Chapter VI: Take to the Sky

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Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery'
Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high
So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind
And take to the sky

"To the Sky"
Owl City


I had never been so excited to put on Gryffindor robes. Sure, it was horrifically painful trying to slip them on over my head without tugging my cuts too much, but I managed. Cedric helped me tie my shoes before he headed to dinner, and when he left, I made my way to the Gryffindor common room, though I had to walk much slower than I would have liked.

I felt better, of course, but being covered in thin, deep cuts from head to toe was unlike any pain I had ever known. Every little movement sent pain shooting through my body, and while I had gotten somewhat used to it, I knew it would be a while before the pain went away completely. I hadn't looked in a mirror, so I had no idea what my face looked like. I could only imagine it was a nightmare, but I didn't want to wear bandages or a mask, so I supposed everyone would just have to deal with it.

I had barely entered our dormitory when Hermione started sprinting towards me.

Oh, this is gonna hurt, I thought to myself, but I opened my arms to accept her hug anyway.

She burrowed her head into my shoulder, half-crying. "You're back, you're back, you're okay!"

"I am, I am," I assured her. She pulled away, wiping a solitary tear from her cheek. I looked up to survey the room. Hermione was the only one back from dinner, it seemed. "It's good to be back."

"Are the rumors true?" she asked. "Did you actually sleepwalk all the way to the Forbidden Forest from the Hospital Wing?"

I nodded. "Does everybody already know?"

"You've become something of a celebrity," she giggled. "The fact that only your brother and your prefects were allowed to visit you made the mystery all the more intriguing. I imagine you'll be swarmed tomorrow. I heard you were being released tonight so I figured I'd come up to wait for you."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me." I sighed. "I don't want to be a celebrity, I just want to catch up on my lessons."

"I'll help with that," she said immediately. "I wrote down all of the work. You didn't miss any tests. We can start first thing in the morning. You look tired."

I nodded. "My face probably looks like a nightmare. I haven't looked in a mirror yet."

She didn't confirm it, but she didn't deny it either, only offering a sympathetic look. Lavender and Parvati entered then, and I was once again hugged enthusiastically.

"You're back!" Parvati exclaimed.

"You look awful," Lavender said sympathetically, reaching forward and lightly touching my cheek. "Does it still hurt?"

I nodded. "I feel better, but..." I held up my bandaged hands for emphasis, which drew gasps from all three girls.

"What happened to you?" Parvati asked.

"I managed to sleepwalk into the Forbidden Forest. I don't remember much else." It was easier to lie with each repetition; it was far nicer than the truth.

"Well, I guess now we need to tie you down to your bed!" Lavender exclaimed.

I laughed, my face reddening. "I should be fine when I'm here. I did have a bit of a head start, beginning in the Hospital Wing."

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