Chapter 12

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Thursday night
Lexie's pov
I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me, not surprising at this point but I opened my eyes to see josh was the one that was shaking me.
End of pov
Lexie: hmm
Josh: we landed do you want to grab your bags or have one of the boys do it and one of will carry you?
Lexie: carry me (makes grabby hands)
Josh: I had a feeling you would say that (picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist)
Lexie: where's Jaden?
Josh: he went to the bathroom he'll be right out
Lexie: okay
Josh: Bryce can you get her bags?
Bryce: yeah I got it
Lexie's pov
The boys got the rest of the bags and Jaden walked out of the bathroom and as much as I love josh i just wanted my brother right now so I started leaning towards him even though josh had me in his arms but then Jaden saw that I wanted him so he picked me up instead and I wrapped mr arms around his neck and legs around his waist and carried me off the plane where a limo was waiting for us and we started driving to the hotel. I still have no idea where we are but eventually we pulled up to the J.W Marriott hotel and the driver went to valet it while the boys grabbed their bags and griffin went to check in since you know he's the dad of the group, and a few minutes later he came back with key cards.
End of pov
Griffin: so Kio, Ant and I are in room 301, Noah and Blake are in 302, Quinton and Bryce in 303, and Jaden, josh and Lexie in 304 unless she's wants to stay with anyone of us but I figured you would want to be with Jaden lex
Lexie: yeah I am fine with being in their room
Griffin: okay it has two beds you two decide who sleeps with who
Bryce: yo chill griff unless you three aren't telling us something (jokes)
Kio: yo Bruce chill
Bryce: I will slap you if you call me Bruce one more time
Kio: go ahead daddy
Quinton: chill there's a child in the room unless you two seriously want to get a room then I'll share with griffin
Griffin: no way your breaking up grio
Anthony: hasn't grio already been broken at least that's what the fans think since you hardly post together
Kio: true we'll break the internet tomorrow and post a TikTok
Griffin: bet
Jaden: alright let's just get up to the room lex is literally knocked out on my shoulder
Blake: how did she fall asleep that quickly?
Jaden: she was already half asleep when we got off the plane
Noah: oh okay then let's go
(The boys walk over to the elevator and press the button to their floor and a few minutes later reach their rooms)
Griffin: night guys oh set your alarm early because we are doing Magic kingdom tomorrow and we want to be there early
Quinton: alright
(The boys go to their rooms and Jaden lays Lexie down on the bed but lightly shakes her)
Lexie: what (whines)
Jaden: do you want to change so your aren't sleeping in jeans?
Lexie: ugh good point
Lexie's pov
I got off the comfy bed and walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt and walked into the bathroom to change and brushed my teeth and walked back out and lied down next to Jaden and pulled the covers over me and looked over at josh who was on the other bed scrolling through his phone.
End of pov
Lexie: Joshy come over here
Josh: you know I hate when you call me Joshy so for that nope
Lexie: pleaseeeeee
Jaden: she's not gonna stop begging
Lexie: pretty pleaseeeee
Jaden: told you
Josh: (playfully rolls his eyes) fine (walks over to the bed and lays on the right side of the bed)
Lexie: goodnight
(She lays her head against Josh's chest and Jaden turns the lights off)
Jake: who were you talking to in the hallway?
Lexie: no one Jake (rolls her eyes)
Jake: really? Because it looked like a guy to me, are you cheating on me?
Lexie: oh my god Jake your jealousy is getting out of hand he was a kid in my class asking about the home work chill the fuck out
Jake: hey! (Slaps) Don't you dare curse at me, do I need to remind you who your talking to?!
Lexie: n no
Jake: good get inside the car now
(Lexie gets in the car and Jake starts driving to his house)
Lexie: I thought you were dropping me off
Jake: no I thought we could hangout for a bit maybe have some fun (smirks at her)
Lexie: I guess...
time skip in the bedroom they are laying in the bed
Jake: tell me Lexie (plays with her hair) do you love me?
Lexie: yeah why would you think otherwise
Jake: I don't know you just seem like you don't sometimes
Lexie: why? Because I get mad when you're jealous that doesn't mean I don't love you
Jake: then I don't know why you feel like you need to talk to other guys (pulls on her hair) your mine lex you know that right
Lexie: y yes, let go of my hair
Jake: (pulls harder) say it
Lexie: I am your Jake (tears in her eyes)
Jake: good girl (kisses her)
End of dream
Lexie's pov
I woke up and I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't actually kiss Jake and I am in the hotel room with the boys but I didn't want to go to sleep again because I didn't want to have another dream so I got out of the bed without waking the boys up and walked over to the balcony to see the sun was almost coming up and I just sat on the chair which overlooked the pool and I just stayed sitting and watching the sunset lost in my thoughts.
