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Seungcheol Pov

I start to head to maths class when I see seokmin on the floor, bleeding and gasping for breath. I run towards him,pushing everyone on the way. When I reach him,my heart breaks. He is bleeding profusely from his nose and there were several cuts on his lips and cheek. I make him stand up and take him to the nearest empty classroom. As I start to leave to get the first aid kit,minghao runs in with a first aid kit. I slump down near the gate while minghao tries to get seokmin to remove his shirt. I start to cry and seokmin sees me. He comes sits,wincing slightly as he does.

'What are you doing? Go get your first aid done.' I try to say while hiding my face. 

'Come on look up. Don't hide your face.' He forces my jaw up and I look up to his smiling face.

'Hyung, I don't get mind getting beaten up. You are my brother. I'm willing to do anything it takes to keep you from being hurt.' saying this I break out in a fresh stream of sobs. He holds me without complaining. 'I will never let you get beaten up again.' I say in my strongest voice. He smiles and finally gives in to minghao and removes his shirt.

'You know if you wanted to see me shirtless that bad I would have removed it ages ago.' seokmin smirks while minghao goes all sassy

'You wish minnie.' We stay there for that period and we go for our respective classes. I go to my locker to pick up my books with one person in my head

Yoon Jeonghan

Jeonghan pov

I'm standing near my locker when I hear some freshmen tell seungcheol that he will fight my gang. It was such a ridiculous thought. I turn to my brother chan and ask him about that dude.

'His name is Lee Seokmin. He is very smart but a nerdy  person to be honest.' chan tells me and goes back to his conversation with junnie. That seokmin dude starts to head my way. As he crosses me, I grab him and throw him towards the locker.

'So you really think you can take me on.' and with that I start kicking him while wonwoo comes in with his knife. He starts to make thin little cuts on his face while I kick him. When we are done,just as we start to admire our handiwork,seungcheol come and takes him with him. He throws a glare at me and then continue to walk to an empty classroom. I continue my way to my class but halfway decide to go to the roof for a cigarette. I walk up the stairs and give the rusty door a gentle push and walk out. I sit down and light a cigarette. My mind is filled with one thought as I sit there

Choi Seungcheol

Seungcheol pov

School ends and I meet soonyoung,jihoon,seungkwan,mingyu,seokmin,minghao on the bus top. We all sit down on the bus and everyone fusses over seokmin. He waves everyone with a smile. I say nothing the whole way. The bus stops and all of us get out. While everyone stays ahead fussing over him, I stay behind. It's too hard for me to face him. We reach our building and seungkwan,mingyu,seokmin and mighao say goodbye to us. We walk up and suddenly jihoon says

'It's not your fault seung. Seokmin made his own decision.' I try not to cry and keep looking down. I head towards my home and see my landlord sitting on the doorsteps.

'Choi seungcheol, you haven't paid rent for 2 months now. When are you giving me my rent?'

'I'm trying but covering it alone is pretty hard you know?' I try to plead with him but he dosen't  change his mind.

'Hardly matters to me. I want my rent by the end of this month.' 

'Yes.' and he leaves. Just when I think my life cannot get any worse It does.

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