Chapter 16

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Beep beep beep
Jaden's pov
I groaned and rolled over to turn off my alarm and saw that it was nine thirty which wasn't too early but it wasn't too late either so I still had time to do a quick morning workout before meeting Travis at the studio. I looked over at josh who had his arms wrapped around Lexie who was sleeping peacefully on his chest and she looked so tiny close to josh it was adorable. And then I couldn't help myself but look at josh and the way his hair got messy in the middle of the night when he was sleeping and the way that he held Lexie protectively it made me feel happy to know that my best friend cares about my little sister as much as I do and he's proven that to me so have the other boys but it's obvious that Lexie and josh have their own special connection. Josh is a total goofball we all know that he's crazy and can party but there's also the responsible side of him that not a lot of people get to see and he shows that side with Lexie a lot of the time. I looked at him for a second longer and then his eyes opened and he caught me staring at him.
End of pov
Josh: take a picture it'll last longer (smirks)
Jaden: oh you would like that wouldn't you lover (laughs)
Josh: you know it daddy
Jaden: josh shut up! (Laughs even more)
Josh: shh are you trying to wake up the baby? (Looks down at Lexie)
Jaden: please if anyone's going to wake her up it's you
Josh: me your the one laughing like a hyena
Jaden: a hyena really? Out of all the animals to exist you come up with that one
Lexie: both of you shut up (whines)
Josh: see I told you, you would wake her up
Jaden: I didn't though it was you
Josh: no it wasn't
Lexie: it was both of you now either get out and let me sleep or stay in here and shut up (buries her head even more on Josh's chest)
Jaden: sorry princess you got to wake up early today
Lexie: why (whines)
Jaden: because rafy's gonna be here at eleven instead of one today because she's gonna give you the test and then she has to do some stuff with Micheal and some of the boys
Lexie: ugh fine I am already up anyway (opens her eyes)
Josh: look sleeping beauty finally opened her eyes
Lexie: hmm well I had no choice
Jaden: come on let's go downstairs and have some breakfast and I want to get in a quick workout in before going to the studio
Josh: I'll join you
Jaden: okay
Lexie: I am gonna go shower and eat something after
Jaden: promise?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
I got out of the bed and walked over to my room and grabbed a t shirt and sweats since I was just gonna be at home. I took off my pajamas and looked at myself in the mirror and I tried my hardest to not let the thoughts in my mind speak because all I can think about are what the people are saying in the comment sections. My hair is such a dull boring color, I don't have a pretty face which I know what your thinking your related to Jaden of course you have a pretty face but I guess the genes skipped a generation because I didn't get it. My stomach was starting to show more again so maybe I do need to cut down some of the calories and start counting them again... ugh stop it Lexie you can't go back there, you won't go back there your badass Lexie Hossler and you need to remember that. How can I remember that when I can't so much as drunk anymore ugh I need to drink or get high or do something but that's nearly impossible with the boys breathing down my next twenty four seven. I finally looked away from the mirror and stepped into the shower and quickly washed myself and my hair and got dressed in the sweats and shirt and walked downstairs. I could hear the boys blasting music from the backyard so I knew they were all out there which meant I could just say I ate something when they come in so I just walked over to the living room and turned on the tv and started watching America's next top model until I heard the door open.
End of pov
Anthony: morning lex
Lexie: morning ant were you working out too?
Anthony: ha yeah right no I was just outside with the boys, they claim "I hang out with avani too much"
Lexie: well they aren't wrong but you love her so of course you want to spend time with her
Anthony: exactly the only one that really understands that is Bryce since he's with Addison
Lexie: haha and Noah
Anthony: yeah and Noah
(The door opens again and Kio walks in)
Lexie: hey kio
Kio: hey lex what are you doing?
Lexie: watching America's next top model
Kio: oh okay did you eat something?
Lexie: yeah I had a sandwich with a banana
Kio: okay I am gonna be in my room if you need anything
Lexie: okay (looks at ant) what about you?
Anthony: I am going to go to
Lexie: let me guess avani's
Anthony: (blushes) yeah I'll see you later (kisses her forehead)
Lexie: use protection!!
