Chapter CXVIII: Truth or Dare

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To our continued surprise, Malfoy didn't ruin her life.

I finished out my week of detention, then Hermione's birthday was upon us.

I had been trying to keep a closer eye on Lucy without her noticing. I didn't like the sound of "I don't think I'm ready to heal yet." I hadn't told anybody else what she said, though, not yet.

So, when the sound of an Exploding Snap game made her knuckles whiten against her glass of butterbeer in the common room that night, I noticed immediately. I didn't say anything, not wanting to draw attention to it since no one else had seen anything amiss, but I did jump up and wedge myself between her and George to remind her I was there and always would be.

I then offered the wildest distraction I could possibly imagine, before she could spiral into memories of the caves, or of Cedric, or of anything else. It was Hermione's birthday, it was a party, and she was going to enjoy it as far as I could help it.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?"

Six heads snapped in my direction.

"I mean," Hermione said slowly with a glance in Lucy's direction, "I would be up for it if everyone else is."

"Yeah," Ginny echoed with a glance at Lucy as well, "me too."

Beside me, Lucy chugged the rest of her butterbeer, tightened her ponytail, and grinned. "I'm in."

Her announcement sent Fred scrambling up to their dormitory for the gummies, and when he returned approximately ten seconds later, the game was underway.

"You first, birthday girl!" George announced, holding both bags out to Hermione. Unsurprisingly, she reached for the truth candy and popped it in her mouth.

"I've got a question!" Ginny said. She leaned forward and asked in a stage whisper, "Have you ever cheated on an exam?"

"No, of course not!"

Ginny looked distinctly put out. "Not even once?"

Hermione shook her head. "Of course not. I don't need to."

"Very true, Granger, very true!" George held the bags out to Ginny next. "Your turn."

"Dare, obviously," she said with a roll of her eyes.

Ginny had to do a backflip over Angelina. Angelina confessed that if she and Fred weren't together, she'd be dating a Ravenclaw named Matthew. Ron had to do his best Irish jig in front of Lavender and Parvati. Fred had to sing a duet with the Fat Lady. George, not about to be outdone, had to sing a duet with Sir Cadogan.

After that performance, I opted for truth. I didn't want to have to sing with a portrait, funny enough.

The second the candy was in my mouth, Ginny fixed me with an intense yet amused look. "Tell us, Harry, who do you fancy?"

"Cho Chang," I replied automatically. I felt my face flame in response to the variety of reactions around me. Ginny looked disappointed. Angelina laughed. Ron looked surprised for half a second then shrugged. Fred grimaced. George rolled his eyes. Hermione bit her lip. Lucy's face was a perfect blank. I chuckled uncomfortably. "I thought that was common knowledge, though, Ginny. Why d'you ask?"

"Interesting," she said in response, avoiding my question entirely as she turned to Lucy. "You're next. Truth or dare?"

Lucy shrugged. "Truth, I guess." She reached into the bag, tossed the gummy candy into her mouth, and started chewing.

"Alright, your turn! Who do you fancy, Lucy?"

"No one at the moment," she said without a moment's hesitation.

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