TikTok Account

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Hi everyone!

First of all, I'm so sorry it's been so long. In case you missed it, you can check my feed to see my post from two weeks ago, but long story short, I've been sick and it's been difficult to write. I've still been writing when I can, though, and I'm almost halfway done with Chapter 183! I would love to have that posted within the week, so keep an eye open for that!

I don't have any answers yet, but I finally managed to get a doctor's appointment last week and I'll be heading back in for blood work in a couple of days. Thank you for all of the well wishes and for all of your patience with me! Chapter 183 is a very, very, very, very, very long chapter (45 pages and I'm not even done with Harry's POV, this chapter includes Lucy's too) so I hope it will be worth the wait.

I originally planned to post Chapter 200 today, but I wasn't exactly planning on getting sick. Since I specifically promoted October 23 a while back, though, I still wanted to do something fun and special, so I made a TikTok account! You can find me at @inthemelancholymoonlight (original, I know) and you'll find I already posted a bit of an intro video for the story! Sometime later today, I'll be posting something of a trailer, for lack of a better word, for Chapter 183. It's far from professional, because I've never made TikTok videos before, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! I'll be posting chapter trailers and glimpses into my creative process and ramblings about the story, so please check it out! And I'd love to be able to interact with all of you on a different platform, so absolutely feel free to leave comments and I'll do my best to respond as fast as possible!

I'm so sorry today wasn't everything I wanted it to be. I promise I'll never give up on this story. Even though I haven't been able to write it much, I promise I've been thinking about it plenty and making future plans. (A couple of my friends can attest to that, I've been rambling to those poor souls about post-war plans for weeks now.) Once the very-long Chapter 183 is done, I want to try to settle into a once-a-week rhythm and post a chapter every weekend. I still don't feel better or have any answers yet, but I've really missed writing and I don't want to have to make you all wait so long again. That being said, thank you for your patience, thank you for hanging in there with me, and I'll see you all again within the week with Chapter 183! (I'm guessing it'll be over 100 pages by the time I'm done, so I hope you'll all consider forgiving my absence if I make up for it with that long of a chapter.)

I hope you all have a great weekend, and be sure to check out @inthemelancholymoonlight on TikTok! See you soon!

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