you something
Jaden: what's up?
Josh: would you like to go on a date with me tonight?
Jaden: (smiles) is this our first date as a couple?
Josh: yessir
Jaden: then I'd love to (pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: shit you don't think
(Casey opens the front door)
Casey: I am sorry boys but I think Lexie's having another nightmare
Jaden: fuck (gets off the chair and goes inside, turns on Josh's lights and runs to the bed) Lexie I need you to wake up okay? Can you do that for me just open your eyes it's not real and it's not happening okay please baby just open your eyes
(Lexie jumps up and looks around the room for a second and then sees Jaden and grabs onto him)
Lexie: I i it h h happened a a again (cries)
Jaden: I know it's okay mama your okay just breathe
(Jaden's trying to calm down Lexie when he notices that she's sweating and her forehead is hot)
Jaden: josh can you get me a thermometer somewhere!
Josh: yeah! (Looks at his mom) do you have a thermometer here?
Casey: yeah in the cupboard on a second shelf
Josh: thanks
(Josh walks over to the bathroom and opens the cupboard and finds the thermometer and goes back to the room to see Jaden still trying to calm down a hyperventilating Lexie)
Josh: here you go babe
Jaden: thanks (looks at Lexie) Lexie I need to you calm down for five minutes can you do that for me while I check your temperature?
(Lexie nods her head and tries to breathe normally and josh rubs her back)
Josh: she's sweating in this maybe she should take it off her and then take her temperature
Jaden: okay (walks over to her suitcase and pulls out a long sleeve with pajama shorts) can you go to the bathroom and change lex?
Lexie's pov
I didn't say anything because I was afraid the second I opened my mouth tears would start streaming again or I would stutter so instead I just grabbed the clothes from Jaden with shaky hands and walked over to the bathroom and my body was shaking and sweating. I tried to unzip the onesie from the back but my hand wouldn't stay still long enough for me to do it and I cried out in frustration and then there was a knock on the door.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie you okay?
Lexie: I i c c can't g g get t the s s stupid z zipper o o open
Jaden: it's okay let me in and I'll do it for you
(Lexie opens the bathroom door and Jaden quickly unzips the onesie and goes back outside while Lexie quickly throws on the other clothes and walks back to the room and Jaden takes her temperature)
Jaden: (sighs) 104.5, josh can you FaceTime griffin or get your mom whatever works
Josh: let me just get my mom it'll be quicker (walks out of the room to find his mom sitting with his dad at the table) mom do you have any medicine Lexie has a 104.5 fever
Casey: yeah of course I have Tylenol but she hasn't eaten and I don't want to give her that with such a high fever and empty stomach so I think it would be better to put her in the bath let her sit there five minutes till her temperature cools down enough, feed her and then give her the medicine but I can help you guys if you want me too
Josh: please
Casey: yeah come on
(Casey and Josh walk back to the room with Jaden and Lexie)
Casey: hey sweetheart I am gonna give you some medicine but first I think it's a good idea for you to sit in the bath okay?
Lexie: o o okay
Casey: do you want me to help you?
Lexie's pov
I really didn't want her to help me to be honest I don't know her at all but I didn't want the boys to help me either so I reluctantly nodded my head and got up from the bed shaking now more than before and followed Casey to the bathroom and she turned the water onto a cool temperature and then helped me take my shirt off and pajama shorts.
End of pov
Casey: if you need anything just yell okay? And I'll come get you in about five minutes
Lexie: o o okay
(Casey walks out of the bathroom and back to the boys)
Casey: has this happened before?
Jaden: no it's never been this bad before I think I am gonna go call her therapist excuse me one second (walks out of the room and call Callie)
Phone convo
Callie: this is Callie foster speaking how may I help you?
Jaden: hey Callie it's Jaden hossler I am sorry to bother you during the holiday but something happened with Lexie and I just wanted to know what I should do about it
Callie: okay what happened?
