Chapter 17

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Ring ring ring ring
Griffin's pov
I groaned and rolled over to grab my phone from the nightstand and I saw Michael was calling me so I picked up the phone and answered.
End of pov
Phone convo
Griffin: hey Micheal what's up?
Micheal: were you still sleeping?
Griffin: yeah dude it's like ten am
Micheal: it's eleven but I guess after everything that happened yesterday it would make sense for you guys to sleep in
Griffin: yeah so what's up?
Michael: so here's the situation I just spoke to triller and they want to send you boys down to Miami for a couple days and they want you to leave today
Griffin: are you serious? Why so last minute
Micheal: there's some events that they want you guys to promote triller for but here's where the problem comes in, you guys can't bring Lexie
Griffin: wait what the fuck why?
Michael: some of the events that you guys are being invited to isn't exactly child friendly and they don't want a minor being associated with the company
Griffin: but she isn't being associated with the company, she's with us because she lives with us and the managers know that
Micheal: I know and I tried to convince them that as well saying she could stay in the hotel room and she won't be a problem but they still weren't budging now obviously Rafy and I have to go with you guys so Lexie is going to have to stay somewhere
Griffin: i don't know Michael this is super last minute and things aren't exactly great right now, lex is having some big separation anxiety from Jaden lately and with everything that happened yesterday...
Micheal: I understand that but you guys also have jobs, you need to do this and it isn't exactly non negotiable
Griffin: (sighs) alright I'll talk to the boys how long is it gonna be for?
Michael: two days max so it's not that bad
Griffin: and do they want all of the sway boys there or can it just be some of us?
Micheal: no they want all of you guys because if all you guys go it's more promotion for the company
Griffin: I'll talk to the boys and get back to you
Micheal: alright talk to you later griff but you guys have to be at the airport no later then four
Griffin: okay bye Michael
Micheal: bye
End of phone convo
Griffin's pov
I put my phone down and let out a groan and looked over at Lexie who was sleeping peacefully in Jaden's arms with josh right next to them. We've all noticed that the three of them have all gotten pretty close since Lexie has been here but it's kind of cute honestly, but what's not cute is what I am gonna have to tell the guys the news when they wake up and an hour later they were all awake scrolling through their phones except for Lexie who was still sleeping and I decided to clear my throat to get everyone's attention.
End of pov
Noah: guys the dad of the house is about to speak
Griffin: shut up (shakes his head)
Noah: am I wrong though?
Griffin: no but
Noah: then I rest my case your still the dad of the house
Griffin: okay well if I am the dad of the house then would you stop interrupting and let me speak
Noah: yeah go for it
Griffin: so Michael called me earlier this morning and told me that triller wants all of us to go to Miami for two days to promote some events
Blake: okay when do we leave?
Griffin: we have to be on the jet by four but here's the problem they aren't letting Lexie come with us
Josh: what? why didn't they tell me any of this?
Griffin: I don't know bro but Michael said that we all need to be there and it's non negotiable
Jaden: well I am not leaving Lexie especially after yesterday so I am out
Griffin: you can't because you have a contract with triller too
Josh: I'll be right back I am gonna go call them and see what's up (stands up and grabs the phone and walks out of the room)
Kio: why can't she come?
Griffin: they said they don't want a minor to be associated with the company which she wouldn't be but they still don't want her going
Quinton: that makes no sense though because I am a minor so shouldn't I be staying back to?
Griffin: no because your still a sway boy and a representative of triller
Anthony: so is Rafy gonna stay with Lexie because we can't leave her alone
Griffin: no Rafy still needs to come with us
(A few minutes later josh walks into the room pissed off)
Jaden: judging by that look on your face I know it's not a good one what happened?
Josh: Lexie still can't come and they want you there to sing at some of the events
Bryce: I can call Taylor and see if she can stay with them at the compound
Jaden: she's not gonna be happy about this and I am not comfortable leaving her either
Bryce: i know neither are we but we don't really have a choice and no way in hell is she gonna go to the hype house
Jaden: fuck no, call Taylor she'll just have to stay with him I guess
Bryce: alright I am gonna go give him a call and you can wake up Lexie
Jaden: okay
(Bryce walks out of the living room and into the kitchen to call Taylor)
Phone convo
Taylor: hey bro how are you?
Bryce: I am good but I have a favor to ask you
Taylor: what's up?
