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Jun pov

I wake up with the most killer headache ever. It feels like my whole head is gonna split. Before I can fully wake up, memories of how I reached here flood back. I sit up with a groan and my voice wakes up someone who was beside me. Their frantic voice was increasing my headache.

"Please don't talk so loud." My voice comes out as a very soft croak, surprising me. I'm usually too loud. After the inane amount of light had stopped it's assault on my senses, I saw that everyone was sitting there. Areum runs up in a flash and throws herself into me, knocking the wind out of me.

"Areum, don't jump on him. Dada is not well." Wonwoo's words are scolding but his voice is gentle. He tries to get her down but I refuse to let her go. I've missed my daughter too much. I almost lost everyone I loved and it felt great to hold her. Eventually, I nestle her down next to me and see there's another hospital bed.

"Seungcheol hyung arranged for it. He wanted to be beside you and also wanted you to see the baby." I try to get up before being firmly backed down by literally 10 pair of hands. 

"Don't worry. We'll bring her here." Seungcheol hyung walks over with his baby. She looks just like him.

"Hyung she looks just like you. Except her..."

"Eyes." Everyone choruses together and I look up.

"We've heard from all the guys, the doctor as well as all the nurses who have come to look after you and Cheollie." Jeonghan hyung clarifies. His face is beaming with happiness.

"Don't forget the residents and fellows." Channie adds.

"Yes of course." Seungcheol hyung says.

"What's her name? Have you guys decided?" I ask them.

"Dasom. Yoon Dasom."

"That's great."

Seokmin pov

I was really happy for my brother. I really was. But the revelations about my own failed relationship kept haunting me. I went to visit Minghao. He was awake and fully conscious. I felt a little guilty as everyone had been so busy with Jun hyung and Seungcheol hyung that almost all of us forgot about him.

"Oh Seokmin-a you're here?" He sounds energetic.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?" I sit down next to the bed.

"Like complete crap actually." 



"I heard about why you broke up with me." Complete silence fills the room for a minute. I had never felt so suffocated in my life. The silence was heavy and awkward for both of us. He finally breaks the silence.

"How come?"

"That's not really relevant, is it?"

"What is then?"

"Whether it's true or not?"

Another heavy silence fills the room.

"How's my older brother?" He asks after sometime.

"Oh so we are going with the ignore it strategy. Your brother is good and Seungcheol hyung had his daughter. He named her Dasom."

"I'm not ignoring it. You've already heard it all anyways so what do you want me to say?" He sounds a little agitated.

"In your words, I wanna know what happened." I look down to my hands instead of him.

"I fell in love with Jihoon hyung. Irrevocably in love actually." Even though I knew this, hearing it from him made me feel a thousand times worse.

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