Chapter 58

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"Meow meow meow meow"
Lexie's pov
I wake up in between bubba and dada to a noise in da outside and crawled to the edge of the bed and got down and walked to the door and open it to see where the noise was coming from. I didn't hear anything else so I was going to walk inside again but den I hear it again "meow, meow" I follow da noise till I got to bush and saw a kitty tuck in da bush. I gently move branches and pick up da kitty and put it in my lap and started to pet her.
End of pov
Lexie: where you come from? (Asks the cat and it meows) I dink I name you kitty!
Twenty minutes later
Jaden's pov
I opened my eyes and noticed Lexie wasn't in the bed with us which was weird because she fell asleep on our bed. I was about to get up when I heard baby talk which meant lex was in little space but where is she? I got up from the bed and then noticed our sliding glass door to the backyard was open so I walked outside and I saw Lexie sitting on the ground with a little white kitten curled on her lap.
End of pov
Jaden: hey lex what you doing?
Lexie: meet kitty! (Shows him the kitten)
Jaden: (smiles) where did she come from?
Lexie: she stuck in da bush so I help her out
Jaden: oh okay well does she have a collar so we can call the owner?
Lexie: no no collar can we keep her!
Jaden: I don't know lex what about buddy?
Lexie: buddy and kitty can be friends! Please please bubba she so cute
Jaden: how do you know it's a girl?
Lexie: I no no but I want keep her
Jaden: (sighs) i don't know Lexie
Lexie: please please please please please bubbaaasass
(Josh wakes up to Lexie's voice and gets up from the bed and walks outside to see Jaden, Lexie and a white kitten)
Josh: what's going on here?
Lexie: dada I want kitty!! Please please please please
Josh: (looks at Jaden) what about buddy?
Lexie: I told bubba dat kitty and buddy can be friends please she so cute!
Josh: what do you think Jaden?
Jaden: I think we are going to have to ask the other boys how they feel about having a cat in the house
Josh: good point I'll call a family meeting and in the meantime lex why don't you bring kitty inside and we'll give her some water
Lexie: okay! (She stands up with the cat in her arms and walks inside the house)
Jaden: (whispers in Josh's ear) are we really going to consider letting her keep it? It was outside with no collar, it's a stray and could be sick for all we know
Josh: well I don't want to be the one to tell her no when she's already named it
Jaden: hopefully the boys will say no
A few minutes later they are all downstairs
Griffin: what's with the cat on Lexie's lap?
Jaden: you want to tell them lex?
Lexie: I save kitty dis morning in bush can we keep her!!
Anthony: what if kitty already has an owner princess?
Lexie: den why she outside with no collar?
Kio: she could be lost honey and what If there's someone out there looking for her?
Lexie: b b but she m my k kitty now (tears in her eyes)
Bryce: is anyone going to say no to the kid?
(The boys look around each other and then back at Lexie who was currently giving her water in a toy bowl)
Blake: what are the chances that this cat does have an owner? There's a bunch of strays in LA
Jaden: are you actually considering keeping it? What if buddy attacks it or something
Josh: buddy's not a murderer
Noah: she just killed a lizard the other day
Josh: okay true but still it's not the worst thing in the world if we keep it
Griffin: yeah we could have a sway cat and dog
Jaden: fine but we take it to the vet before going to Hill Song Church, I just want to make sure it's not carrying anything
Quinton: yeah I agree
(The boys finish talking and turn to look at Lexie)
Jaden: alright lex here's the deal we are going to take kitty to the vet and if she's healthy we can keep her but if she's sick we can't okay?
Lexie: okay tank you bubba! (Puts the cat down and hugs him)
Jaden: your welcome now you can play with kitty while we make breakfast
Lexie: okay
In the kitchen
Quinton: why were you so hesitant when she wanted to keep the cat?
Jaden: (pours some cereal into a bowl) because when she was five she found a stray gray cat, brought it home, got super attached and a week later it died, Lex found it on her way home from school and she cried for a week straight
Quinton: damn
Jaden: yeah
Blake: she gets attached quickly doesn't she?
