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7 years later

Jeonghan pov

"Happy birthday to you." We belt out in the top of our voice.

"Thanks Uncles. I love you all so much." Areum runs up and throws herself at me. I pick her up and run around with her in my arms. Her little giggles make my life.

"Why couldn't Soonyoung Uncle come?" She asks with a mouth full of cake.

"He was busy, baby." Jun replies completely untruthfully. The truth was Soonyoung and Jihoon broke up 5 years ago. It didn't end on very good terms so they just avoided each other.

"Where is papa, daddy?" He has cake all around her mouth

"Papa is coming." He wipes the cake. She curls on her father's lap. He just keeps stroking her back. 

"Jeonghan uncle?" Her childish voice rings out. It's so hard to not coo at her.


"You are the best baker in the world." 

"Thank you fair lady." The bell rings and Areum runs at the speed of lightning.

"Daddy!!" She yells out and runs to hug him.

"You're not daddy." We run to the door to protect her and we come face-to-face with a person we hadn't seen in years.


5 years ago

Soonyoung pov

"How the fuck can you do this to me?" Jihoon is throwing everything that is in his hands. His eyes are bloodshot.

"I was drunk Hoonie. It didn't mean anything." I ducked a pair of flying scissors and tried to make my way towards him.

"Blame it on the alcohol like you always do." He picks a bat and breaks all of my soju bottle one by one.

"You were drunk that's why you kissed your classmate." Broken glass is flying everywhere.

"You were drunk so you fucked someone else." He picks up a bottle and throws it on the wall.

"I'm so sorry Jihoon." I try to hold his hand but he swats it away.

"Get away from me bastard." He picks up one of the broken pieces and digs it inside his skin. Blood is gushing out of him.

"You're bleeding." I try to tug away the glass but he holds on to it tighter.

"We are over Kwon Soonyoung." He rushes out of the room and starts packing his stuff.

"Please give me a chance."

"I have given you too many chances already. I've had enough of you." He throws in a bunch of his clothes and storms out of the room. I'm left in a room of broken glass, soju and blood. A few days later, Seungcheol hyung comes by for the rest of his stuff.

"When is he coming back?" 

"He is going to Daegu for a while. He dosen't want to talk to you at all. He told me tell you there is no chance of you two getting back tomorrow." He leaves and I sink to my knees and cry my heart out. That day I drank like I have never done before.

Mingyu pov (Back to the birthday)

Jihoon runs up and hugs me, nearly toppling me over. I just stand there awkward for a while before hugging him back.

"You bastard. How come you never called? Or visited?" He is hitting me on the chest while crying.

"I'm sorry hyung." After a while, Chan joins the hug. One by one all of us join in on the hugging. Only Areum is standing looking confused.

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