Bryce: the boys and I have to go out of town for two days and we leave today but we can't take Lexie with us so do you think she can stay with you guys?
Taylor: yeah of course charly and Kellianne have been dying to see her since the whole drama went down
Bryce: okay but there's some stuff that you need to know about Lexie
Taylor: okay
Bryce: she has nightmares sometimes, she doesn't like to eat so your gonna have to push her too, try not to leave her alone because we are starting notice she's getting really bad separation anxiety from Jaden and us but mostly Jaden
Taylor: don't worry we'll try and make her as comfortable as we can
Bryce: thanks Taylor I appreciate it
Taylor: no problem so are you guys dropping her off today?
Bryce: yeah probably in a couple of hours
Taylor: okay I'll tell everyone
Bryce: alright see you later
Taylor: later
End of phone convo
(Bryce walks back into the living room where Lexie is now awake sitting on the couch next to Jaden and josh)
Josh: what did Taylor say?
Bryce: he's happy to watch Lexie while we are gone plus the girls want to hang out with her
Lexie: what do you mean while your gone? (Says nervously)
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) Michael called us this morning and said we have to go to Miami for two days so your going to stay with Taylor is that okay?
Lexie: y y you guys are l leaving why can't I go with you?
Jaden: because they said we couldn't take you and I promise it's only gonna be for two days okay and we'll be back it'll go by super quick
Lexie: I don't want you to go anywhere... you promised me Jaden that you wouldn't leave me again
Jaden: Lexie listen to me I am not leaving you okay, I'll be back and you can call me and I promise that I'll answer okay even it's to text you that I can't talk or something and the boys are also a phone call away okay?
Lexie: okay... when do you guys have to leave?
Kio: later so we still have the whole morning do you want to do something?
Lexie: no I am just gonna go upstairs to pack (gets off the couch and walks upstairs)
Blake: well that went better then we thought..
Noah: seriously Blake?
Blake: yeah why am I wrong?
Josh: she's obviously not okay with it but doesn't want to talk about it dummy
Blake: oh then never mind what I said
Kio: I guess we should get ready then?
Boys: yeah
Lexie's pov
I was trying hard not to break down while I was putting some clothes in a duffel bag and I kept reminding myself it's two days only two days you can be away from them for two days your not a baby Lexie. Besides maybe with the boys gone I could finally get some alcohol in my system and even find a blunt somewhere. I finished packing my duffel bag and just left it on my bag while I went downstairs and saw that it was empty which probably meant that the boys were upstairs packing too so I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle and started looking at what was in the fridge but the thought of food right now made me feel queasy so I closed the fridge and just drank the water. Eventually the boys finished packing and they said that even though they didn't have to leave till later that we were going to spend the day at Taylor's house.
End of pov
Jaden: did you pack a bathing suit you could probably go in the pool when you get there
Lexie: no I didn't but I'll grab one now
Lexie's pov
I walked upstairs and opened my closet and was looking at the bikinis but then I decided against it because I probably would look horrible in it next to charly and Kelianne so instead I grabbed a white colored one piece and put it in my duffel bag and walked downstairs and we left the house and got in the triller van and started driving to the compound. As soon as we pulled up to the compound an hour later because of LA traffic I saw Taylor and Nate filming a tik tok which didn't surprise me. Griffin parked the van and we all got out.
End of pov
Taylor: Lexie (smiles) how are you? (Pulls her into a hug)
Bryce: oh I see now that she's here I become invisible (jokes)
Taylor: yeah that's exactly right
Bryce: I am offended (mocks)
Jaden: hey Taylor (daps him up)
Taylor: hey brother how's everything been?
Jaden: busy with the music stuff you know but thank you for watching lex I appreciate it
Taylor: yeah of course no worries and Bryce told me everything I promise we'll take care of her
Jaden: thanks
Taylor: come on let's go inside
(They all walk into the house)
?: omg Lexie!! Hi (walks up and hugs her)
Lexie: hi... charly right?
Charly: yeah
?: is she here!
Charly: yeah lex this is kellianne
Lexie: yeah I think I remember meeting you at saddle ranch
Kelliane: yeah it's so nice to see you again and this is chase my boyfriend and Markell
Markell: omg look at you your just the cutest little thing!!