Jaden: yeah especially when it comes to animals
Lexie: dada look kitty in da stroller! (Pushes a baby carriage with the cat inside towards josh)
Josh: baby you know that the stroller is for your dolls so take kitty out she probably doesn't like it in there
Lexie: (sighs) okay (picks up the kitten and puts her back on the floor) she needs toys
Quinton: you can get one of buddy's balls and sees if she likes it
Lexie: Q kitty doesn't like balls
Quinton: you can try get a tiny one that buddy used when she was smaller
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I walk to ant's room because buddy stay in there last night and opened the door and immediately buddy jumped on me and started giving me kisses. I hug buddy back and den went to look for her tiny ball and a few minutes later I found it under Ant's bed. Then I turn around and saw the door was still open and buddy was not in the room... uh oh, I wan out of the room after I heard barking and saw Kio holding buddy by her collar and kitty was shaking and meowing.
End of pov
Lexie: bad dog! No bark at kitty
Kio: I am going to take buddy back to the room
Boys: okay
Jaden: come eat your cereal Lexie
Lexie: okay (walks over to the counter with kitty and places it on her lap while she eats her cereal)
Jaden: can I be honest with you lex
Lexie: yeah bubba
Jaden: I don't think buddy and kitty are going to be friends and it wouldn't be fair to buddy or kitty to be in the house together if they don't like each other
Lexie: den I keep kitty in our room away from buddy
(Josh walks over and sits on the chair next to her)
Josh: you can't keep kitty in the room all day she's little and needs to walk around, don't you think kitty should live in a house where she has her own space?
Lexie: I guess (pouts) b but I want to keep her (tears in her eyes)
Josh: I know (pulls her in for a hug) maybe when buddy's older we can get a cat but right now's not a good idea
Lexie: okay dada (eats her cereal)
Jaden: we'll take her to the vet and then they'll take her to a shelter where they will find her a nice home okay?
Lexie: okay bubba (says sadly)
(Lexie finishes her cereal and is sitting on the couch holding kitty)
Bryce: baby put kitty down and go get dressed so you can go okay?
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I walk up to my room and go to my drawer and pick out a white and pink shirt with jeans and tennis shoes and walk downstairs to see bubba and dada waiting by the front door with kitty. I took her from bubba's arms and followed them to the car. I just kept petting her until we got da vet and got out of the car with da boys and follow dem inside where bubba went to talk to da lady at da counter.
End of pov
Jaden: hi I am looking for someone to give a stray cat a check up, she ended up in our backyard and my little sister found her
Receptionist: okay no problem so the vet will assist you in just a minute what's your name sir?
Jaden: Jaden hossler
Receptionist: okay just take a seat and a vet will call you in
Jaden: thank you (sits down next to josh)
Lexie: (looks down at the kitty) I sorry we couldn't keep you, I want to but da boys say no cuz of buddy, I want you though... I would be a good mommy and cuddle and give you kisses all da time (kisses her fur)
Josh: (looks at Lexie and then Jaden) I can't do this it's breaking my heart we should just let her keep it
Jaden: I don't want to hurt her either but I also don't want anything to happen to it
Josh: we could just take buddy and the cat out at different times besides we could probably train buddy to tolerate the cat
Jaden: you really think it's a good idea?
Josh: no but she's really happy with the furry thing and deserves to feel happy don't you think?
Jaden: yeah your right... I guess we are keeping it (looks at Lexie) hey baby
Lexie: yeah bubba? (Looks at him)
Jaden: Joshy and I were talking and... if you really want to keep kitty that much then okay
Lexie: really!?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: thank you bubba!! (Hugs him) thank you dada (hugs him too)
Josh: your welcome baby
Vet: hossler
Jaden: that's us let's go
(They all stand up and follow the vet to the room where she looks over the kitten)
Vet: well you have a very healthy 8 week old kitten (smiles)
Jaden: (sighs in relief) thank god
Vet: (smiles) I take it your going to keep him right?
Josh: yeah
(The vet looks down at Lexie)
Vet: what are you naming him?
Lexie: kitty!
