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Jun pov

I was leaving when I hear Wonwoo say "I'll help you with your.....I mean our baby."

"Why should you? It was just a mistake." My words pain at the words mistake. It wasn't a mistake for me. I loved every second of it..

"I'm still at fault. It's because of me that you will have so much problem." His words are starting to hurt a little. 

"Anyways, I have to go for work." I leave and run to the cafe where I know seungcheol hyung will be. I enter and see him on the counter with boo seungkwan.

"Junnie? What happened?" He comes over and I start crying at his chest. He keeps rubbing my back. He dosen't say a thing. After I slow down, he makes me sit down on a chair and gets me some tea.

"What happened junnie?"

"Wonwoo says it was a mistake." I start crying all over again.

"Oh my poor baby." He keeps patting my back. 

"Seungcheol hyung, may I have a word?" Seungkwan comes he nods and they go to the back.

Seungcheol pov

"Hyung what the fuck are you doing? Letting that jeonghan live with us again? Comforting that bastard?" He is yelling.

"First of all, they are both older than you so please use polite language."

"I'll use polite language in hell."

"Secondly, Junnie is Minghao's brother."

"What?" He is speaking louder than ever.

"Yes. He is here to meet his brother and I'm helping him. He is gonna explain himself and I want you to give him a chance." He huffs in annoyance before nodding.

"But if he hurts hao in anyway, I'll blast him to pieces."

"I know you will." I smirk slightly and go outside and see minghao entering the cafe. His face gets a deep scowl as he sees jun and he comes towards me.

"Hi hyung. Why did you ask for me here?" He cannot hide his displeasure at seeing jun here. I beckon jun towards us.

Minghao pov

[the italics means they are speaking in chinese (traditional)]

"Hey didi." He says and my breath hitches (didi means younger brother.)


"That's right. We have the same parents."

"How do you know?" 

"I'm the one who leaked information about you to the whole school remember?"

"Why would you leak information about us? Why would you wanna connect to me now? Do you need anything or what?" I can't help but be suspicious.

"By the time I figured out you are my brother, the whole school knew. How could I come connect with you when I was the reason your life is a living hell? I did it now because seungcheol hyung helped me. I don't need anything. Please believe me." I see tears forming in his eyes

"I'm sorry to be rude but I'm having a hard time accepting this. If you give me a bit of time, I can try and be more accepting."

"Anything for my brother.Just call me on this number whenever you need anything or are ready to talk to me." He slips me a piece of paper and heads out of the cafe. Seungcheol hyung and seungkwan both remain silent. They both look like they have a lot to say but are holding back.

"Minghao?" Seugkwan asks, tentatively.

"How long did you know hyung?"

"Literally today. I just wanted to give you a family like you deserve. I'm sorry if you thought I was overstepping my boundaries." He says all of this very fast.

"You weren't overstepping hyung. I'm just having a hard time accepting this." He comes over and puts his arms around and I lean into his chest.

"He is trying to change. They all are. He really just want to know his brother. He wants his baby to have a loving family." I look up.

"He is pregnant?"

"He is but he didn't want to tell you in case you get the idea that he is reaching out to you for money." 

"This is too much for me. I'm going for a walk." I leave the store and start wandering around the streets. Without really knowing, I end up in front of the library where seokmin works.  I go in and find him in the children's section shelving books. His smile is just too precious for my heart.

"Minnie." He looks  surprised.

"Hao what are you doing here?" He pecks me lightly on the lips.

"I just wanted to talk. Do you have time?"

"Sure. What's up?" 

I tell him everything. From meeting my 'brother' to everything seungcheol hyung told me. He looks quite shocked by the end.

"Are you alright babe?" 

"I'm fine. Is it weird to be worried about a brother that you didn't exist until now?"

"I don't know honey. I would never. I hate that you have to deal with this on your own but it's just what has to happen. I will completely support whatever decision you make. But the decision is yours." I bury myself in his chest while he runs his fingers through my hair.



"I have to go back to work." He has a very guilty look on his face.

"It's okay minnie." I kiss him and I walk out of the library. I have a destination in mind.

Jun pov

I was sitting with hansol in our couch. He was more like on the floor now that I told him I'm pregnant.  Suddenly the door bell rings. 

"Must be our food. You stay there." He opens the door and his mouth drops to the floor (kidding).

"Who is it?" I ask.


So who do you think it is?Thank you for still supporting this book. I'm trying to give you the story of every couple but it is much too difficult. Please let me know if there is any ship I haven't updated in a long time.

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