Chapter CXVI: Trust is Quicksand

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There are wires in between
Human heart and machine
I will wait for mountains
To tell me you're okay

On paper my future will lay
I'll fold every failure into a crane


Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin.

The ink crept over the paper.

This can't be happening.

I crumpled up the unfinished letter and sent it flying into the fire.

I want Cedric. I want Cedric. I want Cedric. I want Cedric.

I watched the flames lick up the sides of the ink-soaked parchment ball.

I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize what Draco meant.

The blackened edges collapsed in on themselves.

Draco knows I'm a werewolf and that I was bitten almost exactly ten years ago.

The ball of parchment went up in flames.

If he knows I'm a werewolf, he knows I'm a Muggle-born too.

The fireball sank into the rest of the fire with a small sigh.

Rose told Voldemort and Voldemort told Lucius and Lucius told Draco.

I shuddered and stared into the fire.

I'm not safe. I'm not safe. I'm not safe. I'm not safe.

The world around me was spiraling out of control.


I turned just as Harry closed the door behind him.

"I, er, heard something down here. Figured I'd come check it out." He rubbed his neck, glasses crooked on his nose and the collar of his pajama shirt lopsided around his neck, higher on the right than the left. "Are you alright? You... don't look like it."

I gnawed on my lower lip.

I approached the invisible barrier.

I shouldn't tell him.

He would want to know that Draco Malfoy knows.

I shouldn't tell him.

He's the person I've ever willingly told the whole truth.

I shouldn't tell him.

He would want to protect me from Draco Malfoy however possible.

I shouldn't tell him.

I trust Harry with my life. More importantly, I trust him with the truth.

I punched a hole through the barrier, and it shattered.

Trust is quicksand
Claiming everything I have
All to give me life, all to give me life

I jumped up from the couch and flung myself at Harry, burying my face against his neck as the panic surged, hot and fast, and tore through my chest.

He wrapped his arms around me, and he didn't even stumble when I collided with him. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, Lu? What's wrong?"

"Malfoy knows," I choked out.

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