Vet: (laughs) very cute (looks at the boys) your free to go just go ahead and pay with at the receptionist table
Boys: okay
Thirty minutes later
Josh: we are back!
Bryce: hey how did Lexie take...
Lexie: we keep kitty!
Bryce: (laughs) couldn't say no could you, Quinton, Noah you owe me fifty bucks!!
Quinton: seriously fine I'll Venmo it to you
Noah: remind me to never bet against Bryce again
Jaden: what was the bet?
Bryce: that you would come home with the cat which you did
Griffin: so I guess there's an official sway house cat now
Lexie: kitty!
Griffin: sway house kitty
Ring ring ring
Jaden: shoot it's Justin (answers the call)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey Justin what's up?
Justin: I just wanted to know if you were still going to come to hill song with us today
Jaden: yeah lex is in little space right now but maybe she'll snap out of it in a little, what time are we meeting?
Justin: it starts at twelve
Jaden: okay cool we'll get ready and meet you there
Justin: alright later bro
End of phone convo
Jaden: do you guys want to come with us to hill song church?
Bryce: I actually have to go try and fix things with Addison apparently some girl leaked a DM from a while ago I don't know but she thinks I cheated
Noah: did you?
Bryce: no I am not griffin
Griffin: ouch low blow
Bryce: sorry
Griffin: it's whatever I am with Kio now (pecks him on the lips)
Kio; if you ever cheat on me I will never speak to you again clear?
Griffin: yes sir
Blake: I have a date with Amelie
Ant: Vani and I have our one year anniversary so I am out
Josh: looks like it's just us three then and on the way back we can stop and buy things for kitty
Jaden: okay (looks at Lexie) hey lex
Lexie: yeah? (Looks up from playing with kitty)
Josh: when did you slip out?
Lexie: I don't know two minutes ago while you were talking
Josh: oh okay well go get ready to leave
Lexie: okay
Jaden: something appropriate please! No crop tops
Lexie: yeah yeah
Lexie's pov
I got up with kitty in my arms and walked upstairs to my room and towards my closet to look for something to wear and after a few minutes later I chose a pink flower tiered mini dress that showed a little bit of cleavage and went down just a little below the knee it wasn't too long but it wasn't short either, I also paired it with a small white sweater and some white flat. For my hair I decided to curl it really quick and did a little bit of makeup and finished the look off with some lip gloss. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I mentally gagged at myself and not because of the dress I was wearing even though half of me wanted to throw up for that reason too but mainly because no matter what I still wasn't going to look pretty. Speaking of throwing up didn't the boys make me eat cereal for breakfast? Ugh do they not know how much sugar that has? Ugh and I can't throw up now because that would mean redoing my makeup and I don't have time for that so I decided that I would just do it later tonight and hopefully the boys forget about eating today. I looked at myself one more time before grabbing my phone, purse and headphones and walked downstairs to see Jaden dressed in a white dress shirt with some black pants while josh was wearing a white holy shirt with some jeans and sneakers.
End of pov
Quinton: hey jay can I go with you guys since all the boys are going out I just figured I could go with you
Jaden: yeah of course come on, lex ready to go?
Lexie: yup
Bryce: where's the cat?
Lexie: I left her in my room sleeping
Bryce: okay
Jaden: we'll see you guys later bye
Boys: bye
Lexie's pov
We got in the car and started driving towards Hillsong church and I thought about the last time I went to church. It was literally right before Jaden moved and a little after his attempt and since then he's been a believer and I have my own testimony as well that confirmed my own belief but then he left and life happened so I sort of stopped believing... I was pushed out of my thoughts when I heard Q calling my name.
End of pov
Lexie: what did you say?
Quinton: I said what are you thinking in that little mind of yours
Lexie: oh just the last time I went to church
Jaden: did mom or the nannies ever take you?
Lexie: (scoffs) yeah right
Jaden: (sighs and turns to look at her) did you want to come today? because I don't want to force you into it you know that right?
Lexie: yeah I know and honestly I didn't mind coming... I just don't know if God's going to forgive me after all the stuff I have done (plays with her fingers)
Jaden: you know before you moved in with us the guys and I got in trouble a lot right
Lexie: yeah you even got arrested...