End of pov
An hour later
Josh's pov
I rolled over and felt an empty spot in the bed and opened my eyes to see Lexie wasn't laying on my chest like she did when she fell asleep and noticed she wasn't even in the bed and I started to panic a little but then I turned around and saw her outside sitting in the chair looking at the sunrise so I got up and opened the door which startled her a bit because she jumped and turned around.
End of pov
Lexie: s s sorry d did I w wake you up?
Josh: no but why are you stuttering, you only do that when your nervous or scared are you okay?
Lexie: y yeah I just h had a dream and d didn't w want to fall back asleep
Josh: what was it about?
Lexie: I don't want to talk about it
Josh: (sighs) lex sooner or later your going to realize that keeping secrets isn't going to help you in the long run
Lexie: I it w was about j Jake
Josh: did he hurt you?
Lexie: h he s slapped me in the d dream and then k kissed me...
josh: it wasn't a dream was it, it was a flashback
(Lexie nods her head and josh walks over and pulls her into a hug)
Josh: I am so sorry you had to go through that lex and I promise if this son of a bitch comes back in your life I'll beat his ass
Lexie: (smiles and let's out a small laugh) I wouldn't stop you
(Then Jaden walks outside)
Jaden: you guys left me by myself (pours)
Josh: sorry bae but had to take of the bud you know
Jaden: how long have you been up lex it's early
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) I came out to watch the sunrise after dreaming about Jake and just came out here
Jaden: oh okay well it's seven thirty I'll order room service while you get ready for the park
Josh: I'll go wake up the rest of the boys and tell them to meet us in here
Jaden: okay
(Josh grabs his camera and is about to walk out of the door)
Lexie: what's the camera for?
Josh: content what else
Lexie: should have known
(She face palms her self and josh walks out of the room and Jaden orders room service)
Lexie's pov
I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a black halter top that had a white mandala flower on it with a pair of ripped short shorts and some sneakers and then put my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of the bathroom when I realized Jaden said park which makes me realize I still don't know where the fuck we are.
End of pov
Lexie: hey Jaden you said park right?
Jaden: yeah (looks at her outfit) normally I would make you change but because we are gonna be in the heat all day I'll let you keep it on
Lexie: wait a second park a theme park? Are we in Orlando!?!?
Jaden: yeah the rest of the boys wanted to be here to surprise you but since I said park you figured it out
Lexie: what park are we going to?
Jaden: now that's staying a surprise
Lexie: but jay jay
Jaden: nope I am not saying so stop asking
Lexie: fine but can I have a clue?
Jaden: nope because then you'll figure it out
Lexie: (crosses her arms) ugh fine can you take some pics of me by the balcony then?
Jaden: yeah
(Lexie walks over to the balcony and does a couple poses while Jaden takes them and then finishes when there's a knock on the door)
Jaden: that's probably the food (hands her her phone)
Lexie: okay thanks for taking a couple (grabs her phone)
Lexie's pov
I started scrolling through the pics on my phone and I didn't like how I looked in any of them but I didn't want to delete them either so I just kept them and put my phone in my pocket while Jaden served the food. He got me waffles with some strawberries while the rest of the boys got pancakes and shakes and a few minutes later josh came back with the boys and we were all scattered in the room. An hour later we all finished breakfast well I had a few bites of the waffle and ate my strawberries which wasn't satisfying for Jaden but I promised him I would have a bigger lunch and he let it slide, so we threw everything away and walked down to the lobby where there were a couple fans who asked for pictures and I just went to the limo to wait for them not in the mood to get any hate. Ten minutes later the boys were in the limo and we were driving to the park, I kept looking out of the window trying to figure out which park it was since we had already passed sea world, Aquatica, volcano bay and eventually we drove onto this street that said welcome to magic kingdom and i let out a squeal and yes I am fifteen but don't judge I've never been.
End of pov
Lexie: omg I can't believe we are in Disney!!!