Anthony: very funny
Ant leaves the house and Quinton comes downstairs)
Quinton: hey lex can you tell the boys I am going to Cynthia's?
Lexie: sure
Quinton: thanks cutie (walks out of the house)
Lexie's pov
One by one the boys came into the house and then left except for griffin, Bryce and josh. When Jaden was done working out he came inside to get ready to leave, gave me a kiss on the forehead and gave me good luck on my placement test which I forgot about now so thanks for that. Bryce and josh had some phone meetings to do upstairs and griffin was gonna catch up in school so that left me alone again until I heard a knock on the front door. I got off the couch and opened the door to see Rafy and Micheal.
End of pov
Micheal: hey Lexie
Lexie: hey Michael the boys are upstairs so you can just go on up
Micheal: okay thanks
Rafy: good morning Lexie how are you?
Lexie: I am okay
Rafy: how do you feel about taking the placement test today?
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) I don't really care I guess...
Rafy: okay so here's what I am gonna do I am gonna set you up in the dining room and hand you the test and then go upstairs to do some stuff with the boys, it's not gonna be timed or graded it's just a test to see where you are as far as grade level, the only thing I ask is that you don't cheat or use your phone because if you do it's not gonna be accurate okay?
Lexie: okay
Rafy: alright let's get started
Lexie's pov
We walked to the dining room and Rafy handed me this packet as I was sitting down in the chair with a pencil in my hand and the first part of the test was reading comprehension which isn't bad because I am actually a really good reader and that's the only class I didn't fail at. There was about six stories in total and after each story there was a set of multiple choice questions. The second part of the test was social studies where I am pretty sure I got all the dates and presidents wrong, science was next which I had such a hard time with like I could remember the elements in the stupid periodic table and what chemicals to mix to create something that I couldn't pronounce if I tried. And after science came math which I hate the most, I don't understand any of it the word problems didn't make sense in my brain like if Carly had x amount of pizza and Jack had x amount of pizza and there was a total of 12 pizzas how many x amount of pizza's did Carly and Jake have separately? Like the fuck why do people insist of mixing numbers and letters together because my brain is just gonna look at it like alphabet soup. I was starting to get frustrated because none of this was making sense to me, it was like my brain wasn't processing these numbers because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't and I am on the verge of giving up. I don't know how long I stared at this blank page until I just gave up and got up from the dining room and quietly walked upstairs to Jaden's room and found my phone in his drawer and grabbed it and walked downstairs back to the dining room which was still empty and sat back on the chair and took my phone out and started looking up the answers I was about three pages into it when I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to from the paper to see griffin leaning against the door with his arms folded across his chest glaring at me... uh oh.
End of pov
Griffin: and what do you think your doing young lady?
Lexie: nothing why? (Quickly puts her phone away)
Griffin: did you really just try to hide the phone from me?
Lexie: noooo why do you think that?
Griffin: because I just saw you do it
Lexie: no I think your seeing things
Griffin: hmm sure I am give me the phone Lexie and come with me
Lexie: where are we going?
Griffin: your going to apologize to Rafy for cheating and then your gonna take it again this time without the phone
Lexie: but griffin (whines)
Griffin: no buts Lexie come with me now
Lexie: fine (crosses her arms and leaves the dining room with griffin to the business room upstairs)
Rafy: hey Lexie done with the rest already?
Lexie: yeah
Griffin: (gently smacks the back of her head)
Lexie: oww (whines) what was that for?
Griffin: lying now tell the truth
Josh: Lexie what did you do?
Lexie: (looks at the ground and mumbles) Itookmyphoneandcheatedonthemath
Bryce: speak up
Lexie: I may or may not have taken my phone to look at the answers for the math part of the test
Rafy: (sighs disappointedly) I told you not to cheat Lexie
Lexie: I know but the math was hard and I wasn't getting it so I just thought it would be easier to look up the answers besides josh is the one that said if you don't get caught cheating then you still deserve the grade
Josh: (gasps) when did I say that?