Jaden: josh and I were with Lexie flying to Canada because that's where we are spending Christmas and she got up to use the bathroom while josh and I were asleep and this boy came and tried to trap her in the bathroom and he may have touched her and said somethings that triggered her so last night she had a nightmare and we calmed her down eventually using a pacifier and some singing because her doctor recommended age play therapy for her stress levels well this morning she had another one and now she has a fever
Callie: oh wow that's a lot to handle in a very short time period but a lot of the time people who already have PTSD get easily triggered when a similar event like that happens again, it can trigger nightmares, panic attacks and then it can lead to an actual cold I would say keep an eye on her and just make sure that she knows your there for her unfortunately with PTSD it gradually takes time to move on from it and events like what happened on the plane result in making that process even longer as for the age play therapy I think her doctor is right I never measured her stress levels or anything like that but keep doing what the doctor recommends
Jaden: okay thank you so much Callie
Callie: your welcome and feel free to call me whenever
Jaden: will do have a great holiday
Callie: you too
End of phone convo
Jaden's pov
I groaned in frustration not that Callie didn't help because she did but I just wish there was something that I could do to take her pain away. I hate seeing her like this and not being able to do anything about it. Five minutes later Casey knocked on Lexie's door and she came out dressed in a normal pajama shirt and shorts with a towel around her head. Her eyes were red and her face was puffy so I could tell that she was crying in the shower. She walked towards me and I just picked her up because I know that's what she wanted right now and we walked back to the room where josh was.
End of pov
Josh: hey baby feeling any better?
(Lexie shakes her head no)
Josh: okay well I think you should eat something don't you?
(Lexie shakes her head no again)
Jaden: lex it's either food or a bottle of milk but you need to have something in your stomach before drinking medicine
Lexie: (glares at him) no I don't want too
Jaden: you don't have a choice it's either A or B
Lexie: fine I'll eat food...
Jaden: good now come on
(Jaden carries her to the living room with josh following behind and he sits her down at the table)
Olivia: hey lex how are you feeling?
Lexie: I am okay...
Olivia: so I was thinking maybe after you eat we can go up to my room and watch some chick flicks what do you say?
Lexie: can we watch them in the boys room instead with them?
Olivia: if you manage to convince my brother to watch a chick flick you will forever be my best friend (laughs)
Lexie: (smiles) oh trust me I think I can (looks at Josh who's serving her a plate while Jaden is finishing his hot chocolate) Joshy
Josh: oh no Jaden she wants something
Jaden: (laughs) yeah she does
Josh: (looks at her) what do you want?
Lexie: will you watch chick flicks with Olivia and I in the room? (Gives puppy dog eyes)
Josh: okay that's so not fair I can't say no when you give me that look
Lexie: yay!!
Olivia: (looks shocked) I have never been able to get him to watch one chick flick besides twilight!
Josh: twilights dope though
Jaden: yeah i have to agree with josh on that one
(Josh hands Lexie the plate of food and she takes a bite of it and Will walks over to them)
Will: i wanted the boys to play video games with me today though
Josh: we can still do video games too bud
Derek: do you boys still want to go the hockey rink?
Josh: I think we'll pass on that today today dad we still have till Saturday here and I think Gavin and Wyatt are gonna come with us
Derek: oh okay then no problem
Josh: and actually Jaden and I were planning on going on a date tonight that's if Lexie's feeling better
Olivia: I knew it!!! See I told you Will that josh and Jaden were dating you owe me ten bucks
Will: ugh fine here you go (hands him the money)
Lexie: don't let me stop you
Jaden: are you sure sis? We don't have to go to if your still feeling sick
Lexie: no no I don't want to stop you guys from going... you take care of me enough as it is you two go do something for once without the boys
Casey: yeah i think you guys could use a night out
Josh: really mom your totally cool with everything?
