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Minghao pov

It was 12'o clock midnight already but sleep would not come to at all. My conversation with Seokmin kept coming back to me.

A few hours back

"What about you?" I shoot back.

"What about me?" He looks a bit flustered

"Are you still in love with me?"

"Of course I'm still in love with you. I've been in love with you since high school and I still love you. A lot." 

I was very taken aback by his response. It was a long while before I could form a reply.

"Then why did you let me go so easily?"

"Because I thought you weren't happy with me. Minghao-ya I love you a lot you know. Because I love you so much, I thought since you're unhappy with me, I should let you go. Since you may find your happiness with someone else. I never wanted to keep you with me just because it would make me happy."

Another silence fills us.

"This time let me ask you something." He suddenly says

"Sure I guess."

"Why am I still your emergency contact? It's been so long since we broke up." 

 I maintain my silence.

"If you don't wanna answer this one, that's fine. But I will not leave without the answer to this one. Are you still in love with Jihoon hyung?" 

I knew Seokmin enough. He was sweet but could be very stubborn when he wanted to be. I knew he really wouldn't really leave till I told him.

"No, I'm not. But looking back, I don't think I was ever in love with him." 

This time he is the one rendered speechless. He looks confused so I plough on, hoping he'll understand me.

"He was helpless and I was with him the entire time. I was his rock for a lack of better word. I think I got attached to him as a caretaker and thought I was in love with him." He mulls over the words.

"But Minnie, let me make the effort this time." He looks up, confused.

"I like you Minnie. A lot actually. I've been thinking about confessing for a while actually but never got the nerve. But as I lay hurt on the road, your face came to my mind and I felt a lot of regret."

His face gets a very strange look. I don't know how he is feeling at this stage. 

"But what if you start liking someone else again? Or in this case, think you like someone again. What do I do then? I really like you. Love you actually but I can't do this to myself again. Please let me be selfish for once."

Flashback done

I didn't know what to do so I went to the people who have always given me right advice on what to do.

Seungcheol pov

I wake up once I hear the sound of our ward opening. I look over at Jun and see the sheer terror and panic on his face. The light is quickly switched on to reveal Minghao.

"Minghao-ya." Jun cries with relief as Minghao runs over and carefully hugs Junnie to ensure that he dosen't press something the wrong way. After untangling from his brother 5 minutes later, he runs over to hug me. I let his familiar scent from his shower gel take over my senses. After the day we've had, a touch of familiarity is just what I needed.

"How are you Ming-Ming?" He settles down at my bed.

"I need help. Advice rather."

Chan pov

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