Lexie: on a live the other day
Josh: I did no such thing
Lexie: really do you want me to find it because I am sure it's online somewhere
Josh: okay fine maybe I did say that but I obviously didn't mean it and don't think just because I said it makes it okay, it's not okay to cheat and you know that just because I may have done it back then doesn't mean it was the right thing to do
Lexie: but Joshy
Josh: no Lexie I am not gonna tell you that it's okay now your going to listen to what Rafy tells you to do and your gonna hand over your phone which you shouldn't have had in the first place
Lexie: I don't want to give you my phone though
Bryce: well it's a good thing he wasn't asking now is it
Lexie: ugh you guys can't keep taking my phone it's not fair
Griffin: well it's not fair for you to cheat on a test but you still did it (takes the phone out of her pocket and hands it to josh)
Lexie: why do you always have to be the one to walk in whenever I am doing something related to school (looks at griffin)
Griffin: I don't do it on purpose lex I was checking on you and you get yourself into these situations
Rafy: (sighs) alright I have an extra test packet in my car so I'll go get it and then I'll observe you take the test since the boys don't need me anymore
Lexie: wait do I have to take the whole thing again!?
Rafy: yeah because I don't know what parts you did or didn't cheat on
Lexie: that's not fair it was just the math portion I promise
Rafy: I am sorry Lexie but it won't be accurate because I don't know what's accurate or not
Lexie: fine whatever
Bryce: lose the attitude Lexie and go with Rafy, (looks at Rafy) come get one of us if she gives you a hard time
Rafy: okay thanks come on let's go lex
Lexie's pov
Fifteen minutes later I was sitting at the table again taking the stupid test but I don't know why this time even the reading seemed hard for me. The words weren't making sense anymore and I didn't understand half of what I was reading which was already frustrating me. My brain was mixing up the b's and d's so I just got to a point where I bubbled in whatever answer I thought was right, same with the science and social studies and eventually got to the math portion and I am pretty sure I stared at that one blank paper for a long time and didn't even realize tears were streaming down my cheeks.
End of pov
Rafy: Lexie can you tell me what's wrong?
Lexie: I don't get any of this, it's like my brain is mixing up the numbers and letters together it's not making sense and I am frustrated
Rafy: okay well if you want you can skip the algebra section and try to do the geometry if that helps
Lexie: okay (wipes her cheeks)
Lexie's pov
I tried to the geometry like she said but it wasn't helping like why the fuck do they feel the need to add shapes already like how am I supposed to remember the formula to find the circumference of a circle... I skipped the geometry and went to the basic math section which was Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I found myself using my fingers to do the Addition and subtraction but for the multiplication and division I was so lost. Finally Rafy decided that I had enough and she took the test from me.
End of pov
Rafy: hey lex why don't you go to the bathroom and rinse your face and calm down a bit while I talk to the boys okay?
Lexie: okay...
(Lexie walks out of the dining room and Rafy skims over the test before walking over to the boys who were in the living room)
Bryce: hey Rafy how did it go?
Rafy: so there's something that I want to talk to you boys about because as Lexie was taking the test I was noticing some things and she told me some stuff
Griffin: what did she tell you?
Rafy: well before I start I want you guys to know that this test I gave her wasn't just a placement test to see her level but it was also designed to catch any learning disabilities she may have
Josh: okay and what did you find out?
Rafy: well she definitely has a math learning disability in math, mild dyslexia so it's not that bad it's just minor letters she may have a problem with which is nothing we can't work on but it's my recommendation that she gets tested for adhd as well or add because I do notice she spaces out too
Griffin: wow okay that's a lot of information is there anything else?
Rafy: I also think it would be in Lexie's best interest if I start from scratch with her meaning instead of tenth grade material we go back to eighth grade material
Bryce: is that really necessary? I mean would it be possible to teach her both at the same time?
Rafy: I think that would cause her more stress honestly she was breaking down over simple math equations and as much as it would take her back a while I think that's going to be best for her in the long run
Griffin: your the teacher we hired you to not just be our assistant but to teach Lexie you have more experience in this then any of us do so if you think it's best for her to go back two grades then that's what we'll do
Rafy: okay I'll call Jaden and tell him do you guys want to be the one to tell her or do you want me to?
