Chapter XXXVII: Impossible

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Cedric and I shuffled through King's Cross on our own. Mum and Dad had both been taken away from their typical jobs to help look for Sirius Black. They hated leaving us to our own devices, but Cedric flashed his prefect badge and his most winning smile to convince them that we'd be okay. He spotted Percy (who had been appointed Head Boy) right away and followed him onto the train so he wouldn't miss the prefects' meeting. Just after he disappeared, Hermione launched herself at me with an excited shriek.

"I missed you so much! How are you?"

I managed a smile, trying to force away my exhaustion. "I'm alright. How was France? You're so tan!"

"So are you!"

Before she could go any further, Ginny sprinted up to hug me. "Lucy! Hi!"

"Hi, Ginny, how was Egypt?"

"It was great!" she gushed.

"Bit disappointing, really," someone said behind me.

"Yeah, we tried to leave Percy in a pyramid, but Mum caught us and didn't approve."

I turned a disapproving glance at the twins as they each pulled me into a quick hug. "Let me guess, the Head Boy talk was too much for you two?"

"Too much for all of us," Ron said, pulling me into a side hug. I turned to look at him, but I had to tilt my head back just to see his freckly face.

"What the heck? When did you get so tall?"

"I've always been tall," he replied defensively. "C'mon, let's get on the train."

"Wait, where's Harry?" I asked, scanning the crowd for his familiar messy black hair or the gleam of his glasses.

"Talking to my dad. They're starting to shut the doors, we'll save Harry a seat."

I climbed up onto the train behind them. Ginny followed the twins down the corridor to find Angelina and Alicia, leaving Ron and Hermione and me to find what seats we could.

Banging on a nearby door attracted our attention.

"Oh, there he is," I said, throwing the door open so Harry could scramble onto the train.

"Thanks," he panted. He glanced around at the three of us. "I need to talk to you in private."

"We'll find a compartment." I looked up at Harry. He'd grown a fair amount over summer as well.

He noticed me looking and smiled. "What?"

"Just thinking about how unfair it is that everyone got taller except for me."

Ron rested his elbow on top of my head. "Get used to it, Lu. We'll only get taller from here."

I wrinkled my nose at that and followed the boys and Hermione into a compartment. It was occupied by only one other person, an adult. He was sound asleep, but even in sleep, his pale face was troubled. His robes looked as if they had several more years of wear than they were intended to have, and my heart twisted in sympathy for the man. Though I did envy him his sleeping state --- I was trying to put up an energetic front, but I was exhausted. Mum and Dad had forgotten to leave me wideye potion, so sleep tugged down on every part of me, begging me to give in. I refused. Harry needed to talk to us.

Ron automatically took the seat next to Hermione, a habit that had formed last November while I had been in the Hospital Wing and asked him to look out for her. Harry and I settled into the seats across from them.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asked softly.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione replied.

"How'd you know that?"

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