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Jun pov

They both looked shell shocked. Jeonghan hyung's mouth couldn't close at all.

"Hyung, say something." The silence was suffocating me.

"How did it happen? Who is the father?" Jeonghan hyung asks and it takes me back 5 weeks ago when it was summer break.


All of us had gone to a party which was being hosted by some senior whose name I didn't even know neither did I care. Jeonghan hyung,Wonwoo and I had gone. We left the kids because they were still in middle school.

We all entered and got separated real fast. I fought my way through bodies of  sweaty teenagers to get to the bar. I poured myself a drink of gin and tonic and sat there sipping it. I saw jeonghan hyung who was sipping soju. We were all underage drinking. There is something very thrilling about doing illegal things. 

I was getting dizzy and wonwoo hyung who takes my hands and takes me to the dance floor. As the night grew, we got more drunk. I lost wonwoo and I kept dancing. I was about to go to the bar and get more drinks,a hand slips on my hand. I look back and see wonwoo.

"Wonwoo what are you doing?" 

"Doing something I have been thinking about for a long time." 

He pushes me inside a bedroom and I fall down on the bed.

"Wonwoo..." I was getting worried as it was something that we might regret.

"Just follow my lead." He starts kissing me roughly on the lips. The kiss was full of lust. I get pushed back and my back is hitting the hard headboard. I was moaning uncontrollably. 

"Oh jun if you keep moaning like that, I might have to punish you."

He removes my shirt and starts trailing kisses down my chest. He stopped and started sucking on my nipples. It drove me insane. The pleasure was unbelievable.He stops at the waist of my jeans. He slowly pulls my jeans.....and I black out.

I wake up and see that I'm naked. I turn around and see wonwoo sleeping peacefully. I get up slowly,change fast and run out of there. I just hope he dosen't remember anything.

Flashback over

"It happened 5 weeks ago. I have being pregnant a month now. The father is....wonwoo." They look more shocked now.

"Jun. Thank you for telling us. You know we will help you through this right." Suprisingly, it is seungcheol who speaks up. It brings tears to my eyes.

"Does wonwoo know?" Jeonghan hyung asks and I shake my head.

"Are you gonna tell him?" He asks again.

"Maybe." Truthfully, I didn't want to at all.

"You know you have to tell him right?" Seungcheol hyung tells me.

"I just...don't want to. What if our friendship gets ruined because of that?" I start crying and they both come and hug me. I keep crying on their chest and they hold me uncomplainingly. The comfort I felt made me wanna cry more.

Seungcheol pov

Jun tells us that he is pregnant. Jeonghan and I promise to help him along with meeting his brother. The thing about Jun is that he is a really nice guy. I really liked talking to him. He is funny, nice and seems caring.

"Hyung, I'm gonna go now."Jun tells us and we let him go.

"Are you actually gonna help him?" Jeonghan asks as we start heading towards the class.

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