Griffin: I think it'll be be better if the guys and I tell her together tonight
Bryce: yeah we'll have a family meeting
Josh: where is she now?
Rafy: I told her to go to the bathroom to just rinse her face and stuff
Josh: okay I am gonna go check on her (leaves the living room and walks over to the bathroom and hears crying from inside and he knocks on the door)
Lexie: go away
Josh: it's me let me in
Lexie: no go away josh
Josh: please lex just let me in
Lexie's pov
I knew josh wasn't going to go away until I opened the door so I opened it and he wrapped his arms around me and I started crying again. I don't even know why I am crying anymore but that's all I seem to be doing lately and I can't stop until I was able to calm down and there wasn't any tears left and josh just held me.
End of pov
Lexie: I i w w w want j j Jaden
Josh: okay I'll call him (takes out his phone)
Scene change
Jaden: so what's gonna be the release date for the album?
Travis: we were thinking December eleventh but what do you think?
Jaden: yeah that sounds good I think it's ready by now we can just clean up a few (his phone starts ringing in his pocket) one second (answers it)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey josh what's up?
Josh: hey are you almost done at the studio?
Jaden: yeah I was just talking about the release date and then gonna head over there why?
Josh: because Rafy told us some stuff after Lexie took the test and we need to have a family meeting
Jaden: okay I'll be home in about thirty minutes
Josh: okay I am gonna text in the Sway chat
Jaden: okay see you at the house
Josh: later
End of phone convo
Scene change
(Josh takes out his phone and texts the group chat)
Sway boys
Josh: hey guys so you know Lexie had her placement test well Rafy found out some stuff and we need to have a family meeting tonight when can everyone come home?
Quinton: I was planning on staying over Cynthia's but I could be home in an hour
Blake: Amelie and I are at the beach right now but I'll drop her off and head there
Noah: Dixie and I are on set right now so I can be there when we are done Filming
Kio: I am literally upstairs so I am home 😂
Josh: why doesn't that surprise me 🙄
Anthony: I'll be home in thirty
Josh: okay has anyone eaten since breakfast 😂
Blake: I'll bring food
Josh: love you boo 😘
Jaden: back off blake Jaden's mine 😂
Blake: you can have him
Josh: rude and Jaden don't be texting and driving
Jaden: I am not driving yet I just got in the car
Josh: okay see everyone later
(Puts his phone in his pocket)
Lexie: I want Jaden
Josh: he's on his way
Lexie: how far is he?
Josh: he'll be here soon
Lexie: okay
Josh: alright let's go down with the boys
Lexie: carry me
Josh: (laughs) okay bud
Lexie's pov
Josh picked me up and carried me over to the living room where the boys were in the living room talking with Rafy but then when I came in the room they stopped talking and I knew it had to have been about me. And what did josh mean when he told Jaden we had to have a family meeting? Did Rafy tell them how I broke down during the math? Ugh of course she did otherwise josh wouldn't have come upstairs to check on me. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name.
End of pov
Lexie: hmm (looks up)
Bryce: are you okay lex?
Lexie: yeah I am fine
Griffin: you can tell us the truth you know
Lexie: I just want Jaden home
Griffin: (sighs) okay
Thirty minutes later
Knock knock
Josh: that's probably Jaden, lex stay here while I go talk to him
Lexie: but I want to see him (whines)
Josh: and you will just give me ten minutes okay
Lexie: what do you need to talk to him about?
Josh: don't worry about it okay? Just stay here with Bryce and griffin
Lexie: fine
Bryce: I am offended you don't want to be with me (pretends to be hurt)
Lexie: I didn't say I didn't want to be with you
Griffin: but you didn't say you did either
Lexie: what?
