Chapter 48

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Beep beep beep
Jaden's pov
I groaned and tried to reach my phone to turn off my alarm but Lexie was laying on my chest with her legs wrapped around my waist clinging onto me because she woke up again last night with another nightmare. Between the night at the hospital and last night she hasn't been sleeping well these past couple of days and I'd love for her to be able to sleep in but she has therapy today which I am taking her too and then I have to go meet Trav and Kells at the studio so that Kells and I can start writing the song we are going to perform on Kimmel. I lightly shook Lexie who let out a whine and I was hoping she wasn't in little space because that would make this ten times harder. I shook her again and she whined again.
End of pov
Lexie: let me sleep bubba
Jaden: I am sorry baby but I can't we have stuff to do today
Lexie: nooo I don't want too (whines)
Jaden: you have therapy this morning lex come on get up
Lexie: well in that case fuck no
Jaden: (sighs) Lexie Marie we don't have time for this today I need you to get up and get ready
Lexie: I don't want to go to stupid therapy just let me sleep
Jaden: you can sleep in the car if you want
Lexie: no I am comfortable (lays her head in the crook of his neck)
Jaden: (rubs her back) I know your tired but you can't sleep in today so I'll take you to your room and your going to get ready okay
Lexie: don't make me go today Jaden pleaseee (gives puppy dog eyes)
Jaden: that's not going to work on me lex
Lexie: ughhh
(Josh opens his eyes after hearing Lexie whining)
Josh: what's going on?
Jaden: lex has therapy and then I am going to take her with me to the studio
Josh: oh okay I would go with you to the therapy appointment but Bryce and I have a meeting for Ani Energy
Jaden: it's okay don't worry about it babe.. I would peck you on the lips but as you can see I have a koala attached to me right now
Josh: (laughs) that's okay I'll just kiss you (leans in to peck him on the lips and then looks at Lexie and tickles her side and she immediately let's go of Jaden)
Lexie: no fair josh (crosses her arms)
Josh: it got you up didn't it
Lexie: (glares at him) yeah yeah yeah
Jaden: how's your leg? Does it hurt to stand on it?
Lexie: no it's fine
Josh: go ahead and walk on it and see if it hurts
Lexie: okay (starts walking around the room) it's uncomfortable because of the cast but it doesn't hurt
Josh: okay good now go get ready
Lexie: (keeps glaring at him) I know what your doing, you think I am going to listen to you since I am not listening to Jaden
Josh: no I know your going to listen to me because if you don't you'll find yourself in trouble
Lexie: when did you become the strict one (whines)
Josh: since I don't want you to be late for therapy now go and stop whining
Lexie's pov
I glared at the two boys in front of me before walking out of their room and into mine and going into my closet. I looked around and decided that today I really really didn't feel like going to therapy so why not just stall until i am at least twenty minutes late? Will it get me into trouble? Probably, has that ever stopped me before? No so I pulled on a white crop top that only had two buttons in the middle to cover up my bra from showing but still showed enough cleavage, the middle of my chest and stomach then put on a pair of black ripped short shorts and sneakers. I decided to leave my hair in its natural curliness, brushed my teeth and then started walking to the stairs and was about to step on the first step when I felt an arm on my shoulder and turned me around and saw Quinton.
End of pov
Quinton: okay one just because you can walk on your leg now doesn't mean you are going down three flights of stairs and second of all no way are you going anywhere dressed like that
Lexie: your only two years older then me you can't tell me what I can and can't wear (crosses her arms)
Quinton: yeah I can because I am still older then you go and change right now
Lexie: no I like what I am wearing it's cute
Quinton: it's inappropriate that's what it is so go change or I am calling one of the boys
Lexie: ugh why can't you just fuck off, go back to the room and pretend you never saw me?
Quinton: nice try kid but no
(Jaden yells from downstairs)
(Lexie goes to take a step down the stairs but Quinton stops her again)
Quinton: nu hu what did I just say??
Lexie: I don't know since your not the boss of me now If you'll excuse me I need to go downstairs
Quinton: fine go down there but when the rest of the boys see you dressed like that don't say I didn't warn you and your still not walking down the stairs by yourself (picks her up and carries her downstairs and then walks into the kitchen while Lexie stays behind by the couch)
Jaden: (looks at Q) was lex still upstairs?
Quinton: no I brought her down
Jaden: then where is she?
Quinton: probably hiding
Jaden: (looks at the time on his Apple Watch) I don't have time for this Lexie Marie get over to the kitchen and eat your breakfast now!
