Chapter XLIX: "Good Thing"

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Dear Cedric,

I hope you're doing well and learning a lot at St. Mungo's! Hogwarts hasn't been quite the same without you.

I've kept myself plenty busy, though, so there's no need to worry about me. With the threat of Sirius Black gone, Harry and I have been together on the Pitch nearly every chance we get. His Muggle family doesn't let him fly his broom on holiday, so he's trying to fit in all of the practice that he can now, and I'm all too happy to help in that endeavor. You know I'm never one to turn down the chance to be in the sky.

I went back to the Room of Requirement last night, to see all of my memories one more time before going home. I thought it would be a good idea, but to be honest, Cedric, it was a mistake. Now I'm more scared of seeing Mum and Dad again than I ever have been. I don't want them to know that I know, and I'm terrified of them somehow finding my jar of memories. I'm sorry to bother you with all of this, really I am, but I was hoping you might have some idea of what to do. You're brilliant, after all, and sometimes I think you know me even better than I know myself. You're my best friend. If anyone would know what to do, it'd be you.

I love you so much. I miss you. I hope you're having a great time doing what you do best --- helping people.

Love, Lucy

I folded the piece of parchment into thirds and slid it into the envelope I'd already prepared. I pulled back the curtains around my bed and squinted at the clock across the room. It was 6:47 in the morning, meaning the rest of the school was likely still sound asleep and likely to remain so for quite a while. In other words, it was a great time to head to the Owlery and have Malachi take my letter to Cedric.

His reply didn't come until nearly nine o'clock the night before leaving Hogwarts. I was in the common room with all of my fellow Gryffindor third-years passing around a box of Bertie Bott's when I spied Malachi at the window.

"Trust me, eat the purple one," I whispered to Hermione as I passed her the box. In a louder voice, I said to the group, "I'm going to go see what my family's owl brought. I'll be right back."

I quickly freed the envelope from his talons and tore it open as he perched himself on my shoulder.

Dear Lucy,

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply. We had a sudden influx of patients --- somebody contaminated an entire supply of firewhisky with a moderately strong poison, so I've barely had time to sleep in 48 hours. But don't worry about me, I can honestly say I've never felt so... right. I love being here. I just know it's where I'm meant to be. I love feeling like I'm making a good difference, a real difference, in the world.

I'm glad to hear you and Harry have been getting quality time together on the Pitch. I'm sure that makes you happy for a lot of reasons (other than just the flying aspect). Quidditch is what first connected Cho with me, after all. Maybe it's just meant to be!

Don't worry about going home to Mum and Dad. I know you're strong, and I know you'll be okay. Remember what I said about the chocolates I gave you for your birthday, and remember you can always send a letter whenever you need me. I can't promise I'll always reply right away, because some days here are extremely chaotic, but I can promise that I'll always reply to you as soon as possible. Remember what I said about your friends, too, before I left. I know I'm the only person who knows about your family, but they can still be there for you if you let them be.

Keep your head up, Lucy. I miss you too, but we'll be okay. I promise.

Love always, Cedric

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