Casey: I just want you to be happy and if Jaden makes you happy which I can tell he does from the second i saw the connection you two had a mother knows you know
Josh: (laughs and shakes his head) wouldn't put it past you ma
Derek: I agree with your mom, your sexuality doesn't matter to us josh as long as your happy
Josh: thanks dad (hugs both of his parents)
Lexie's pov
I really didn't want Jaden and josh to leave me alone with a group of people I didn't really know but I also know that I can't be selfish all the time and they deserve a night where they don't have to worry about me and I could at least give them that. I finished eating and we went up to the room and Olivia and I got in the middle of the bed while I cuddled up with Jaden and she cuddled up with josh and he turned the tv on and we both squealed when we saw after we collided was on Netflix. But of course every time a sex scene came on the boys had to cover our eyes even though Olivia's literally seventeen and I am fifteen and have had a boyfriend and have had sex before but I think they tend to forget that part a lot probable because they just bring out a different side of me... when I was in Tennessee it was really easy to block all my emotions by getting drunk and high. The nightmares wouldn't affect me because I would drink till I blacked out and then passed out and wake up the next morning only remembering bits and pieces. Of course Jaden doesn't know that and I could never tell him that but that's how It was at home, no one was on top of me giving me rules and boundaries I did what I want when I wanted and I liked it that way. But the boys are so overprotective that I can't use anything to block out my emotions so they all just come out. I decided to push myself out of my thoughts and get back to the movie which was almost over and when it was done it was lunch time. Casey made grilled cheese sandwiches with home made chips which was really really good, and around six the boys left for their date night only after checking my temperature one more time to make sure it really had gone away.
End of pov
Olivia: hey Lexie let's go up to my room and we can chill there unless you want Will to convince you to watch the mandelorian
Lexie: the what?
Olivia: it's like a stars wars spin off
Lexie: oh in that case let's go up to your room
Olivia: (laughs) I thought so
(They walk up to her room and Olivia opens her window letting the fresh air in)
Olivia: quick question do you get high?
Lexie: are you being serious?
Olivia: yeah I don't smoke it because it's way too easy to get caught but I do have edibles... figured we could eat the gummy worms and go back to chick flicks
Lexie: hell yeah I didn't think you were one to get high honestly
Olivia: at first I wasn't but then I realized it's hella fun but my parents would kill me
Lexie: yeah I lost count with how many times Jaden beat my ass for smoking weed
Olivia: oh so you do smoke it?
Lexie: yeah and vape but the boys discovered my two back ups thankfully I still have my first one though
Olivia: I've never vaped before
Lexie: want to try it?
Olivia: sure do you have it?
Lexie: thankfully there's one place in my suitcase that the boys don't know about (walks to the room and opens the purple suitcase and finds the zipper towards the back and takes out the vape pen and walks back to her room)
Olivia: what flavor is it?
Lexie: strawberry watermelon it's my favorite here (passes it to her) just inhale and then blow
Olivia: okay (takes a hit and tastes the flavor) I see why you like it it's really good
Lexie: yup (takes a hit) the boys would literally kill me if they found out about this
Olivia: same so let's just be really sneaky with it (takes out the bag of gummy worms)
Scene change
Jaden's pov
After we left the house, josh drove to this really nice restaurant called George's Restaurant. It was an outdoor place that had a lot of trees with twinkling lights and the tables had different color umbrellas over it with unique swirly designs and it was just so pretty and romantic especially with the snow covering it. The waiter led us to our table and we just spent the entire date talking some of it was about Lexie but more of it was just catching up with each other which is crazy because you know we live with each other so we should know everything but the truth is it's always work work work. If I am not at the studio josh is recording his podcast which is pretty successful despite the drama surrounding it and I just told josh to tell Dave not even to mention Bryce anymore or talk about what alex said because at the end of the day it does bring this unspoken tension and no one wants that and josh agreed with me on that. Then I knew it was time to tell him what Colson and I talked about the other day which just completely slipped my mind because other things started occupying it.
End of pov
Jaden: I wanted to tell you something actually before I forget again
Josh: okay tell me
Jaden: Colson asked me if I wanted a role in his new movie downfalls high which would start shooting after Christmas
Josh: babe that's awesome!
