Chapter 197: About Updates

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Hi everyone!

I realized that not everyone who reads this story follows me, so I should update you all here, in-story, about what's going on.

Apparently Wattpad has a 200-chapter limit? I had no idea, so when I went to publish Chapter 197, it wouldn't let me and I was extremely confused. (Not everything I've posted as a chapter has been a chapter, hence why it wouldn't let me post Chapter 197. I had to delete one of my "announcement" chapters just to be able to post this.)

I'm working on a solution right now, breaking Moonlight into different parts so it can all be posted here even with the 200-chapter limit. However, this is unfortunately very time-consuming, and to do so would consume time I simply do not have right now. I promise I'm working on it (you can see that I've posted the first five chapters of Part 1 already), but it will likely be December before all of Moonlight is posted here and will be updating here as well. I'll delete another one of my announcement chapters and post an update here to tell you where to find the updated version of the story as soon as it's available!

In the meantime, In the Melancholy Moonlight is kept up-to-date on AO3 and Quotev! I'm @wheremyarmorends on both sites, so I should be easy to find. If you would like a direct link, just send me a message and I'd be happy to pass one along!

I'm so sorry about this, everyone, I had no idea Wattpad had a chapter limit. I'll work on transferring everything here as fast as I can, but while you wait, you can find me on AO3 and Quotev. Thank you in advance for understanding! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 199, which will be posted on AO3 and Quotev in just a few short hours! Love you!

HI, I wrote that about a year and a half ago, but here I am again with an update!

In the Melancholy Moonlight is now up to date! Chapters 1 through 258 can be found on my profile. :) Here's a breakdown of what's where:

Part 1: Protostar (Chapters 1-39)

Part 2: Light Years (Chapters 40-68)

Part 3: Supernova (Chapters 69-158)

Part 4: Nebula (Chapters 159-199)

Part 5: Dark Matter (Chapters 200-300)

Parts 6 and 7 will be posted as I get there!

There are a couple of changes, typos have been fixed and these new versions no longer have song lyrics because I despise the Wattpad editor, but it's the same story! Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy the story! I now post updates every Saturday, as consistently as possible. 

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