Lexie's pov
Jaden sounds mad... do I listen or do I keep sitting on the couch I was contemplating on the pros and cons until I heard footsteps walking into the living room and I saw Ant and Kio.
End of pov
Kio: what the hell do you think your wearing?!
Jaden: Lexie Marie hossler this is your last warning get over here now!
(Lexie stays on the couch so Ant goes over and picks her up and takes her to the kitchen where the rest of the boys are and they look at her)
Griffin: no way in hell are you going anywhere dressed like that
Lexie: I know that was kind of the point
Blake: Lexie go back upstairs and change
Jaden: no we don't have time for that I'll just stay in the tank top I am wearing underneath
(Jaden takes off his pink hoodie with two butterflies on it and puts it over her but she's glaring at him with her arms crossed)
Jaden: uncross your arms Lexie so I can put the hoodie on you because apparently now I have to dress you like a kid too
Lexie: no I want to wear this
Jaden: stop being so difficult and uncross yours arms so I can put the damn sweater on you
Lexie: no
(Josh walks into the kitchen)
Josh: Lexie Marie hossler listen to your brother right now before you find yourself in trouble I am not kidding
Lexie: no I want to wear this and that stupid hoodie is going to make me hot
Jaden: well maybe next time you'll think about that the next time you decide to show off that much skin (uncrosses her arms and slips the hoodie on her) we don't have time for you to eat breakfast now let's go
Lexie: fine by me not like I wanted to eat anyway
Jaden: nice try but I am going to stop and get you something while your talking to Callie
Lexie: or you could just let me skip therapy (glares at him)
Jaden: (sighs) no not an option now don't make me tell you again let's go
Lexie: I don't want too (whines) all she's going to do is make me talk about my feelings and I don't want to do that
(Noah walks into the kitchen)
Noah: sorry kiddo but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do
Lexie: okay so I have an idea why don't we just take me out of therapy all together
Bryce: in what part of your brain did that make any sense
(Lexie shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: alright I know what your doing your trying to stall and distract the rest of the boys and I am not playing your game anymore (walks over to her and picks her up) I'll see you guys later
Boys: bye
Josh: don't give Jaden a hard time anymore today Lexie I mean it!
Lexie: yeah yeah yeah I got it
Lexie's pov
Jaden carried me out to the car and normally I would kick him but my cast is stopping me so I couldn't. We got in the car and he sat me in the passenger seat next to him then got in the drivers seat and looked over at me because I hadn't put my seatbelt on yet.
End of pov
Jaden: put your seatbelt on
Lexie: no
Jaden: now
Lexie: no
Jaden: (reaches over to grab her seat belt and buckles her in) keep it up and your looking to get spanked real quick Lexie Marie
Lexie: (glares at him and mumbles) or you could just not take me
Jaden: oh my god Lexie enough is enough! I know you hate therapy but it's going to help you in the long run so just deal with it (starts driving)
Lexie's pov
Eventually we pulled up to the dreaded parking lot of the center and Jaden unbuckled me and then came around to my side of the car and picked me up knowing that I probably wasn't going to walk there myself and we walked into the building where I surprisingly saw Clare sitting on the chair with her arms crossed. I didn't know she went to therapy here!
End of pov
Lexie: Clare what are you doing here! (Walks up to her and hugs her)
Clare: oh my dad and I transferred therapy centers because he heard Callie was better I guess.. I just finished my appointment what are you doing here?
Lexie: I have therapy Tuesdays and Thursdays unfortunately
Jaden: hey Clare is Justin with you?
Clare: no actually my dad just got back from the UK so he brought me
(Then her dad walks up to them)
?: Clare ready to go?
Clare: yeah one sec dad you know how I told you about my new friend Lexie
?: yeah
Clare: this is her and her brother Jaden, guys meet my dad Nick
Nick: hey your that artist on Travis barkers label right?
