Chapter XXV: A Natural Healer

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(A/N: Hogwarts Mystery spoilers are present in this chapter! If you aren't up to Year 6, Chapter 18, you may want to skip the last scene. It isn't terribly relevant to the plot, but it does help shape Cedric's character as he reflects upon the events of his first year at Hogwarts.)


"Happy birthday, Cedric Amos Diggory!" a voice boomed as something landed on my legs.

I ripped my eye mask off and laughed when I realized it was a someone and not a something. "Thank you, and good morning to you too, Henry."

"Figured I'd mix it up on your birthday this year," he said with a shrug and a stupid grin. "Anyway, get dressed and hurry up, the other lads are already down in the Great Hall."

"They're normally louder than three mountain trolls apparating at once when they're getting ready in the morning," I chuckled as I grabbed my robes and ducked into the bathroom to change. "How'd they get out without waking me up?"

"They heard about your sister's silencing charm against the Slytherin Quidditch team and figured they'd learn it for this morning so they wouldn't wake you up and ruin everything. She taught them last night while we were at practice. Speaking of your sister," he said, stepping into the bathroom and holding up a hat made out of parchment and glitter, "she told me to give you this."

I quickly pulled the rest of my shirt down over my chest with one hand and placed the hat on my head with the other. It immediately began to sing a very loud birthday song, but when I tried to take it off, it only sank lower and lower onto my head. I stopped resisting when it fell over my eyes, and the song gave way to Lucy's voice.

"Happy birthday, Cedric!" she said. "Take Henry's hand and follow him wherever he leads you. And just so you're not tempted to peek at where you're going..." The front of the hat caved inward ever so slightly until it was literally holding my eyes closed.

I held my hand out, laughing. "Alright, Hen. Lead me. But um, would you mind if I grabbed shoes first?"

"Oh, blimey!" he exclaimed. "I was so looking forward to seeing what the hat would do I didn't even realize you didn't have those on yet. Yeah-" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom. "-let's get you some shoes."

Once I was fully ready for my day --- I hadn't packed my bookbag either --- he led me by the hand down the stairs, across the common room, through the barrels (that in and of itself was impressive), and to what I thought might be the Great Hall. Every time we passed somebody, Henry would yell "Blinded birthday boy coming through! Watch out!" The fact that I was blushing every time he did so was largely hidden by the hat that had secured itself over my face from the nose up, but I could feel the heat rising inside. Just the same, I couldn't stop smiling. It was fun.

Just when I thought we'd arrived at the Great Hall, Henry let go of my hand. Someone else with a smaller and colder hand grabbed it and led me down another hallway.

"Happy birthday, Ced!" Lucy exclaimed. "I see the hat's working."

Before I could reply, she let go and both of my hands were grabbed.

"Our turn!" the twins shouted in unison.

"Take him away, boys!" Lucy cheered, Henry laughing behind me. The twins walked faster and faster, to the point where I struggled to keep up. Just when I was about to ask them to slow down, the bag was ripped off my head and a frigid breeze hit my face.

"Happy birthday, Cedric!" a group of people, probably a dozen or so altogether, screamed.

"Thanks, everyone!" I exclaimed, taking in the scene as my eyes adjusted. The sun was just beginning to rise, and my friends had gathered in a small circle on the front steps of the castle, swaddled in blankets and scarves to ward off the late October chill. In the middle of the group was a large package, which was shaped quite suspiciously like a firework the size of a small child. "Wow, this is crazy. All this for me?"

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