Anthony: and there's goes my eardrum thanks to little hossler (sitting next to her)
Quinton: for real she's got a set of lungs (sitting on the other side of her)
Lexie: sorry I am just so excited!
Bryce: so I am guessing she likes the surprise then
Griffin: yeah no shit
Lexie: thank you guys!!
Noah: your welcome we just want you to have fun and be a kid for the weekend okay?
Lexie: okay (smiles)
Jaden's pov
I looked over at Lexie since I was in the passenger seat of the car and I saw the smile on her face which brought a smile to my face since I haven't seen a genuine smile from her in a minute. We kept driving until we got to the parking lot and we bought the tickets.
End of pov
Blake: lex you want to take the ferry or the monorail to get to the park?
Lexie: monorail
Kio: alright let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked up to the monorail which was filled with people but there was still an empty seat left so I took it while the boys stood and held onto the poles and took pics with some fans and like ten minutes later we got off the monorail and started walking to the park and josh grabbed a map because without one we would definitely get lost in the park.
End of pov
Bryce: where do you want to start off? We could go through adventure land or frontier land
Lexie: let's go in order so adventure land first
Bryce: okay
Lexie's pov
We started walking to adventure land and we had to wait the line because Jaden wanted us to and I quote "not use our status of fame to get special treatment and be normal" like seriously the one time where I would actually like the fact that they are famous is the one time he doesn't want to take advantage of it but it is what it is I guess. We were standing in line for the jungle cruise and the boys were all in front of me while I was in the back behind Quinton why you may ask? I have no idea to be honest but then I felt a tug on my hair and turned around to see a girl probably like twelve maybe thirteen so I told myself I would be nice unless she really pissed me off.
End of pov
Lexie: can I help you?
?: yeah can you move so I can be next to the sway boys
Lexie: seriously you pulled my hair to ask if you could stand next to the boys
?: yeah why else would I pull your hair it's not like I care about you Lexie your just the tag along
Lexie: (sighs) you know I would come up with an insult but I really don't want to start a fight so give me a second (taps on Quinton's back who is talking to Blake)
Quinton: what's up kid?
Lexie: deal with your fan (moves up to where griffin and Kio are)
Griffin: weren't you behind Q?
Lexie: yeah but then one of your so called fans pulled my hair and insulted me and I moved up so I wouldn't slap her
Kio: what did she say?
Lexie: nothing I just didn't want to be next to her
Kio: you sure?
Lexie: yeah
(The line moves up and eventually they go on the jungle cruise, then the enchanted tiki room and finally make it to pirates where Bryce and josh are playing with the swords and Jaden is filming them)
Lexie: griffin
Griffin: yeah?
Lexie: are you sure I am sway's kid? (looking at Bryce and josh)
Griffin: (looks at Lexie) yeah but let's face it Bryce and josh are five year olds stuck in teenagers bodies
Lexie: but Bryce is twenty one
Griffin: exactly
Griffin: would you two put the swords and eye patches down and actually get in the line or we are going on the ride without you
Josh: no way pirates is my favorite ride! (Puts the swords down and walks over to stand in the line with Bryce)
Lexie: and somehow I am still the child
Jaden: yup
Lexie's pov
I just listened to music on my playlist while the line got shorter and when we got to the ride I took them out and put it in my little carry on bag and we got in the boat and did the ride. By the end of the ride josh and I were singing a pirates life and walking towards frontier land to go on big thunder mountain. It was the same routine we waited the line and I went on the ride with Noah and Blake this time then for splash mountain I sat in between josh and Jaden because I don't like the drop at the end and when the picture came out the boys roasted me for having my eyes closed and I slapped them on the arm and headed to liberty square where we did haunted mansion and I rode with Quinton and Bryce on that one since I hadn't done a ride with them and I just kept rotating with the boys because I knew if I didn't they would start fighting over who got to ride with me. When we finally reached fantasy land around two thirty the boys wanted to stop at one of the restaurants to eat so we walked inside and some of the boys left to find a table while I stayed back with Quinton, Bryce, and Blake to help them carry the food. I ended up getting a hot dog with some chips and i needed to go get ketchup which was across from us so I told the boys that I would find them at whatever table they were at and went to get my ketchup when two girls came up to me.
End of pov
?: your Lexie hossler right?
Lexie: yeah why?
1st girl: oh my friend ally just recognized you and we decided to come and tell you that since you have an eating disorder you should really reconsider that hot dog you wouldn't want to gain all that weight and then relapse would you?