Jaden: here's the catch chase is in and has the lead role
Josh: oh well how do you feel about it?
Jaden: I feel like it's a good opportunity that I shouldn't not do because of some drama between us and we are both adults so I think we should be mature enough to put that aside what do you think?
Josh: as long as he doesn't try to kiss you in any scenes I say go for it (laughs) but on a real note I think it's a good career move because you'll be starting to get into acting which is what you want even if you do have to deal with chase
Jaden: yeah your right I just wanted to know what you think
(Josh reaches out and holds his hand and looks at him)
Josh: I am never going to stop you from making a career move if it's something you want to do just like I know you wouldn't stop me we are a couple so we have to be open and honest with each other and no matter what support one another
Jaden: God I love you (leans in and kisses him)
Josh: I love you too, now come on I have one more place I want to take you (they leave the restaurant)
Scene change
Lexie: so your telling me you would pick Stefan over Damon!?!?
Olivia: yeah how could you not he's so hot!!
Lexie: n n no I think you need the ink reverse card because Damon's the hot one
Olivia: okay what about Jeremy and Matt
Lexie: Jeremy a hundred percent
Olivia: nope I have to disagree with you there too Matt's way better looking
Lexie: Matt's boring he's your typical boy next door
Olivia: so what are you saying you like the bad boys?
Lexie: yes that's exactly what I am saying
Olivia: so next your going to tell me your team Jacob then
Lexie: hell yeah
Olivia: (shakes her head) nope you can keep him and I'll keep edward
Lexie: okay deal
(They both stay quiet for a minute and Lexie looks at Olivia)
Lexie: you know I was really scared of meeting you in person...
Olivia: how come?
Lexie: I don't know I guess I thought maybe you would think I was stealing josh from you or something... I kept waiting for us to be alone and you would throw some kind of insult that's no offense to you it it's just
Olivia: something your used too
Lexie: yeah
Olivia: it's okay I get it from what I have seen on TikTok room I was expecting you to be a total bitch honestly but now I see that's not the case and for the record I wouldn't insult you.. I know what it feels like I am his sister I get hate too I just don't let it get to me and you shouldn't either
Lexie: easier said then done I guess
Knock knock knock
(Olivia gets up and opens the door to see the boys standing there)
Lexie: hey guys how was your date?
Jaden: it was very romantic and we had a great time
Olivia: good for you guys
Josh: yeah it was fun anyways it's pretty late lex ready to get to bed
Lexie: actually can I stay here with Liv
Jaden: are you sure?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay we are right next door if you girls need anything
Girls: okay
(Josh and Jaden walk back to the room)
Josh: well I am happy to see they are finally warming up to each other
Jaden: I know me too lex needs that kind of friend actually she needs to be around more people her age so I was thinking of putting her back in dance soon
Josh: I think you should from what you told me she was really good and it'll give her something to focus on
Jaden: yeah (looks at josh) you know this is the first night we actually don't have Lexie with us
Josh: (smirks) well what are you waiting for then, are you gonna come kiss me or what?
(Jaden walks over to josh and starts kissing him which leads to a very rated R make out session and eventually they fall asleep)
Lexie's pov
After the boys left Olivia and I just watched YouTube videos until she fell asleep and then I tried closing my eyes but every time I did I would see Jake and the boy from the airport so I opened them again. I tossed and turned and eventually gave up and walked over to the boys room and lightly shook Jaden who woke up.
End of pov
Jaden: hey lex are you okay?
Lexie: I can't sleep... I really tried though
Jaden: it's okay come on up here (picks her up and puts her on the bed) I am proud of you for at least trying
Lexie: Jaden...
Jaden: yeah?
Lexie: do you uh think you can the um never mind (crawls under the covers)
Jaden's pov
I knew what Lexie was going to say even if she didn't want to admit it so I got up from the bed and walked over to the bag and pulled out the pacifier from the case and brought it back to the bed and popped it in her mouth and she didn't even fight it. She just closed her eyes and went to sleep.
End of pov

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