Lexie: (laughs) thanks I guess
Chase: hey it's nice to meet you
Lexie: you too
One hour later
Taylor: yo guys come check out the dirt bike trail and let's film some content
Bryce: oh I see you just want to use our friendship for views
Taylor: yes Bryce that's exactly what I want (laughs)
Bryce: I am joking I know you wouldn't do that but yeah let's go vlog some shit
Jaden: Bryce and josh with a dirt bike I definitely want to see this
Lexie: me too
(They all walk outside and Taylor has someone with his camera filming)
Taylor: do you know how to ride a bike with training wheels
Bryce: no
Taylor: well your kind of fucked then
Lexie: Jaden make sure you get this on video
Bryce: I'd like to see you try riding one of these
Lexie: bet I'll go first
Quinton: Bryce is gonna regret this in about two point five seconds
Jaden: yup
(Lexie walks over to Bryce and Taylor and gets on the dirt bike)
Bryce: don't hurt yourself kid
Lexie: you know what how about we make this interesting
Bryce: I am listening
Lexie: if I can jump over that hill right there you owe me fifty bucks if I can't and you can I pay you
Kio: Bryce better be ready to pay up (laughs)
Noah: why?
Jaden: lex would go dirt bike riding all the time with her friends as a kid
Blake: well what Bryce doesn't know yet won't hurt him
Anthony: true but he'll have fifty bucks lost in his bank account
Griffin: shh she's getting on I want to see this
Lexie's pov
I got on the dirt bike and started riding it and increasing the speed which gave me a feeling of adrenaline which I haven't felt in a while and it was fun. I went around the track twice before getting ready to go on the hill and then I jumped over the hill and was in the air for a few seconds before landing on the ground no problem. The guys were cheering me on and I rode back up Bryce and Taylor.
End of pov
Lexie: you were saying
Bryce: you knew how to ride that's not fair
Lexie: no you underestimated me so now you owe me fifty bucks
Bryce: nope not yet first I have to go
Lexie: okay fine (gets off the dirt bike) your turn
(Bryce gets on the dirt bike and starts riding and falls within five seconds)
Josh: damn buddy just took a big L
Bryce: no no I am gonna do it again
Lexie: go for it but you still owe me fifty bucks
Bryce: yeah yeah I know (he gets on it again, screams and makes the same mistake and falls)
Taylor: (laughs) why does he keep doing that
Bryce: okay I really don't know how to ride those things
Lexie: yeah I think you proved that already
Bryce: you know what come here
Lexie: no
(Lexie runs away and Bryce chases after her until she hides behind Taylor)
Lexie: Taylor protect me
Taylor: don't worry I got you
Bryce: hand over the girl and no one gets hurt
Taylor: nah she's mine for today
Lexie's pov
I decided to let Taylor distract Bryce while I started running again and eventually all the boys decided to start chasing me and I got tackled by Jaden who started tickling me on the grass while I begged for mercy until Kelli told the boys to get off me and her being the mom of the house they listened and I ran to the girls for protection. For lunch we post mated Olive Garden and Jaden made me eat half of my fettuccine Alfredo and I tried to not think about them leaving but eventually four rolled around the corner and I knew they were gonna have to head to the airport.
End of pov
Lexie: Jaden I don't want you to go (tears start to stream down her face)
Jaden: hey hey don't cry (wipes her tears) I promised you that these two days were going to fly by okay?
Lexie: I don't care I don't want you or the boys to go (crosses her arms)
Josh: hey don't do that okay? Your gonna have fun with Taylor and everyone your not even gonna think about us
Lexie: yeah I will can't you guys stay or just don't go...
Griffin: baby you know we can't do that
Lexie: fine whatever just leave it's not that surprising anyway (rolls her eyes)
Jaden: Lexie stop you know we have to leave for work and your not gonna have this attitude alright
Lexie: just go Jaden I know this the chance you've been waiting for since I came to live with you
Kio: Lexie Marie enough you know that's not true and your just upset so your trying to push us away and be rude
Lexie: no I am not you guys want to go so leave see if I care
Jaden: I know what your doing I can see right through you
Lexie: I am not doing anything
Jaden: really? Your not trying to pick a fight with us so we are late for the jet? Your not giving the boys and I attitude because you don't want us to know that your actually sad but don't want to admit it
Lexie: (glares at him) I am not doing that
Josh: okay buddy can you just give us a hug and we promise we'll call you when we get to Miami
Lexie: no
Jaden: please lex don't be like this just give me a hug goodbye
Lexie: no
Anthony: (sighs) alright then we have to get going or we'll be late
Lexie: so leave
Quinton: you really don't want to give us a hug
Lexie: I said no didn't I
Noah: okay bye lex and behave for them okay because if you don't they'll tell us
Lexie: whatever
Lexie's pov
The boys walked out of the house while everyone just stayed sitting on the couch and I watched the boys get in the van and was about to drive off when I quickly opened the front door and walked over to the van as it was closing and I jumped on Jaden and clutched onto him tightly and he hugged me just as tight.
