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Minghao pov

I could hear a jumble of voices. They were all too hazy for me to make out anything. I tried to reply but no sound came out of me. My arm felt like it was made of iron. Everything felt really heavy.

"Junnie you have to eat something. You haven't eaten the whole day." I can hear Jeonghan hyung's voice.

"NO. I wanna stay beside him." I try to tell him to eat but nothing happens. My eyes just refuse to open. I feel frustrated because I cannot tell him that I'm fine he should just go eat. I try to speak up but exhaustion takes over and I fall into sleep once more.

Soonyoung pov

I wake up and see myself in a hospital. Jihoon is lying down next to me.


"Shhh." He puts his finger on my lips.

"It's a dream Just close your eyes Soonie." I close my eyes once more. When I wake up, he is gone and I'm lying down alone in a bed in the E.R.

"Hyung, you are awake." I look up and it's Chan.

"Channie. Why am I in the hospital?"

"You fainted due to stress during work. Seokmin hyung brought you here."

"How is Minghao?"

"Well he is alive for now."

"But that makes it sound like....." I don't finish my words but he guesses them.

"I mean that's just how it is."

"When can I leave? I wanna see Minghao."

"The doctor said you can leave once you get up." Chan barely finishes the sentence and I throw my sheets and stand up, ready to leave. As we take the elevator up, I ask Chan another question.

"Is Jihoon here?"

"Yeah. He went to check on you and stayed for a while. He's upstairs now."

So it wasn't a dream.

"How are the others? Who all are here?"

"Everybody.Jun and Seokmin hyung haven't left his bedside at all. I have never seen Seokmin hyung so broken in my life."

"That's because they love each other but they have been apart for a long time. I never understood why they broke up in the first place."

"I do."

"What happened?"

"He fell in love with Jihoon hyung."

4 years ago

Minghao pov

Jihoon hyung was living with me since he came back from Busan. Seokmin had picked me up for a date but I couldn't focus on anything he was saying. I was wondering if Jihoon hyung had eaten. He couldn't cook that well.



"Did you hear a thing I just said?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

"I'll drop you home then." I nearly skipped all the way to the car and never have I asked someone to drive so fast.

"Bye Hao-ya." He leans in but I rush off home and don't even turn to look back at him. I nearly knock Jihoon hyung over who was in the kitchen making a mess.

"Sorry Minghao. I'm just really bad at cooking."

"No problem hyung." I take over the cooking and he just sits on the counter,watching me. I felt my face becoming a bit red.

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