600 + reads special

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I'm so happy that this has so many reads. This is a special chapter. It will show how seokmin and minghao got together.This is in the 2 weeks time skip

Seokmin pov

Minghao and I had been on a couple of dates but we still weren't officially in a relationship. I wanted to ask him in a special way. I couldn't think of anything so I went to my brother for help.


"Yeah minnie?"

"I want help."

"What happened?" 

"I want to ask minghao to be officially be mine. Can you help me with it?" Seungcheol hyung chuckles.

"Sure bub." He ruffles my hair and pats the empty spot next to him on his bed. I sit down next to him.

"So what all does he like?"

"Hao likes fashion, flowers and chinese food."

"I have an idea." He whispers the idea. 

"I love it. I love you hyung." I kiss him on the cheek and run to my apartment to make arrangements.

Minghao pov

I was just doing my homework when my phone buzzes


Are you busy tommorrow?



I wanna take you on a date.


What time?

5:00 pm I'll come pick you up


I keep my phone down and keep doing my homework. I couldn't focus much on the homework. I was excited for our date tomorrow. 

(time skip to 4:00 PM)

Still minghao pov

"Boo." I'm yelling.

"What happened?" 

"I don't know what to wear for my date."

"Boo to the rescue." He comes in and helps me with my outfit. I looked pretty good.

Minghao's outfit

I do light makeup and see it is 4:50 pm

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I do light makeup and see it is 4:50 pm. 

"Have fun." Boo yells from inside.

"I will." I step outside and see seokmin already standing there.

"You look beautiful." He says and I blush really hard.

"You too."

Seokmin's outfit

"Shall we?" He hold out his hand and I take it

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"Shall we?" He hold out his hand and I take it. We sit down on the bus.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Just wait." We sit in silence and all of a sudden seokmin's fingers intertwine with mine. We get off at a station and walk on. It's a small hill.

"I hope you don't mind climbing." He looks nervous for some reason.

"I don't." I take his hands and we start to walk. We soon reach the top and I see a lovely picnic set on top. Flower petals are all around.

"It's so beautiful."

"Thanks." We sit down and he opens the basket. It has various chinese food.

"Did you cook this?" He nods and takes out the various containers. It has spring rolls,crispy shredded beef and spiced duck salad. There is also moon cake.

"Oh my god I love this." We sit down and eat. It all tastes delicious.

"It's so delicious minnie."

"Thanks hao." We clear up and we are lying down and looking at the stars which are starting to come up.

"Hao." Seokmin sits up and soon I do too.


"Minghao, you make me so happy. I love planning dates for us and your reaction to them. I just love everything about you. I just love you so much. Will you please do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" 

"Of course minnie. I love you too." A smile breaks out in his face and he cups my cheeks and clashes my lips to his. I kiss him back. The kiss is slow, sweet and so full of love. He touches his forehead to mine.

"I have something for you." He takes a box out of his coat pocket. I open the box and see a silver bracelet. It had a small heart and on the heart was engraved a small "minnie's"

 It had a small heart and on the heart was engraved a small "minnie's"

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(the bracelet and just imagine it being written in that heart)

"I am yours minnie." I see his hand and see he had a bracelet there already.

"Can we come out already? We are dying." Someone yells (suspiciously sounds like mingyu)

"Come here." From behind the trees emerge seungcheol hyung, mingyu, seungkwan, jihoon hyung and soonyoung hyung.

"You guys were here the entire time?" I'm embarrassed and hide myself in seokmin's chest.

"We helped him set up. Anyways I'm so happy for you both." Seungcheol hyung says.

We all sit down and talk to each other. This was one of the best days of my life. As we both sit on the bus and everyone is asleep.

"I love you minnie." I whisper and his face breaks into the biggest smile ever.

"Me too hao." 

I tried to be fluffy. i'm not really good at fluff but I hope this was good.I will be back with more updates. Just wanted to give you some seokhao. I will be back with more about jeongcheol and boogyu. I also have a 1k+ reads special idea. It will be hanchan.

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