Jaden: yeah and your Nick Jonas (laughs)
Nick: haha I didn't mean for it to come out like that but yeah (looks at Lexie) it's nice to finally meet you
Lexie: the Nick Jonas Just said it was nice to meet me I am dreaming
Nick: (laughs and smiles) sorry we can't stay very long I have to get Demi to a doctors appointment but it was nice meeting you Jaden and Lexie, I am sure I'll see you again soon maybe we can plan a get together
Jaden: yeah that sounds great
Nick: okay cool I'll have Clare text Lexie
Clare: okay bye lex and good luck I know how Callie can be sometimes
Lexie: thanks I am going to need it
(Nick and Clare leave while Jaden and Lexie take a seat until Mariana calls her)
Lexie: ugh don't make me please Jaden let's just go back to the car pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty
Mariana: lex Callie's waiting for you come on
Jaden: go now and I want to hear that you actually talked about something understand
Lexie: ugh
Jaden: that wasn't an answer Lexie
Lexie: fine I'll talk to her about something (whines)
(Lexie gets off her chair and follow Mariana into the room Callie's in and she's sitting on the carpet with a few toys out in front of her)
Lexie: okay what the fuck is going on
Callie: don't worry just come sit we are going to try something a little bit different today
Lexie: yeah I don't know what you think your doing lady but I am not about to sit in front of you when you are standing in a circle of toys
Callie: I know we haven't known each other too long but I am asking you to just trust me for a few minutes and come sit down can you do that?
Lexie: I don't trust anyone especially you
Callie: well why don't we change that and you trust me for five minutes
Lexie: (looks at her skeptically) no
Callie: please I just want to try something or am I going to have to bring in Jaden to help me?
Lexie's pov
When she said bring in Jaden I knew she meant business and I knew that Jaden was going to do whatever necessary to make me listen to her so I eventually just walked over to her and sat down in the circle that she was in.
End of pov
Lexie: okay I am in the circle now what?
Callie: pick up one of the toys?
Lexie: why?
Callie: just pick one
Lexie: fine (picks up the stuffed frog)
Callie: okay so let me ask you something you had three options you had the Barbie, you had the microphone and you had the stuffed animal right?
Lexie: yeah what's your point?
Callie: why did you pick the stuffed animal?
Lexie: because you chose me to pick one duh
Callie: are you sure? because if that was the case you could have picked the other two so why did you pick the frog something gravitated you towards it why?
Lexie: I don't know I just did it's not like I thought about it
Callie: close your eyes and think about it for a minute then
Lexie's pov
I don't know what kind of voodoo witch craft shit she's trying to make me figure out but fine I'll close my eyes.
End of pov
Callie: now I want you to think back to when you were a little girl and you went to school what was the first toy you would pick up?
Lexie: a stuffed animal or a doll...
Callie: why?
Lexie: because I could hug it....
Callie: why did you want to hug it?
Lexie: made me feel safe I guess...
Callie: safe from what?
Lexie: I don't know Jaden couldn't come to school with me obviously and I didn't have a lot of friends so I just picked up what comforted me at the time
Callie: and the dolls and stuffed animals comforted you?
Lexie: yeah
Callie: okay now open your eyes and put the frog back on the floor
Lexie: okay (puts the frog back on the floor)
Callie: how do you feel right now?
Lexie: vulnerable
Callie: why?
Lexie: because I just opened up to a stranger and I don't have anything to comfort me
Callie: do you want to hold the frog again?
Lexie: (mumbles) yeah
Callie: okay
(Callie hands her the frog and Lexie brings it close to her chest)
Callie: okay now that you have what makes you feel safe and comfortable I am going to ask you a question and you don't have to go into all the details but can you tell me a little bit about your nightmares?
Lexie: at first they were just flash backs of when kids used to bully me in school.. then they switched to a relationship I was in a year ago... he was abusive and hurt me in a lot of ways and now it's a combination of both but with dreams of things that could happen
Callie: like what?
Lexie: what if he finds me again? I don't want to go through what I went through for a second time.. I can't and I am terrified that he's going to come back and hurt me again
Callie: is that why you like sleeping with your brother and josh?
Lexie: yeah.. they make me feel safe
Callie: kind of like the stuffed animal
Lexie: yeah...
Callie: I think we can end the session for today.. I am really proud of you Lexie I think this is the first time your starting to open up to me and I appreciate you trusting me I know that wasn't easy to do
Lexie: no it wasn't..
Callie: and the next time you have a nightmare I want you to say three things out loud the first is it's just a dream, seconds he's not here and I am safe and three no matter what happens I am protected okay?
Lexie: okay
Callie: do you believe that your safe and protected?
Lexie: from Jake? I don't know (shrugs her shoulders)
Callie: do you believe that the boys will protect you?
Lexie: yeah
Callie: then you are protected don't let the voice in your mind have so much control okay?
Lexie: okay
Callie: great I am going to call Jaden in now okay?