Ally: on second thought Jessica maybe she should relapse it'll make her look even more pathetic then she already is
Lexie's pov
That was it I was done being the nice girl I don't care if the boys get embarrassed, I don't care if it's end on TikTok room I am fucking done playing the victim and with that I raised my hand and slapped her across the face and Jessica pulled my hair back so I turned her around and slapped her which meant my back was turned from alley so she took the opportunity to kick me in the leg which made me trip but I still had jess's hair in my hand so I pulled her down with me and we were hitting, kicking and screaming at each other.
End of pov
Josh's pov
Bryce, Quinton and Blake found our table a few minutes ago but Lexie was taking a little while and Bryce said she was just going to get ketchup so I don't know what was taking her so long and was brought out of my train of thought when I heard screaming and the boys and I looked at each other.
End of pov
Josh: you don't think
(Jaden quickly got out of his seat and josh followed him and they walked to the middle of the restaurant where a crowd of people had their phones out and they made their way through the crowd to see Lexie on the floor with fighting with two other girls.
End of pov
Josh: LEXIE MARIE HOSSLER get off of them right now!
Lexie: no I am not done yet (punching ally in the stomach)
Jaden: yes you are that's enough (walks over to them and pulls Lexie off them)
Lexie: let me go Jaden! I am not done messing up her face!!
Jaden: yes you are now let's go
(He starts walking away with her in his arms and they all get to the table)
Kio: what the hell was that about Lexie!?
Bryce: did you at least win?
(Griffin slaps Bryce in the back of the head)
Bryce: ow what the fuck
Griffin: don't encourage her now Lex you want to tell us what happened?
Lexie: fine I went to grab ketchup for my hot dog which is now on the floor thanks to those bitches who decided to come up to me, insult me so I slapped her which ended up in a fight
Blake: what did she say?
Lexie: can we just forget about it please? We are in disney and I just want to enjoy the rest of the day and forget about it
Jaden: (sighs) can you at least tell me what she said before I let it slide
Lexie: she said that I should relapse in my eating disorder
Anthony: I swear the nerve of some people I am not mad at you for hitting her the bitch deserved it
Josh: wait a second did buddy actually just curse (mock gasps)
Anthony: shut up josh (shakes his head)
Jaden: I'll let it slide this time lex but you still need to eat so let's get you something
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I walked with Jaden back to the buffet and instead of getting the hot dog I just grabbed some Mac and cheese and served it in a bowl and we sat down to eat. When we finished eating we went to watch mickey's phillar magic, it's a small world yeah I know it's for babies but it's a classic you can't go to magic kingdom and not do it's a small world then we went on the little mermaid, and the seven dwarves mine train. Around six o clock we made it to tomorrow land and we did buzz light year and beat josh by ten points so ha! And after we went on space mountain where I sat with Jaden again and then we stayed for the show at the end of the night and finally got back to the room around midnight. The boys ordered room service again since they were hungry after walking the park the whole day but I just simply took a shower and curled under the covers and put on America's next top model on Netflix and I looked at all these beautiful skinny girls that I would never look like even if I wanted to... I felt fry hit my face which took me out of my thoughts.
End of pov
Lexie: who threw that?
Jaden&josh: it was him
Lexie: (glares at them) very funny
Josh: sorry it was me but you went off into space what were you thinking about?
Lexie: nothing
Jaden: are you sure? Was it what those girls said?
Lexie: no
Josh: are you lying to us?
Lexie: no (looks down playing with her fingers)
Jaden: you suck at lying
Lexie: jay you know how you said I wasn't a tag along
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: are you absolutely sure about that?
Jaden: of course I am Lexie listen to me when I say this to you and I speak for all the boys you are not just a tag along if anything you are exactly what makes this house complete okay? I love you and the boys love you
Josh: he's right and the boys would be upset that you would even think that we don't want you here you understand me?
Lexie: yeah... I love you guys even if I say I hate you (laughs)
Them: we love you too
Josh: now get some sleep we are doing another park tomorrow
Lexie: which one?
Jaden: go to sleep and you'll find out (kisses her forehead)
Lexie: Joshy will you sleep with us again?
Josh: aww of course my cuddle buddy
Lexie's pov
Josh got on the right side of the bed while Jaden was on my left and I was in the middle and I curled under the covers and eventually closed my eyes and went to sleep.
End of pov

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