Chapter 193: Countin' on You to Carry Me Through

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(These aren't necessary to read again to understand this chapter, but I reference a lot of previous chapters in this one so I wanted to include a list for anyone interested in reading certain moments again.)

Chapters consulted in the writing of this chapter, in order:

Chapter 22 (Lucy's "sleepwalking" at the beginning of the chapter)
Chapter 78 (the first time Henry visited the Diggory house)
Chapter 91 (Lucy packing her school trunk — this chapter contains a reference to the stuffed osprey Lucy got Cedric in Chapter 69 after the events of Chapter 68)
Chapter 67 (Lucy's birthday)
Chapter 33 (Lucy's birthday, again)
Chapter 46 (the conversation with Harry at the end)
Chapter 64 (everything about Valentine's Day)
Chapter 87 (the dream Lucy had that motivated her to escape the caves)
Chapter 133 (the duel conversation)
Chapter 149 (Lucy's half-birthday celebration)
Chapter 161 (the duel Lucy had with Harry)
Chapter 168 (the first Quidditch party Lucy had after playing Beater)
Chapter 171 (Harry being there with her on the lake)
Chapter 172 (Ron's birthday)

I'm sorry this chapter is later than usual! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading! :)



I knew Harry.

I knew four truths about Harry.

One. He thought far too little of himself and his abilities.

Two. He was avoidant at heart and if he could get away with ignoring a problem for a certain amount of time, he would.

Three. He loved sparingly, but deeply.

Four. He loved so deeply that he would sooner go into a burning room alone and lock himself inside than let anyone he loves even know there was a fire.

Surely that was what he was doing. Surely that was why he'd remained on the sofa, surely that was his guard was up even with me, surely that was why he'd expressed so much interest in what was happening with me and offered me so little detail when I wanted to know what was happening with him.

He was afraid.

Not only had he gone into a burning room alone and locked the door behind him, he was building a wall between us and the flames.

Between me and the flames, I realized with a jolt.

For better or for worse, we'd endured the fires of the past together. I'd followed him into danger as willingly our first year as I had our fifth.

Surely he knew that would never change. Surely he knew I'd always follow him, anywhere, no matter what.

I'd proven it. Over and over and over and over and over again, I'd proven it.

And just like that, I knew a fifth truth.

Harry James Potter loved me more than anyone.

And in turn, I knew five truths about myself.

One. I loved Harry James Potter more than anyone.

Two. It was for that reason I would demolish the wall he was building and run through the flames with him again, and again, and again, and again, and again, as many times as he needed me.

Three. I cast a wide net with my love, but only special people were allowed to love me back. Harry was one of those people, the most consistent of the people I still had with me.

Four. I was anxious at heart, always ready to jump headfirst into a problem and not come up for air until it was resolved.

Five. I thought little of my self and my abilities, but I was determined to show Harry James Potter the same love he'd always shown me.

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