End pov
Lexie: promise your not leaving and you'll come back (looks down)
Jaden: (lifts her chin up) I promise I am not leaving you okay? I'll see you in two days
Lexie: o okay
Jaden: I love you, you know that right?
Lexie: yeah I love you too and I am sorry for giving you guys attitude before..
Jaden: it's okay
Josh: we love you kid
Lexie: love you guys too
Lexie's pov
I gave the boys one more hug and clung onto Jaden until griffin had to say once again they were going to be late so I eventually stopped hugging Jaden and walked back into the house where the others were just talking in the living room and I couldn't help but feel sad. It's nothing against Taylor and his friends they are great but I just don't know them well enough to be comfortable and I think Taylor could see that because he tried his best to cheer me up but the only thing I wanted was to be in Jaden's arms. The rest of the day I hung out with the girls who just asked me more questions to get to know me and eventually dinner came around and Nate tried to get me to eat the rest of the pasta but I didn't want it so they eventually gave up but Taylor told me I needed to eat tomorrow and no negotiations so I just agreed because I didn't have the energy to argue with him. Around twelve they decided to call it a night and Taylor lead me to the room I was gonna be staying in.
End of pov
Taylor: charly and I are in the room right next you in case you need anything, charly and chase are across from you and Markell is on the opposite side of you so you can come to anyone of us
Lexie: okay...
Taylor: (sighs) lex I know you might be feeling a little uncomfortable staying in a house your not used to but I promise you can talk to us okay? Your brother stayed with me when he first moved to LA and all he would talk about was you his little sister and I know you don't me very well yet but I already look at you like one
Lexie: great another older brother to worry about (laughs)
Taylor: (laughs) get some sleep okay?
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
Taylor shut the door and turned the lights off but thankfully he let me have my phone so I just stayed on it watching YouTube videos mainly from the boy's accounts and even watched some of the podcasts but soon it was two in the morning and I knew I should try and get some sleep so I put my phone down and closed my eyes but I still couldn't sleep. I haven't slept without josh or Jaden for a while now and I guess I am so used to it that I forgot what it was like sleeping alone. I don't want to be alone it's scary because then I am left alone with my thoughts and my brain which isn't kind to me. Eventually I sighed and got on my phone and texted josh and Jaden separately from the family group chat.
End of pov
Scene change
Jaden's pov
We landed in Miami and I was in the room with josh, Kio and griffin who were currently sleeping but josh and I were awake scrolling through our phone even though it was two in the morning and we really should be sleeping I just couldn't stop worrying about how Lexie is. Is she having a nightmare? What if she has a panic attack or something? God I really have become like her dad at this point.
End of pov
Josh: I can hear you thinking (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: I am just worrying about her you know she's been sleeping with us for a bit now and I don't know how she's doing by herself
Josh: yeah I know I am worrying about her too
(Their phones vibrate and they look at it)
Text convo
Lexie: I can't sleep
Jaden: aw lex why not?
Lexie: I miss you guys...
Josh: we miss you too but you need to get some sleep honey
Lexie: I have tried it's not working... can you sing me to sleep?
Jaden: yeah FaceTime me
(Lexi calls Jaden through facetime)
Josh: hey bud
Lexie: hi
Jaden: (sighs) can you close your eyes princess
Lexie: yeah can you sing be alright
Jaden: (smiles) yeah
Josh's pov
I watched Jaden sing to Lexie quietly over FaceTime since Kio and griffin were sleeping and I always knew Jaden was an amazing singer there was no doubt about that but I am used to his rockstar voice but when it's a softer pitch you can really just hear the range and tone of his voice and I loved it. I don't know but ever since Nessa and I broke up Jaden and I have gotten closer especially with Lexie. I respect how he puts her first above everything else, I respect that he decided to step up and take care of lex not just nor but when they were kids he had to grow up fast but that's what makes Jaden who he is and I admire that about him. Eventually Lexie fell asleep and Jaden hung up the call and a little while later I finally drifted off go sleep too.
End of pov

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