Jaden: yeah and that was a real wake up call for me but you know how I know God forgives me?
Lexie: how?
Jaden: because he's blessed me with the life and platform I have now, yeah I made some mistakes and have said some things but I am not perfect and I don't try to be but because God Is all about love and forgiveness he's allowed me to be in the position I am in now
Josh: yeah you know what I have come to realize is that when your in alignment with God's purpose for your life things start to work out in ways you never imagined
Lexie: so you think after everything that I have done he still has a purpose for my life?
Jaden: I know he does and you'll figure it out as you get older
Lexie: (sighs) we'll see
Jaden: what about you Q do you have any spiritual experiences?
Quinton: nah my parents never really went to church even though we grew up in North Carolina where there's a church in literally every neighborhood (jokes)
Jaden: (laughs) so then take today as an experience and if you take anything away from it great if you don't then try something else that works for you
(Josh pulls into the driveway)
Josh: you want to call Justin and see where he's at? (Looks at Jaden)
Jaden: yeah (pulls out his phone and calls)
Phone convo
Justin: hey bro you here?
Jaden: yeah where you at?
Justin: inside near the band area you'll see it when you come in
Jaden: okay See you in a few
(Jaden hangs up the phone and the four of them get out of the car and start walking inside the church till they see Clare and Justin)
Clare: Lexie! (Runs and hugs her)
Lexie: hey (smiles)
(The boys dap each other up)
Josh: where's Sel?
Justin: home with the baby since she's a new born we don't want to expose her to anything yet
Clare: hey J can I take lex to meet the group?
Justin: yeah just be back before the service starts
Clare: okay come on (pulls Lexie's hand)
Lexie: where are we going?
Clare: I want you to meet the youth group
Lexie: your part of a youth group?
Clare: yeah my mom wanted me to join it a month ago but in all honesty it's fun and we do activities on the weekend together oh and they don't treat me like I am Clare Jonas
Lexie: well that's a bonus
(They arrive at the area where the group is)
Clare: guys I want you to meet Lexie she's my new friend
Group: hey (smiles)
Lexie: hi (fake smiles)
Clare: I'll introduce you to everyone so first we have our youth leader Shane
Shane: (smiles) hi Lexie it's nice to meet you
Lexie: you too
Clare: then we have my two best friends Keaton and John
Keaton: hi Lexie it's nice to meet you, Clare's told us a little about you (hugs her)
Lexie: really?
John: yeah but they are all good things don't worry
Lexie: good to know
Shane: alright you guys should get back to your families it's going to start but don't forget we are going to meet here after for our meeting okay?
Group: okay
Lexie's pov
We walked back to where the boys were and I started thinking about the youth leader because he looked a lot like the guy from good luck Charlie I mean they could be twins in all honesty plus he's attractive.. no Lexie he's probably Jaden's age which changes my thoughts kind of I don't know. I got taken out of my thoughts again when the worship band started playing and I immediately recognized the song it was I surrender. This was the song that played the day I had my testimony.. next thing I knew I was lifting my hands and singin along with the band and it felt good. I can't remember the last time I felt like this.. like a weight slowly lifting off of my shoulders.
End of pov
Justin's pov
I looked over at the girls and I noticed Lexie was singing too.. I never knew she could sing but I guess it ran in the family. Her eyes were closed with her hand lifted up and I realized that she was truly surrendering herself. I nudged Jaden so that he could see her himself.
End of pov
Jaden: I never thought I would see her do that again (looks at Justin) thank you for inviting us
Justin: of course you guys should just come with us now on Sunday's we can even go to lunch after
Jaden: sounds like a plan
Josh: (looks over at them) wait is it just me or is Lexie worshiping in public?
Jaden: (smiles) no it's real
Josh: aww
Jaden: (looks at him) I think we are slowly starting to get my baby sister back
Josh: thank god
Lexie's pov
Eventually the worship band ended and the pastor began to speak and coincidentally it was about what the boys and I talked about in the car. Is that what they mean by being in alignment with God? Or is it just the pastor who happened to talk about the same exact thing? I don't know for sure but I do know that I wouldn't mind trying to figure out what God's purpose for my life is.
