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Seokmin pov

A lot of things make sense to me now. Why he constantly blew me off to hang out with Jihoon hyung, why I was never invited to these hangouts and why he was never paying attention to me during our dates. Chan and Soonyoung hyung are making up a bunch of excuses and apologising but I can't hear them.

"Seokmin I'm so sorry...." "Hyung he really wasn't cheating on you..."

"Stop both of you." They fall silent but their faces keep screaming further excuses. I walk away as I can't deal with it. I sit down on the roof. I hear a quiet shuffling behind me and my brother sits down next to me.


"Stop. I don't wanna talk about it."

"I wasn't going to. I just wanted to be next to you." He looks over at me with so much sinceriity. True to his word, he does not say a thing. He just holds me as I bury my face in his t-shirt and cry out all my miseries.

"Listen minnie. As much as I want to stay like this, I have to go now."

"Why? What happened?"

"My water broke."

Jun pov

Wonwoo had gone to pick up Areum while I stayed here with my brother. Joshua hyung, Chan and Soonyoung were with me right now. Jeonghan hyung had gone to search for Seungcheol hyung. Mingyu , Hansol and Jihoon had gone to shower and change into fresh clothes. Seokmin had mysteriously disappeared after something happened between Chan, Soonyoung and him. There had been no improvement and the doctor wasn't optimistic. The silence is cut by Soonyoung's ringtone.

"What happened hyung?" I can hear high voices from here but cannot make out the words.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Oh my god! Oh my god! What to do?"

"What happened hyung?" Chan asks.

"Cheol hyung's water broke."

"Really?" Chan wants to get up but I can see him hesitate.

"We should go." I quietly speak up.

"Please don't worry. We all will watch him for you." The other patients say. "Just leave you number and we will call you as soon as we see some development." They continue.

I was still hesitating a little but then I remembered all the time he left important stuff for me. I hastily scrawled my number on a sheet and ran out to see Seoungcheol hyung in the ob-gyn department. I saw Seokmin, Hansol , Mingyu and Jihoon sitting outside. 

"How is he?" Chan asks, a little winded from the running.

Just as Jihoon is about to answer, a gut wrenching scream pierces from his room. 

"I think it's pretty obvious now." Jihoon's deadpan voice makes me feel like laughing.

"Can we go in?" I ask

"Be my guest." Seokmin says and I enter the room. Seungcheol hyung's hair is matted with sweat and helooks tired and in pain at the same time.

"Oh Junnie you are here. How is Minghao? How are you?" I try for a smile but my tears don't stop. Even in this situation, he cares more about us.

"He is stable." My voice breaks.

"And you?" 

"I'm fine hyung."

"No you are not." My tears keep flowing.

"Hyung forget about me right now. Your girl is coming now."

"Yes she is. I can't wait to meet her and for her to meet all of you. All of you will be such good uncles."

"Hyung and you and Jeonghan hyung will be amazing parents to her as well. I have no doubt about it. If Wonwoo and I are managing to do sort of fine then you both will be amazing."

"Thanks Junnie. I guess if we managed to raise you bozos just fine then my little girl will have no problem at all." He chuckles but soon changes to a scream as  dilatory pain hits him. As a person who had gone through this, I could understand the amount of pain he is in right now.

"You should rest hyung." Jeonghan hyung relieved at my departure and I feel rather hurt. That soon disappears as I understand that it isn't about me. He just wants it to be his family. Which no longer includes us. My train of thought is cut off by my ringtone. It's a unknown number so I assume it's one of the patients looking after him.

(In this Jun is talking in Korean)


"嗨兒子. 已經很久了." (Hi Son. It's been a long time.)


"是的" (Yes)

"What are you doing here? Has Minghao seen you?" I practically yell out and the nurses look at me admonishingly. I walk to the garden as my father keeps speaking.

"是這樣對長輩說話的嗎? 至於你的兄弟?他看我很好." (Is that how one talks to their elders? And about your brother? He saw me very well.)

"Is that how he got into that accident? You bastard. Get out of our lives for heaven's sake."

"看起来你在这里的生活让你忘记了你应该如何和我说话.我需要再管教你一次吗?" (Looks like your life has made you forget how you are supposed to talk to me. Do I need to discipline you again?"

"Don't fucking come near me or my brother." I cut the phone and ran towards my brother. He is my family and I'll protect him with everything I've got. I reach the entrance of his room but it s strangely devoid of any sound. I go inside and see an image that will traumatize me for life.

Hello, I am back. My finals are over and I have plenty of time to write again. Don't worry I will be consistent throughout the summer. I honestly have no idea where I'm going right now with the story but I will continue to try and figure it out and I will be very happy with the reader's participation in this process. So any idea by any of you please leave in the comments.

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