Chapter CIX: Reckless But Honest Words

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Like wildfire
It starts in my chest
The silence grows louder
Ringing out in my head
I feel the Earth shaking under my feet
I feel the pressure building until I can't breathe
And it takes everything
And it spills out
Reckless but honest words leave out my mouth
Like kerosene on a flame of doubt
I couldn't make it right
Alarms will sound
But it's too late for holy water now
Sooner or later the fire dies down
I'll open up my eyes
And I'll try and find the image of God
In mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke


Harry and Ron skipped dinner to go practice Quidditch, which was just as well. I didn't want Harry finding out about what Malfoy had done, especially since I knew she wouldn't possibly make me write with the quill once I explained to her what had actually happened. So, at five o'clock sharp, I knocked on her door. I had taken the bandage off, thinking she might see how raw the skin on my hand still was and consider that when I told her the truth.

"Oh, Miss Everlin, how good to see you. Please, come in. You know what to do."

"A-Actually, Professor," I said, rocking back and forth on my feet nervously as I remained in the doorway, "it would seem there's been a misunderstanding. I never attacked anyone on the train."

She smiled. I felt my heart drop. "Why don't you come in, and we can discuss this further?"

I didn't resist a second time. I entered the room, and she shut the door behind me.

"Why don't you have a seat?" she said, gesturing to the seat at the desk, where the quill and paper were already waiting.

"I would rather-" I tried to say, honestly intending to make my case then leave, but her eyes hardened.


I did, hating myself for being so nervous. I swallowed away my fear and said in the strongest voice I could muster. "I never attacked Draco Malfoy on the train, Professor."

"Now, now, Lucy, we've already discussed this! You must not tell lies."

"I'm not lying! He's the one who's lying!" I insisted, but my voice shook. I was losing this war of words.

"Mr. Malfoy informed me that on the train to Hogwarts this year, he noticed you were in possession of a Crup, which is not allowed, and when he attempted to investigate, you made a number of rude comments to him that ultimately resulted in you drawing your wand and attacking him, effectively stopping him from taking disciplinary action at the time. He confessed to me that he was too afraid of being attacked again to pursue the matter further, and he was hoping I would be able to assist him."

"I never attacked Draco Malfoy," I said again. "I could bring anybody from that compartment to prove it, there were a number of other witnesses who would support me-"

"Oh, there is no need for that," she replied with a smile. "Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle accompanied Mr. Malfoy and supported his story. I have sufficient evidence proving that you have lied to me tonight, Miss Everlin. You know what to do." She nodded at the quill. "'I must not tell lies,' until the message sinks in, better this time than it did last time."

"But I'm not lying," I said one last time. "I did have a Crup, but it was allowed by the Headmaster, I had written permission with me at the time. I can't deny that I made comments that I shouldn't have made, and I did draw my wand, but I didn't use any spells against him."

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