Chapter LXXVII: In the Wake of Devastation

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When you were standing in the wake of devastation
When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
And with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying "Save me now"
You were there impossibly alone

Linkin Park


Ron gestured for Lucy to follow Ginny and Hermione out of the compartment, and I was about to follow, but an idea struck me like lightning as the twins turned toward the door.

"Fred, George, wait a moment."

They turned, perplexed expressions on their faces, and I dug through my trunk to pull out the Triwizard money. I shoved it into George's hands.

"Take it."

"What?" Fred asked after a second.

"Take it. I don't want it."

George pushed it in my direction. "You're mental."

I stepped back and snapped my trunk closed. "No, I'm not. You take it, and get inventing. It's for the joke shop."

"He is mental," Fred muttered.

"Listen. If you don't take it, I'm throwing it down the drain. I don't want it and I don't need it. The Diggorys refused to take it. Trust me, I tried. But I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs. I've got a feeling we're going to need them more than usual before long."

George shook his head. "Harry, there's got to be a thousand Galleons in here."

I smiled. "Yeah. And? Think how many Canary Creams that is." When neither of them said anything, I added in a more serious voice, "Just don't tell your mum where you got it, although she might not be so keen for you to join the Ministry anymore, come to think of it."

"Harry-" Fred started to say.

I drew my wand to cut him off. "Look. Take it, or I'll hex you. I know some good ones now. Just do me one favor, okay? Buy Ron some different dress robes and say they're from you."

I pushed past them before they could try to give it to me again and stepped deliberately Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy, but I didn't get terribly far.

"Harry!" George called to me.

I whirled around, keeping my wand levelled at them, and raised my eyebrows.

"Thanks," he said. Fred nodded.

I tucked my wand away. "Like I said. Buy Ron some new dress robes. And for the love of Merlin, make Lucy laugh again. Please."

I turned and bounded off the train. Lucy was standing with Ginny, but her fever-flushed face was paler than it had been all day as she looked around wildly. I realized with a jolt she'd never been at King's Cross without her brother.

Mrs. Weasley swept me up into a hug. "I think Dumbledore will let you come to us later in the summer. Keep in touch, Harry," she whispered to me. My spirits lifted at the thought, knowing that being with the Weasleys meant being closer to Lucy. The diaries were great, but there was only so much that could be communicated through words. Not that Lucy and I had spoken much to each other in the past week, anyway --- more often than not, I just held her as she cried, or as she mourned in silence. I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to do that with the diaries, but, well, I was going to try.

"See you, Harry," Ron said with a clap on the back.

Hermione gave me a quick hug. "Bye, Harry!"

I hugged her back, then turned to the Dursleys, who were glowering at me.

They can wait, I decided, turning to Ginny and Lucy. Ginny jerked her chin in Lucy's direction, and I nodded and stepped swiftly to her side.

"C'mon," I murmured, taking her by the hand and pulling her behind a barrier.

"Harry," she whispered, her tear-filled eyes finding mine. She jumped up and threw her arms around me, and I held her tightly.

"I'll see you soon, alright?"

"Be safe," was her only reply. "Please. I mean it, I can't lose you too, I don't know what I'd do, Harry."

"I'll be alright. I promise." She reluctantly released me, and I wiped a rogue tear away with my thumb. "Write me after tomorrow?"

Lucy nodded. "Write me back?"

"Of course."

We walked together back to the others. Everyone looked terribly concerned --- for Lucy more so than me, I hoped. I glanced at Lucy one more time before following the Dursleys. Once in the back of the car, I double-checked to make sure the diary was right on top. I would be there the second she wrote me the next day.

Where else would I be?

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