Lexie: okay
(Callie calls Jaden in and starts talking to him a little bit about what they did and Lexie is sitting on the carpet playing with the frog and the Barbie slipping off into little space)
Callie: so I would say we made some progress today she told me a little bit about her nightmares and I gave her a technique to help her cope with it so hopefully it'll help and if it doesn't we can try other methods but I think for now it's better if she keeps sharing the room with you guys but is she at least sleeping in her bed?
Jaden: she was for a little while but the past few days she's been sleeping with me the first night was when she broke her leg, the second was when we were at the hospital and the third was last night because she wanted to cuddle with us
Callie: okay well try getting her to sleep in her bed tonight and we'll see how it goes
Jaden: okay thank you so much Callie
Callie: of course
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) ready to go lex?
Lexie: yes bubba but I no Lexie I baby member
Callie: I guess someone slipped into little space
Jaden: (laughs) yeah I guess so (gets off the chair and picks her up) can you say bye to Callie?
Lexie: bye bye Callie, bye Barbie and mr. frog
Jaden's pov
After we left the center and got Lexie in the car I handed her the chicken nuggets I bought her since she skipped breakfast and started driving to DTA records. I was still thirty minutes away because of traffic when Travis called me.
End of pov
Phone convo
Jaden: hey trav I am currently stuck in traffic
Travis: that's okay I was going to tell you that Kells went to pick up Cassie from school, drop her off with Megan and then come back
Jaden: okay sounds good I'll be there as soon as I can
Travis: alright later man
End of convo
Lexie: bubba I bored
Jaden: play on your phone baby
Lexie: I no wanna
Jaden: look out the window
Lexie: that's boring
Jaden: you want me to put the radio on?
Lexie: yes!
Jaden: okay (turns the radio on)
Lexie's pov
After a long boring car ride we got to bubba's studio, he took me out of the car and carried me on his hip up to the elevator and pressed the button.
End of pov
Lexie: I wanted to press button (whines)
Jaden: you can press the button on the way down
Lexie: but I wanted to press it now (leans over to try and push a floor button)
Jaden: I said not right now Lexie (gently pulls her hand back)
Lexie: bubba!
Jaden: shh baby you can't scream (gets to the floor of the studio) also bubba is going to be working now you have to promise to behave okay baby
Lexie: okay bubba
(Jaden and Lexie walk into the studio to see kells and Travis eating Chinese)
Jaden: hey guys
Them: hey
Kells: hey kid how's the leg?
Lexie: who you?
Jaden: Little Lexie hasn't met you guys yet so technically she doesn't know who you as confusing as it sounds
Lexie: bubba he has more tattoos than you
Jaden: yeah he does
Travis: got you well Lexie it's nice to meet you
Kells: so how old is she mentally speaking right now?
Jaden: I don't know you can ask her if you want
Kells: Lexie how old are you?
Lexie: I five
Kells: aww she's adorable
Jaden: what do you say Lexie?
Lexie: tank you
Kells: you're welcome
Travis: anyways you two ready to start working on the song?
Them: yeah
(Thirty minutes later they are in the studio free styling)
Lexie's pov
I sitting in chair bored right now there's nothing to do. Travis was sitting in chair messing with buttons and bubba was in room with Kells. He gave me his phone but I no want to play with that, I got up from chair and saw a few buttons a little away from Travis and walked over and was about to press it.
End of pov
Jaden: (sees Lexie and takes off headlines) Lexie no
Lexie: but bubba I want to see what button does
Jaden: sorry but no you can't touch anything okay? Just sit on the couch and watch Barbie
Lexie: that's boring! Can we go home?
Jaden: not yet in a little bit just go sit down please and play on my phone
Lexie: fine (stomps her foot)
Jaden: stop with the attitude little one
Lexie: I no want to be here I bored and want home!!!
(Jaden looks over at Travis and kells)
Jaden: can you give me like two minutes, Kells keep free styling (walks out of the booth and towards Lexie and pulls her aside) I know your bored baby but that's enough stop throwing a show and wait till I am done so we can go home
Lexie: no I want home now!!
Jaden: what did I just tell you little one stop throwing a tantrum
Lexie: then we go home now if you want me stop
Jaden: that's not how it works you do not tell me what to do now your going to listen to me or your going to find yourself in time out understand
Lexie: you no put me in timeout here
Jaden: really? Because I will keep testing me and you won't like it (sits Lexie down on the couch and walks back into the booth)
Lexie's pov
I sat on couch and cross my arms because i mad at bubba. I bored and want to play home so I got up from couch and walked over to door and opened it but before I could go anywhere I felt arms sit me back down and I looked up at Travis.