End of pov
After the service
Clare: is it okay if Lexie comes with me to the youth group meeting?
Jaden: do you want to go lex?
Lexie: sure (looks at Q) want to come with?
Quinton: why not (shrugs his shoulders)
Jaden: we'll wait by the cars
Them: okay
(They enter the youth group area)
Shane: Lexie it's nice to see you again (smiles)
Lexie: thanks oh and I brought my big brother Quinton this time
Quinton: hi
Shane: hey go ahead and take a seat
Them: okay
Lexie's pov
The meeting was pretty much just breaking down what the pastor preached in a modern kind of way. Some of the kids mentioned what they think their purpose is and Shane said that our purpose comes from the talents we are born with but it's up to us If we want to use them. I started thinking about the only two talents I am proud to say I have which is dancing and singing but that doesn't change the fact that I am not good enough to have these talents or pretty enough so it wouldn't matter right? Eventually the meeting ended and we met the boys by the car, we said bye to Justin and Clare and promised we would get lunch next time we were with them. Then we got in the car and started driving to pet co to get stuff for the kitty.
End of pov
At pet co
Quinton: yo look at this black snake it looks sick (looks at him)
Jaden: Quinton you can get a hamster, guinea pig or fish but no way in hell are we bringing a snake into our home
Quinton: fine
Lexie: what about this bed? (Points to a pink and purple bed that looks like a throne)
Josh: tell me your joking
Lexie: no the kitty is a prince so he should have a prince bed
Quinton: that's pink and purple?
Lexie: don't be so masculine Q it's not a good look on you (looks at the boys) so can we?
Jaden: fine put it in the cart
Lexie: yay! (Puts the bed in the cart)
Lexie's pov
After getting the bed we got two glass food bowls that were shaped like a cat's face and a few toys like a feather wand, fluff balls, and a mouse that squeaks. When we were done we got back in the car and drove home.
End of pov
Josh: you know we spoil you right?
Lexie: yes and I love you guys and appreciate it
Jaden: hmm kiss ass
Lexie: me? Noooo
Quinton: anyways I am starting so are we stopping for food?
Jaden: sure what do you want?
Quinton: In and out
Josh: I am so down
Lexie: cheeseburgers again yayyy (says with sarcasm)
Jaden: you shush because you already got enough today so your going to at least eat what we say
Lexie: (glares) fine
Josh: none of that
Lexie's pov
I sighed because I didn't want cheeseburgers again... this time I am going to have to purge probably right before taking a shower...
End of pov
Quinton: what do you want lex?
Lexie: do they have anything else besides burgers?
Lexie: can I have fries and a shake?
Jaden: with a cheeseburger
Lexie: but Jadennnn (whines)
Jaden: not up for discussion you skipped breakfast and lunch yesterday
(Josh pulls up to the window)
Josh: hi can I get four cheeseburgers, four fries and four vanilla milkshakes please?
Worker: yes sir that will be $14.25
Josh: thank you
Lexie's pov
We got the food and started driving home while Jaden passed Q and I are food since we were sitting in the back and as soon as I saw all the grease on the burger and thought about how fattening it was I instantly felt sick to my stomach.
End of pov
Lexie: can I eat at least half of it?
Jaden: a little more then half and you stop complaining deal?
Lexie: fine
(Lexie starts eating and fifteen minutes later they pull up to the house)
Lexie: I am going to go check on kitty and then take a shower
Quinton: okay I guess I'll walk buddy then
Lexie: thanks Q
Quinton: no problem
(Lexie and Quinton go their separate ways and the boys look at each other)
Jaden: so the kids are busy and the boys are gone what do you want to do?
Josh: I have an idea (smirks and kisses him)
Jaden: you think lex took a shower in her room?
