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Jihoon pov

"Hi Soonyoung" I can hear him smile right now.

"May I come in?" 

"Sure." I open the door and we squeeze our way through to make to the sofa.

"Anything to drink?" I ask.

"Just tea." I'm surprised but make the tea and sit down with him.

"How have you been Jihoon?" The question makes me pause. I try to say fine but I just can't. I have been miserable without him. I hadn't a proper relationship and I live in a house which is as big as an attic.

"Well you can see." 

"Jihoon I'm here to say sorry." I say nothing but gesture him to continue.

"Jihoon after you left, I lived terribly. To be honest I lived like that even when I was with you. A year after you left, I decided to get better. I was an alcoholic and you had to suffer because of that. I started to go to AA meetings and I stopped drinking. I wish I can go back in time and change everything I've done. But I can't. So I'm here to make amends." He is on his knees and crying. I was so angry with him years ago but I was fine now. I just realized I wasn't.

"Jihoon I want a second chance. Just as a friend. I wanna be your friend. I swear I'm a changed man now. Please."

"I'm sorry Soonyoung but I can't do that right now. I thought I had healed from the wounds you caused me but I'm not. Let's do that when I actually forgive you." He looks upset but accepts this with resignation.

"It's okay Jihoon. I understand that I caused you pain. Please take as much time as you need. It's okay even if you decide to never forgive me." He stands up and takes leave. I'm left alone in an apartment as empty as my heart.

Seungcheol pov

Jeonghan and I are working on some mortgage stuff. 

"I had to tell him now." I thought to myself. But I just couldn't do it. This wasn't in the plan. What will I do now? What if he is upset? What if he leaves me? 

"I'm craving some chimaek(Chicken+Beer). Do you want some?" Jeonghan asks me.


"Cheollie is anything up? You look really worried about something." 

"It was now or never"

"I'm pregnant Hannie." There is nothing except the ticking of clock and the breaking of the glass.

"You are what?" 

"Pregnant." The silence is killing me. I cannot figure out whether he is happy or not as his back is facing me.

"We are gonna have a baby?" He asks again.

"We are." He turns around and his face breaks into the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"I love you Cheollie." He gives me a hug which nearly knocks me off my feet.

"I cannot breathe Hannie." He immediately releases me and looks worried.

"Oh my god what if I just did something to the baby?" I couldn't help but squish his cheeks.

"The baby is fine." We sit down on the couch to make plans.

"How far along are you?"

"Like 3 weeks."

"How are we gonna manage the finances?" 

"Hannie." I hold his hand before continuing. "We'll manage everything. If I could manage to put 10 people through college, we can do this." 

"I'm gonna be a dad." 

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