(Josh walks out of the living room and opens the door and steps outside to talk to Jaden)
Jaden's pov
Josh stepped out of the house which I thought was odd but then he told me about what Rafy said about how she has a learning disability in math, mild dyslexia, and she wants to teach Lexie two grades behind, then what she's in, then she wants us to test her for adhd and I was in shock because I knew Lexie struggled in school but I didn't know it was that much, josh also told me how she cheated the first time she took the test but I didn't bother being mad about it, he also told me how she was crying in the bathroom and asking for me again. I signed knowing that Lexie wasn't going to take this news well at all and as much as she's going to hate i think I won't have a choice but to put her in therapy. She's already dealt with so much and now this on top of everything she's not gonna be able to cope without our help which we obviously are gonna do. After josh told me everything we walked inside and I saw Lexie on the couch being tickled by Bryce and griffin trying to get away and I laughed at them.
End of pov
Jaden: alright guys let her go
Lexie: Jaden! (Walks over and hugs him)
Jaden: hey baby girl how are you?
Lexie: I am good Bryce and griffin cheered me up
Bryce: and you said you didn't want to with us (scoffs)
Lexie: I never said that!
Griffin: yeah yeah okay
Jaden: where's Rafy?
Bryce: she left somewhere with Michael
Jaden: oh okay well let's wait for the other boys to get home and then we all need to have a talk okay?
Lexie: is everything okay?
Jaden: yeah there's just some stuff that we need to talk about okay?
Lexie: okay can we watch movies in the meantime?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie's pov
We watched the little mermaid on Disney plus don't judge and halfway into it the boys started showing up to the house and Blake brought pizza and we sat down and ate before griffin being the dad of the house called everyone to the living room to start this family meeting.
End of pov
Kio: so what's up?
Griffin: so as you guys know Lexie had her placement test today and Rafy discovered a few things
Lexie: what things griffin?
Jaden: wait before I tell you, I want you to know something Lexie and I want you to believe me when I say this to you okay?
Lexie: okay...
Jaden: we still love you and nothing is going to change that okay and we are going to be there to help you
Lexie: your scaring me Jaden what did Rafy say?
Jaden: Rafy said that you have a math learning disability, mild dyslexia, and she wants to teach you material two grades, below your level and she wants to us to test you for Add
Quinton: so that means she'd be learning eighth grade material
Griffin: yeah
Anthony: damn but you know Jaden's right lex we'll all be there to help you
Boys: yeah
Noah: Lexie are you okay?
(Lexie doesn't say anything and just gets off the couch and goes to the backyard)
Lexie's pov
I couldn't stay in that room with all the boys looking at me with pity in their eyes, I got off the couch and went to the backyard and I screamed. I screamed at the universe for making me this way, giving me two parents who couldn't  give a shit, I screamed because I already have an eating disorder and now I have to deal with a learning disability on top of it! Why it's not fair this isn't fair after having an abusive relationship, after it being leaked to the public and now this!! Why the fuck did I have to be so different then everybody else!? Why couldn't I just be normal! I don't know how long I screamed but my throat was hurting and eventually I broke down crying and that's when I felt arms wrap around me and pull me to them. I knew it was Jaden and he ran his fingers through my hair just trying to calm me down and saying comforting things in my ear but it wasn't helping.
End of pov
Lexie: why can't I just be normal Jaden? (Cries) why do I have to be dumb...
Jaden: Lexie Marie don't say that okay? You are not dumb you are so smart maybe not when it comes to school but you aren't dumb your brain just processes things differently and that's okay
Lexie: no it's not none of this is okay and it's not fair!
Jaden: I know it's not baby I know but you know what I do know?
Lexie: what?
Jaden: God created you for his purpose and his plan and he does have a plan for you lex you might not know what it is yet but everything happens for a reason okay? (Wipes her tears) and this doesn't change how the boys and I view you at all your still our princess and we still love you just as much
Lexie: you promise?
Jaden: of course now let's go inside because it's getting late okay?
Lexie: okay
(They walk back to the living room)
Josh: I have an idea why don't we all build a fort and we camp out here together tonight
Blake: and watch movies
Noah: yeah only if you cuddle me though
Blake: say less
Lexie's pov
And that's what we did the rest of the night. We watched movies, made popcorn and cuddled in the big fort until we all fell asleep.
End of pov

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