Josh: probably she wouldn't have done it in ours unless we told her too
Jaden: true race you upstairs
Josh: who are you trying to kid? You literally used the elevator in the old house
Jaden: true but that was before I got into shape
Josh: (scoffs) yeah okay
(Jaden pecks him on the lips and starts running up the stairs)
Josh: no fair you got a head start! (Starts chasing him up the stairs)
Lexie's pov
I put kitty's things in a corner of my room even though I don't sleep in there anymore but maybe with kitty being in here I'll feel more comfortable sleeping in here... should I at least try? I mean I haven't had nightmares in a while maybe there finally gone... but then again maybe not just yet. I walked to my closet and pulled out a velvet rose gold onesie and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and stripped off the dress then I went down on my knees and purged the burger and fries I just had along with the milkshake. When I was finished my throat burned and there were tears streaming down my face but I ignored it and flushed, got in the bath and soaked for a few before washing myself and getting out. Once I was dressed I started walking towards the boys room but when I heard moans coming from inside I mentally gagged and went back downstairs to turn the tv on, buddy was sitting on the carpet but Q wasn't there so I assumed he was probably streaming or something and I was just scrolling through Netflix until I saw H2O pop up on my recommended and started watching it and humming to the theme song.
End of pov
One hour later
(The front door opens and Bryce, Noah, griffin, Kio, Anthony and Blake her home)
Noah: we are back!
Lexie: in da wiving woom!
(The boys walk into the living room to see Lexie and buddy watching tv)
Bryce: hey lex what are you watching?
Lexie: mermaids! (Points to the tv)
Blake: where's everyone else?
Lexie: Q in his woom and bubba and dada are making noises up da stairs... I dink it's what bice and Addy were doing one day
Griffin: ohh okay I'll be right back (walks up the stairs and hears the guys moaning in the bedroom and knocks on the door)
Josh: (mumbles) fuck (gets up with a towel wrapped around his waist and opens the door)
Griffin: (laughs at his appearance) do you guys not know how to shut the fuck up there's little ears downstairs
Josh: what are you talking about we weren't that loud were we?
Griffin: yeah you were and if little Lexie asks you have to explain sex to her
Josh: yeah not going to happen give us five minutes and we'll be downstairs
Griffin: okay
Lexie's pov
I was cuddling with bice and Noah on da couch watching mermaids when I heard footsteps come downstairs and saw bubba and dada so I got off the couch and ran over to them.
End of pov
Lexie: bubba up (makes grabby hands)
Jaden: okay little one (picks her up and carries her over to the couch and she lays her head on his chest)
Josh: so what did you guys do today?
Noah: we all ended up going to BOA except Ant and Avani they went to the beach and then we just met up with them after
Josh: were you able to fix things with Addy?
Bryce: (shakes his head) she thinks space is good for us right now... she's so busy lately and about to host for Nickelodeon, plus we are on two different levels the timing isn't right
Jaden: I am sorry bro
(Lexie gets off of Jaden's lap and walks over to Bryce and hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek)
Bryce: (smiles) at least I still have you little one right?
Lexie: yeah (smiles)
Jaden's pov
The rest of the day was pretty chill we hung out at the house, josh went live on triller to play ping pong against me. He was this close to winning in the beginning but I somehow ended up beating him and Bryce told him he had to jump in the pool if he lost so he did that since he doesn't back out of a dare. Lexie stayed in little space the rest of the day which I found odd to be honest because at some point she usually snaps out of it but she didn't so I don't whether that's a good thing or a bad thing but at least she's not stressed or overthinking so I prefer her in little space for as long as she wants. For dinner griffin and Kio wanted to try out this new Chinese recipe which came out pretty good and around eleven we called it a night and went to pick up Lexie who was half asleep in Bryce's arms with a pacifier in her mouth.
End of pov
Bryce: can she stay with me tonight?
Jaden: yeah I guess but come get us if you need anything
Josh: or she has a nightmare (kisses the top of her head)
Bryce: I will night guys
Boys: goodnight
Bryce's pov
I went up to my room and saw the picture of Addy on my wall and I felt a pain in my chest and sighed we were so close to moving in together but maybe that's the problem we are barely in our twenties and in such a serious relationship... I placed Lexie on my bed and then lied down next to her. She was laying on my chest with her arms wrapped around my waist and clinging onto me so I just turned the lights off and eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov

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