End of pov
Travis: hey I have an idea want to come help me?
Lexie: okay
(Lexie follows Travis where the sound editing is)
Travis: okay only press the buttons when I tell you which ones okay
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I help Travis click on buttons and move things up and down when I saw a pretty red button I looked at Travis who was busy doing something with another button so I clicked on the red one because I want to see what would happen and then I looked up and saw the lights were off in the room bubba and Kells were in uh oh.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie didn't I tell you to stay on the couch?
Lexie: yes bubba
Jaden: so why didn't you?
Lexie: because I bored so Travis me help
Jaden: and did Travis tell you to push the red button?
Lexie: no
Jaden: so why did you do it?
Lexie: I no no
Jaden: (sighs) this is the last warning I am giving you go sit on the couch and wait for us to be done, we would been done by now but you keep playing with things you aren't supposed to
Lexie: I sorry
Jaden: it's okay just listen to me now okay?
Lexie: okay
(Thirty minutes later)
Jaden's pov
We were finally done with the song and I walked out of the booth to see Lexie curled up on the couch asleep. I picked her up and said bye to them and apologized on behalf of Lexie but thankfully they understood and were fine with it. I got Lexie in the car and we started driving to the house. Another forty minutes of traffic later we finally got to the house and I said hi to the boys and put Lexie on the bed and then laid down on my stomach and closed my eyes until I felt a pair of hands massaging my back and looked up to see josh.
End of pov
Josh: hey baby how was your day?
Jaden: (groans) Long I just want to sleep
Josh: take a nap then
Jaden: cuddle with me?
Josh: (smiles) can't say no to that (gets in the bed and wraps his arms around his waist)
Fifteen minutes later
Lexie: bubba (pokes him on the cheek)
Jaden: hmm (opens his eyes)
Lexie: play with me
Jaden: Lexie bubba is tired can you play with buddy and the boys?
Lexie: no me play with bubba!
Josh: how about you and I go walk buddy and let bubba sleep
Lexie: no I want bubba!
Josh: bubba needs to sleep come on let's go (picks her up)
Lexie: Joshy put me down!! I want bubba
Jaden: it's fine josh just leave her
Josh: are you sure you don't want to rest?
Jaden: I am already up let's just go downstairs (picks up Lexie from josh and goes downstairs)
Lexie: bice!! (Sees him playing with Blake)
Bryce: hey little one
Blake: how long has she been in little space?
Jaden: a few hours I don't know when she's going to snap out of it, Lexie want to watch a movie?
Lexie: can I cuddle bubba?
Jaden: yeah of course
Lexie's pov
We watch a mermaid movie and then it was dinner time. I sat down and ate all of my chicken but was playing around with peas and carrots because I no like them.
End of pov
Noah: lex eat your vegetables
Lexie: I no like them
Bryce: they are good for you just eat some of them
Lexie: no
Quinton: that's literally been her favorite word today
Jaden: yeah and I have just about had it Lexie Marie eat your carrots and your peas now
Lexie: no bubba they are yucky
Jaden: this is your last warning before you get in trouble eat your food now
Lexie: no bubba!
Jaden: stop telling me no and listen to me!
Josh: babe calm down your not going to punish her when your angry (looks at Lexie) listen to bubba and eat
Lexie: no Joshy!
Josh: okay that's it
(Josh gets off from his chair and pick up Lexie, sits on the couch and pulls her over his lap)
Josh: you have had more then enough chances today and you still chose not to listen so now your getting punished
Lexie: no Joshy I sorry I sorry
Josh: five and then your going in time out for five minutes too got it
Lexie: okay...
Josh's pov
After her spanking I put her in the corner for five minutes and after I took her out she gave me a hug and said sorry to Jaden and he gave her a kiss at the top of her head and she finished eating her food. After dinner we watched tv for a little bit until we decided to go to bed, I gave Lexie her bottle and pacifier and once she was asleep I placed her in the bed and walked over to my bed and wrapped my arms around Jaden who turned to look at me and give me a kiss.
End of pov
Josh: what was that for?
Jaden: I love you and thank you for helping me today you were right I was irritated and it's because of the lack of sleep
Josh: thankfully you have the day off tomorrow so just rest okay? And at the end of the day we are a team so I can step it up every once in a while too
Jaden: I know and I appreciate it
Josh: I know you do now get some sleep
(Jaden lays his head in the crook of Josh's neck while josh runs his fingers through his hair until the both of them doze off)

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